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‘Jesus was WITH GOD’ therefore Jesus WAS GOD?


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
GINOLJC, to all.
again, we disagree. he is saying exactly what the Lord Jesus said while in a body of flesh with blood as well as in a body without blood. so you're reproved there.

so, you reject the TRUTH, because the Lord Jesus is the Father, the Ordinal First..... (smile).

No, it's Good maybe not for you.... (smile).

all relevant, did you not READ?

who said it was a spirit who met Saul on the road to Damascus?

it do..... just not for you? (smile).

let's check the record, from the LIPS of Jesus. in response to what Saul, now Paul asked, "Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest. the Lord is Jesus and Lord here is God, and there is only "ONE" God. but did not Psalms 110:1 say, "A Psalm of David. The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool."

here we have "LORD", all Cap, and we know that this is the Father correct. but what about the "Lord?", yes the same one person who is the Father, only to come in a flesh and bone body... with and without blood. well what do you mean 101G? if one just read a few verse down to verse 5, the same Lord who sits at the "LORD", all cap, right is the same "Lord" in verse 1. now the definition of "Lord" in verse 5.

Lord: H136 אֲדֹנָי 'Adonay (ad-o-noy') n-m.
1. (meaning) Lord (used as a proper name of God only).
2. (person) Adonai, The Lord God of Israel (which is actually “Yahweh God of Israel” - see Exodus 5:1 and 120 other occurrences).
[am emphatic form of H113]
KJV: (my) Lord.
Root(s): H113

did you see it? definition #2. now look just below it "[am emphatic form of H113]" and what is H113? answer the "Lord" in verse 1...... (smile)... lol, lol, lol. Oh my this is just too easy not to understand.

the same "Lord" in verse 1. 5 but why is the Lord in verse 1 is Identified as H113 אָדוֹן 'adown (aw-done'), and the same "Lord" in verse 5 is Identified as H136 אֲדֹנָי 'Adonay (ad-o-noy'), which is the emphatic form of H113. so, why is that? 101G knows..... (smile). if one want to know just ask 101G, or go and find out on your own..... (smile). 101G just love this Word of God.

the proverb is correct, Proverbs 25:2 "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." so, if you're a king ..... IN CHRIST JESUS, then search out the matter, 101G did, and got the answer. so what are you going to do?


ps we suggest you re-read this post for clarity and edification.
LORD’ is not a ‘proper-NAME’.

LORD’ is not even a TITLE. It’s a SUBSTITUTE WORD for the NAME of the one true God of the Israelites.

In respect of the ‘Substitute word’. The scripture translators could have chosen ANY word as a substitute for ‘YHWH’. They could, for instance, have used ‘El El’, or ‘YAH’ or ‘ADONAI’… in fact any combination of letters that alludes to one of mightiness.

But they chose ‘LORD’ since it conveniently confuses with ‘Lord’, which, of course IS ‘ADONAI’…!!!!

It is to be noted that ‘LORD’ is not to be re-translated into anything. It should only ever be REPLACED with the proper-name ‘YHWH’, which is the NAME of the God of the Israelites.

Therefore ‘LORD’ and ‘Lord’ are not related titles, names, or terms.

Lord’ just means like ‘Master’, ‘Teacher’, ‘a revered person’. It is also used as an emphasis, as a multiplier of such reverence, so ‘Lord God’ or ‘Lord YHWH’, emphasises the mightiness of ‘GOD’ (by title), of ‘YHWH’ (by name).


Active Member
YHWH ‘poured out His spirit’ onto the man, Jesus, to make him ‘Christ’.
No, Saul of Tarsus invented “Christ”, and then made it one and the same with Jesus. Saul, despite all the remonstrations of being a “Pharisee”, was an utterly Hellenized Jew who seems to have not gotten along or agreed with the original Jewish followers of Jesus at all, either in doctrine or lifestyle.
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Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
yes, for there are two death, one of the flesh, and the other of the Soul. listen and Learn, THE FIRST DEATH, James 2:26 "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." what is DEAD? answer the Body, NOT the spirit, nor the Soul, but the BODY.

the SECOND DEATH. Ezekiel 18:4 "Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die." now, did the Lord Jesus sin? answer NO ..... hello, but did he not die on the cross... yes in flesh because of the blood loss. but don he LIVE, or as one say ... "Continue", yes, because he never stop living. only the temporary body he made in the woman ceased to live.... (smile), Oh this is just too easy.

so, God died a NATURAL DEATH, his body died, not his soul, nor his spirit, only his body died, which is necessary to obtain the GLORIFIED body he has today... (smile)...hello, are you getting this? View attachment 77048

Always REMEMBER there are two death......

Did you answer my question:
Did God [YHWH] die at any time’?

Let me add some context:
Did God [YHWH] say:
  • I am he who was dead, but am now alive forevermore!


