In my view, the only thing wrong about it is the "it serves you right" mentality, which I do NOT condone. It seems like you're still attached to a view of divine punishment, which is not the case. If you slip, you fall. It's not a punishment, and you don't fall because you "deserve" to fall...
I never said it was easy, only that it was possible. :emojconfused: Now, while one can definitely improve their circunstances on their own (even if it takes countless lifetimes), it's a little easier if you get help. That's why I believe helping people in need is a must for everyone who is able...
I'm sorry it came across like that - I need to learn how to express myself better. It can be empowering if you focus on the "I can change my future circunstances if I make good choices now" part of it.
Well, I believe being born into crappy circunstances is a direct result of our past lives' choices. You drink too much? You'll probably be born with a liver problem in your next life. You're a violent person? You'll probably be born among violent people in your next life. It's action-reaction...
Life never sets us up to fail - because "life" doesn't have a mind of its own. I think you're looking at it from a theistic perspective, which doesn't apply. There's no mastermind here but yourself. If we "fail", that's enterily our doing. And yes, we have to keep doing it. Until we learn what...
Punished? I never said anything about punishment. It's just that, after you die, you'll still be you. With the same pains, the same problems. You fail Life 101, you have to take the course again... from the start. There's no dropping school here.
There were times when I couldn't care very much whether I lived or died, but I have never actually planned suicide, mostly because of my strong belief in reincarnation. I believe that taking your own (current) life accomplishes nothing - not only it would not make you feel better, but it also...
I believe our lives are planned by ourselves, theists and atheists alike. Everything that happens to us is a direct result of our choices (in this life or in previous ones). We are not the victims of chance, or at the mercy of God/gods. It's time we take responsibility for our actions, words and...
I don't mean to offend anyone, but the existence of "Creationists" in this day and age really baffles me. :flushed:
It's like having a cult that denies that Ancient Romans and Ancient Greeks ever existed (please tell me there's no such cult...).
I know all that. As I said, I have no secular arguments against destroying embryos. If you want to dismiss the spiritual part of my argument, there's no contest - you win. :)
See, my problem starts with the developing embryos part.
Semantics is important. "Evil", to me, implies an absolute truth, while "unethical", implies something inherently attached to our times and culture.
I don't believe plants have individual, fully-functioning souls, so it shouldn't matter...
I feel drawn to Druidry, but I can't but help but feel it would be somewhat dishonest to adhere to a 'label' so far from my cultural and biological heritage.
If you're a Pagan, what's your opinion on this? Should one's background matter? If so, how much?
1) Which embryos? As far as I know, embryos in general don't spontaneously emerge out of nowhere. You have to cause two gametes to come together.
2) There's no such thing as "evil".
3) I don't think is very ethical to sacrifice any living being without their consent "for the good of mankind".
Note: Not all stem cell research involves embryos.
As for destroying any embryos for research (human or otherwise), I believe it is to be avoided. The reason is my belief that a new soul starts attaching itself to a body soon after fecundation. It's not as bad a killing a fully developed fetus...
Well, it can be taught, but personally I believe that what you learn through intellect is not enough to really know the Truth. It's like reading a music sheet and listening to music. To really understand, you need both.