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  1. sayak83

    Against Scientific Materialism

    This is a very interesting essay on the problems inherent in the stance of scientific materialism as a comprehensive worldview. Please read it and comment or rebut. Would be a good starting point for a debate or discussion. :) I am quoting relevant section from the first part of the essay. The...
  2. J

    Is the moon getting nearer ?

    As the Earth gains more mass each year it gains gravitational strength , is the moon going to be pulled to Earth and inevitably enter the atmosphere becoming a catastrophic event and the end of human civilization ?
  3. questfortruth

    Flat Earth Society and Earth Globe: How to refute Globe?

    Team Flat are followers of Flat shape of Earth, team Globe are followers of Globe (like sphere) shape of Earth. 1. The unshakable method of science sounds like "Science is refutable." Details: Falsifiability - Wikipedia 2. You (team Flat) wish to refute team Globe. 3. If team Globe is...
  4. questfortruth

    Dark Force or Flat Earth?!

    Two pebbles (small stones), which fly in a circle around the Sun, form a segment (straight line) that turns its direction relatively to distant stars: the segment for the annual period will not be directed to the area of the same star. Why is the axis of the Earth for the year period almost does...
  5. questfortruth

    How gravity waves collision makes a black hole?

    Sources: Gravitational Waves Pose a Bizarre New Threat That Could Destroy Earth [1807.11562] Black Hole Formation from the Collision of Plane-Fronted Gravitational Waves Problem: Gravitational waves are flying in the vacuum. Because are vacuum solutions of General Relativity, Black Holes...
  6. questfortruth

    It is time to revise the Methodology of Science

    Let us assume, that Y-Chromosomal Adam lived 600 years before the Mitochondrial Eve was born. But the female ancestor of that Eve lived also 600 years before the Mitochondrial Eve. Do you follow, or it is way too complicated? According to Wikipedia, there is non-zero probability, that...
  7. questfortruth

    Cleansing the Definition of Science

    The words "Science is a system of knowledge obtained by scientific methods" is tautology. After all, scientific methods are the section of science "Methodology". Here, in Theology, one of the methods is reading the Bible and prayer (cleansing the mind). Therefore, you can reduce: "Science is...
  8. Dawnofhope

    Should there be harmony between science and religion?

    When should science be chosen over religion? If science has one conclusion and religion has another at what point do we accept science over religion? One view is that we should always believe science, even if it contradicts our most cherished religious beliefs. Another perspective is we should...
  9. questfortruth

    Adam and Eve are in devorce, so it is time to revise the Methodology of Science

    The author has completed school with Gold Medal, the Tartu University with Cum Laude, was published in top academic journals, including Physical Review, was university lector, first part of the CV is in etis.ee {abstract} I have presented PhDs my Theology Journal papers, but they were not...
  10. W3bcrowf3r

    How can we be sure that there is a God? Lets use evidence instead of wanting Him to be there.

    I read the Quran, Gospel, Tora and i am reading the Avesta, and doing research about the Vedas. In the Quran there is are verses about science which i wonder how they could be written 1400 years ago. These verses are being proved to be true in just the last 200 years. For example, a prophecy...
  11. leroy

    A simple case for intelligent design

    People tend to complicate things, but the concept of inteligetn design (as proposed by Behe, Demski and many others) is very simple and easy to understand. The theory of ID is based on 2 premises 1 Intelligent design is detectable: there are objective ways to detect design, this is...
  12. questfortruth

    The famous Scientists are too busy to answer common people. What if they organise the paid letters?

    CV: "author in Physical Review E and European Physical Journal B, got Grants and won Prizes." The famous Scientists are too busy to answer common people. What if they organise the paid correspondence? Take for example the Dr. Michio Kaku - the front cover face of modern Science. He keeps...
  13. leroy

    What is Evolution? Lets define it

    As many of you have noticed evolution is an "umbrella word" which means that it has many definitions. In the context of biology it usually means one of three things. 1 that organisms change and adapt 2 that we all share a common ancestor 3 that Darwinian mechanisms (mutations, natural...
  14. questfortruth

    Moderator of Sci-forum, can we talk of God already? 67 God-papers in arXiv!

    Look for Name “God” and the divine thing “Free Will” in arxiv.org search engine. 67! Is persecution against Creationists over? So soon? It definitely looks like political climate has been drastically changed. Has even been for the Dr. Steven Hawking the final church ceremony. Then tell me again...
  15. GoldenEye

    Old Earth vs Young Earth Debate

    I would like to see how many of our users here believe in which theory (old earth or young earth) and why. What are the core issues in the debate between old earth and young earth? Do you believe the earth was created in 7 days? Give your argument for or against.
  16. Dawnofhope

    The Islamic Golden Age - Origins and Influences

    The Islamic Golden Age witnessed outstanding levels of scientific, cultural, and economic developments during the 8th to 14th centuries. The House of Wisdom was established in Baghdad, a city that was to become a great centre of learning, arguably unrivalled by other civilisations during this...
  17. stvdv

    How science is part of God

    How science is part of God One attribute of God is Omniscience = Omni Science When science sees that God is Omni Science Maybe it is easier to accept God as part of their research Not only a Part but a Major Part, being "Omni Science" So atheists and scientists can embrace God So theists can...
  18. CLee421

    Science and the Bible

    'THE BIBLE AND SCIENCE DON'T COINCIDE!' Below are some reasons why I disagree with the statement above :) Share thoughts - be kind. EARTH'S SPHERICAL SHAPE (Isaiah 40:22)“It is He who sits above the circle of the earth” Discovery Claim: Pythagorus proposed that the Earth was round...
  19. stvdv

    Can Science/HumanMind ever prove God/Truth?

    24 jun 2018 stvdv 012 55 Below is hypothetical: a)God exists + b)God is the source of All and Everything [to keep it simple] Can science ever fully understand God, so prove the truth about (non)existence of God Can humans ever fully understand God, so prove the truth about (non)existence of God...
  20. nPeace

    Where Do You Put Your Faith?

    Everyone wants to live and enjoy life right? Who doesn't enjoy eating an apple, or mango, or grape, or....? The things on this earth that can satisfy man, are almost endless, and the beauty about is is that we never tire of those things - They always seem fresh, and the experience always seem...