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  1. S

    What gets you back on track?

    I try once again to master the salat if it's near prayer time. Otherwise I read the Qur'an. Going to Soul Desires really helps, too, to be honest. I'm not kidding, either! It's really that good of a bookstore.
  2. S

    Hi again

    Yeah, it's a few blocks away from the Blue Barn theater, if that helps. 1026 Jackson Street. Hope to see you there sometime. :)
  3. S

    Hi again

    I think my Islam is more a universal brand, but the practices are definitely Sunni (five pillars of belief except six, for example). Sufism is a beautiful form of Islam that I have yet to fully explore. For now, I will simply continue performing the salat whenever I can and carrying out the...
  4. S

    Hi again

    Well, I bought a copy of the Qur'an from a spiritual bookstore here in Omaha called Soul Desires. If you live in or near Omaha, perhaps you've heard of it. A really nice, family-run place that feels holy. I mean, literally, walk in there, and you feel it. It permeates the place. Anyway, I had...
  5. S

    Hi again

    Well, I'm reintroducing myself, seeing as I have not been on here in a month of Sundays. I originally came on here professing a Gnostic faith, but that is no longer the case. To tell you the truth, I converted to Islam, and I'm a Muslim. It's nice to 'see' all of you again. Hopefully I will be a...
  6. S

    Why Islam? Stories of New Muslims

    I am actually considering converting to Islam, too. I use a copy of the Qu'ran published by islamusa.com (the Noor Foundation). Is this a good translation? I bet you guys forgot about me, huh? Sorry for the long absence! :D
  7. S

    Have you ever converted from one religion/belief to another, and if so, why?

    I used to call myself Gnostic, but now i'm more an agnostic. The really funny thing is, everybody talks about soul searching and looking for God, and I'm not even sure if they exist! I quote Carl Sagan's novel, Contact: "There's significant evidence that God does exist ... and there's...
  8. S

    At Sacred Texts

    Do we really know what the Gnostics were, then? Playing devil's advocate.
  9. S

    Your ethnic background

    English, Italian, Dutch, Polish.
  10. S

    One world religion?

    There's an interesting phrase related to this discussion: allophile. (wikipedia again). Allophilia is positive feelings for a group that is not one's one. Tolerance simply means that religions still harbor feelings of dislike for one another, but they allow each other to exist. So, instead of a...
  11. S

    One world religion?

    Care to elaborate? I mean, in some ways, I agree with you, but, well, why?
  12. S

    One world religion?

    Intriguing me of late, I want to see what you think. Is there any possibility of a unified one world religion? What would it look like? Feel like? Be like? What scriptures/rituals/prayers/etc. would it use? I think it's a good idea if it's implemented correctly, that is, not used as a...
  13. S

    Modern Gnosticism

    Great, welcome indeed! I tend to view the miracles as metaphors, although I have to admit, that would be SO COOL if we could do that!
  14. S

    A Possible Origin of Levitical Condemnation of Homosexuality

    Hmm, maybe. Never considered it like that. Wonder if yours was the primary reason and mine (if it happened) just reinforced it? Don't know.
  15. S

    A Possible Origin of Levitical Condemnation of Homosexuality

    Sorry if something like this has been posted before, but this is an idea that has crossed my mind recently. For Christians out there, this could be a bit problematic for them as my idea is based on secular higher criticism of the Bible, so bear with me. For the rest of you, let's dive right in...
  16. S

    What is the weirdest thing that happened to you that might be biblical.

    Oh, I was well-aware. I first mentioned it in the second post in my introductory thread. Definitely well-aware . . . but it was on some order of freakiness, let me tell you! :)
  17. S

    Does Your Name Reveal Your Sexual Identity?

    -M- You are emotional and intense. When involved in a relationship, you throw your entire being into it. Nothing stops you; there are no holds barred. You are all consuming and crave someone who is equally passionate and intense. You believe in total sexual freedom. You are willing to try...
  18. S

    Where are you on the political compass?

    Economic Left/Right: -6.25 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.74 I used to be some thing like: Economic Left/Right: -8.5 something Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -9 something For a while, I counted myself socialist in my views, but I'm more libertarian now. (I don't actually use those...
  19. S

    Hymn of the Pearl

    Yeah, that's what I was thinking. There's so many ways of interpreting Gnostic texts; it's one of the things I really like about them.