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Search results

  1. JACC2312

    Why No Major Western Religions?

    There are very Few independent centers on the surface of the World where Civilization developed from primitive societies to Cities and Jerarchy, China, India, Mezopotamia, Egypt, Mexico and Perú, the rest of the World learned from this Centers. In these territories Primitive peoples learned to...
  2. JACC2312

    Why did you become christian?

    He is a person, Be careful with your statements on the Holy Spirit, the only sin which is not forgetable is the Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. The teaching here is that the Holy Spirit Is also Shared by The Lord Jesus, The Holy Spirit is the spirit of The Father and the Son, and Proceeds...
  3. JACC2312

    Why did you become christian?

    You are Cherry Picking from the Bible, Please Go to John 20:21 - 23 {20:21} Therefore, he said to them again: “Peace to you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” {20:22} When he had said this, he breathed on them. And he said to them: “Receive the Holy Spirit. {20:23} Those whose sins...
  4. JACC2312

    A few questions for Christians and others interested in commenting

    Jesus saying about himself the title of God: John 8:28 & 58 About the Unity between the Lord Jesus and The Father, John 14:8-10 About the Revelation of The Lord Jesus on the Relation of The father, The Son and the Holy Spirit: John 14:14-21
  5. JACC2312

    A few questions for Christians and others interested in commenting

    The Council of Nicea was to address an important issue happening in the Eastern Church, Arrianism, a Doctrine that denied the Divinity of Jesus and stated by Arrius a cleric of the Church of Alexandria, he basically stated that Jesus was not of the same substance of God the Father but of a...
  6. JACC2312

    Why did you become christian?

    The answer is in a deep reflexion on John 17. There is a difference between the world and the ones that the Holy Spirit have called to the Flock of the Lord, we want God's will to be done, that is the way we subject ourselves to His Realm but not all in the world want to be subjected to God's...
  7. JACC2312

    The Next Pope

    To Reopen his case for Finally to get judged is not protection, on the other Hand, We almost act as if the Holy See could kidnap someone in any country or continent to injail them in the Castel saint Angelo. We seem to forget that the Vatican has very limited powers on maters of Civil Justice...
  8. JACC2312

    Why Jews don't believe in Jesus

    I am a Mexican heir of Spanish Catholic Tradition, I was kidding on my self
  9. JACC2312

    Why Jews don't believe in Jesus

    Let us review your Arguments and respond Mostly with the Old Testament. Jesus is Descendant from Judah Matthew 1:1-16 In Fact the Temple had to be Destroyed after the Jews rejected the Messiah: Daniel 9:25-27 The Jews were already scatered when Jesus was in this world. The New Testament...
  10. JACC2312

    The Next Pope

    All The apostles, All the church fathers All the Relics, and evidence of the Life of the Lord Jesus Christ are in the Catholic Church, there is no other comunity that can prove its Apostolic Origin as the Church, the Catholic, can.
  11. JACC2312

    Christians Only: Should we have denominations in Christianity?

    Unfortunatelly denominations are means of differentiation between streams of understanding and interpetation of the Revelation. and they are important because lay people can't go through the knowledge of all the belief system of each one community, for Catholics for Example it is very important...
  12. JACC2312

    The Next Pope

    On the Contrary Pope Francis does not deny the Existance of Sin, in fact Pope Francis has Clearly stated "Yes homosexuality is not a Crime it is a Sin but also Lack of Charity is a Sin and how are you doing on that". And he is clearly Quoting The Lord, who clearly stated that the Final...
  13. JACC2312


    Genesis 1:1-3 1.In the beginning God created heaven and earth. 2.Now the earth was a formless void, there was darkness over the deep, with a divine wind sweeping over the waters. 3.God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. God Creates (The Father) through his Word "GOD SAID" (The...
  14. JACC2312


    Daniel 7:9-14 9.While I was watching, thrones were set in place and one most venerable took his seat. His robe was white as snow, the hair of his head as pure as wool. His throne was a blaze of flames, its wheels were a burning fire. 10.A stream of fire poured out, issuing from his presence. A...
  15. JACC2312


    No, In fact the very Genesis clearly states that "At The BEGINNING" God SAID "Let there be light" so God's Word is the mean of Creation, God the Father is The ALMIGHTY WILL, he the Father is not a lonely being he has his Eternal Son, The Son, His Word, incarnated in the Time as Jesus Our Lord...
  16. JACC2312

    What is Evil?

    Evil origin is Egolatry, to put oneself as ultimate judge of morality of our Acts, that is the Original Sin in fact, Dissobedience.
  17. JACC2312

    Why did you become christian?

    My Mom and Dad are catholics :p I am Catholic by birth, but then I studied Apologetics and compared to other religions and variations of christianity and learned to respect them but got absolutely convinced that Catholicism is the True Religion.
  18. JACC2312

    On the trinity

    Matthew 28:19 {28:19} Therefore, go forth and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, John 15:26 {15:26} But when the Advocate has arrived, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, he...
  19. JACC2312

    Well just take into account that English is not my primary language and thus I lack of mastery...

    Well just take into account that English is not my primary language and thus I lack of mastery on it.
  20. JACC2312

    The Next Pope

    Matthew 9, 12- 13 {9:12} But Jesus, hearing this, said: “It is not those who are healthy who are in need of a physician, but those who have maladies. {9:13} So then, go out and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the just, but sinners.”