Well-Known Member
GINOLJC, to all.
again, we disagree. he is saying exactly what the Lord Jesus said while in a body of flesh with blood as well as in a body without blood. so you're reproved there.

so, you reject the TRUTH, because the Lord Jesus is the Father, the Ordinal First..... (smile).

No, it's Good maybe not for you.... (smile).

all relevant, did you not READ?

who said it was a spirit who met Saul on the road to Damascus?

it do..... just not for you? (smile).

let's check the record, from the LIPS of Jesus. in response to what Saul, now Paul asked, "Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest. the Lord is Jesus and Lord here is God, and there is only "ONE" God. but did not Psalms 110:1 say, "A Psalm of David. The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool."

here we have "LORD", all Cap, and we know that this is the Father correct. but what about the "Lord?", yes the same one person who is the Father, only to come in a flesh and bone body... with and without blood. well what do you mean 101G? if one just read a few verse down to verse 5, the same Lord who sits at the "LORD", all cap, right is the same "Lord" in verse 1. now the definition of "Lord" in verse 5.

Lord: H136 אֲדֹנָי 'Adonay (ad-o-noy') n-m.
1. (meaning) Lord (used as a proper name of God only).
2. (person) Adonai, The Lord God of Israel (which is actually “Yahweh God of Israel” - see Exodus 5:1 and 120 other occurrences).
[am emphatic form of H113]
KJV: (my) Lord.
Root(s): H113

did you see it? definition #2. now look just below it "[am emphatic form of H113]" and what is H113? answer the "Lord" in verse 1...... (smile)... lol, lol, lol. Oh my this is just too easy not to understand.

the same "Lord" in verse 1. 5 but why is the Lord in verse 1 is Identified as H113 אָדוֹן 'adown (aw-done'), and the same "Lord" in verse 5 is Identified as H136 אֲדֹנָי 'Adonay (ad-o-noy'), which is the emphatic form of H113. so, why is that? 101G knows..... (smile). if one want to know just ask 101G, or go and find out on your own..... (smile). 101G just love this Word of God.

the proverb is correct, Proverbs 25:2 "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." so, if you're a king ..... IN CHRIST JESUS, then search out the matter, 101G did, and got the answer. so what are you going to do?


ps we suggest you re-read this post for clarity and edification.

Cutting and pasting reams of unrelated inane gibberish from Fundamentalist apologist sites will not change the fact that Paul never met Jesus during his Ministry -- and his writings contain next to nothing about the life of Jesus.

What is preposterous idiocy .. is these clowns over at the "Got Questions" snake charmer site -- trying to claim that because Paul's vision said "I am Jesus" -- means that Jesus is "The Father" and then running to unrelated OT scripture . which mentions Jesus Zero times ..

Stop listening to the rantings of the deceiver .. are you blind ? --- did you think the False Prophet was going to show up with Horns and a Red Tail ?

You then have this moronic desperation .. juxtaposed to the hundred or so times where Jesus claims directly that he is not the Father. .. including his last words on the Cross "My God MY God -- Why have you forsaken me"

What God has forsaken Jesus .. or is this .. as you claim .. The Most High hanging on the Cross - forgetting who he is - in some masochistic state of delerium -- calling out to himself .. thinking he has forsaken himself.

What about "Please take this come from my hand if you can -- but do not my will, but yours" Turns out "The Fathers" will is different than Jesus.

Need to stop listening to these raving deceiving snake charmers and start learning to think for yourself my Friend.

Jesus is not "The Father" .. and The Idea that Paul has anything to say on the issue is raging falsehood.


Well-Known Member
let's get EDUCATED. God is the EQUAL "SHARE" of himself in the "ECHAD" of First and Last in "TIME", "PLACE", "ORDER", and or "RANK". one .. no ... two keywords. A. "Diversity". B. "ANOTHER", or as the Greeks say G243 Allos, or in Hebrew, H259 אֶחָד 'echad

this is the Last time I will post this for your Edification.

Holy upside down circular doublespeak .. "God is the Equal Share of Himself" --- followed by some unrelated Hebrew and Greek translations of an unrelated word.

Brother G -- you too are an equal share of yourself .. but that does not make you the Most High God .. KK ?


Well-Known Member
Did you answer my question:
Did God [YHWH] die at any time’?

Let me add some context:
Did God [YHWH] say:
  • I am he who was dead, but am now alive forevermore!

What an excellent observation -- and how shall the apologist explain away "Did God Die on the Cross that Day"

similar is God- in some state of masochistic extatic delerium and delusion- forgetting he is God. and start calling out to himself .. claiming that some God has forsaken him.

u are OK with being delusional, and having no credibility? well good, just stay as u are.

No need to run around calling names and projecting your failings onto others Brother G -- we are not talking about the delusions of the posters .. but this God Delusion .. where an immortal all powerful being dies ... forgets who he is .. in some kind of masochistic delusional delerium

I disagree with your portrayal of the Most High -- Sure She is not too fond of it either.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
Did you answer my question:
Did God [YHWH] die at any time’?

Let me add some context:
Did God [YHWH] say:
  • I am he who was dead, but am now alive forevermore!
Please treat 101G as one needing mental help. He is not in a proper mindset.

Humour him rather than rage at him.

You can already that he will never answer a question truthfully (in full truth without a hidden deceiving agenda!)


Well-Known Member
LORD’ is not a ‘proper-NAME’.

LORD’ is not even a TITLE. It’s a SUBSTITUTE WORD for the NAME of the one true God of the Israelites.
In respect of the ‘Substitute word’. The scripture translators could have chosen ANY word as a substitute for ‘YHWH’. They could, for instance, have used ‘El El’, or ‘YAH’ or ‘ADONAI’… in fact any combination of letters that alludes to one of mightiness.
personal opinion... trash can.
But they chose ‘LORD’ since it conveniently confuses with ‘Lord’, which, of course IS ‘ADONAI’…!!!!

It is to be noted that ‘LORD’ is not to be re-translated into anything. It should only ever be REPLACED with the proper-name ‘YHWH’, which is the NAME of the God of the Israelites.

Therefore ‘LORD’ and ‘Lord’ are not related titles, names, or terms.

Lord’ just means like ‘Master’, ‘Teacher’, ‘a revered person’. It is also used as an emphasis, as a multiplier of such reverence, so ‘Lord God’ or ‘Lord YHWH’, emphasises the mightiness of ‘GOD’ (by title), of ‘YHWH’ (by name).
101G has never see such GROSS incompetence in all his religious life.



Well-Known Member
Did you answer my question:
Did God [YHWH] die at any time’?

Let me add some context:
Did God [YHWH] say:
  • I am he who was dead, but am now alive forevermore!
I'll let you find my answer.



Well-Known Member
the fact that Paul never met Jesus during his Ministry -- and his writings contain next to nothing about the life of Jesus.
to You maybe. but Paul met the Lord before his ministry and after. Acts 23:10 "And when there arose a great dissension, the chief captain, fearing lest Paul should have been pulled in pieces of them, commanded the soldiers to go down, and to take him by force from among them, and to bring him into the castle." Acts 23:11 "And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome." xo, you're reproved.
What is preposterous idiocy .. is these clowns over at the "Got Questions" snake charmer site -- trying to claim that because Paul's vision said "I am Jesus" -- means that Jesus is "The Father" and then running to unrelated OT scripture . which mentions Jesus Zero times ..
well 101G ask you How many person of God is the First and the Last? if God the LORD, all cap say he is the First and the Last, and the Lord said he is the First and the Last then it's the same one person or you have two, count them 2 Gods. and this fact is throughout the bible.
Stop listening to the rantings of the deceiver
Ok, then I'll STOP right here.



Well-Known Member
Holy upside down circular doublespeak .. "God is the Equal Share of Himself" --- followed by some unrelated Hebrew and Greek translations of an unrelated word.

Brother G -- you too are an equal share of yourself .. but that does not make you the Most High God .. KK ?
Philippians 2:6 "Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:"
A. what is the Form of God? answer Spirit. now,
B. "to be equal with God:" not equal to God but "WITH" God meaning the same person.

if the Lord Jesus is equal with God ... then he's God. but if he's equal "TO" God then one has two separate and distinct God which is anti bible.
notice the difference between "TO" and "WITH". no one is EQUAL "TO" God but there is one EQUAL "WITH" God, his own ECHAD in "TIME", "PLACE", "ORDER", and "RANK. ... he himself. Oh this is too easy.


Well-Known Member
What an excellent observation -- and how shall the apologist explain away "Did God Die on the Cross that Day"

similar is God- in some state of masochistic extatic delerium and delusion- forgetting he is God. and start calling out to himself .. claiming that some God has forsaken him.


Well-Known Member
My Polish bro., this is not nice. I probably disagree with the fellow even more than you, but wouldn’t presume him to be moronic (and wouldn’t say it if I did). You know what is called for now…

Polish ?! .. close but no cigar :) .. my apologies for the minor lapse into depravity - even if warranted ..


Well-Known Member

Holy Carpe Dium Sire ..

yes, for there are two death, one of the flesh, and the other of the Soul. listen and Learn, THE FIRST DEATH, James 2:26 "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." what is DEAD? answer the Body, NOT the spirit, nor the Soul, but the BODY.
the SECOND DEATH. Ezekiel 18:4 "Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die." now, did the Lord Jesus sin? answer NO ..... hello, but did he not die on the cross... yes in flesh because of the blood loss. but don he LIVE, or as one say ... "Continue", yes, because he never stop living. only the temporary body he made in the woman ceased to live.... (smile), Oh this is just too easy.

so, God died a NATURAL DEATH, his body died, not his soul, nor his spirit, only his body died, which is necessary to obtain the GLORIFIED body he has today... (smile)...hello, are you getting this? View attachment 77048

Always REMEMBER there are two death......


Good grief this is hopelessly off the page. James is not talking about GOD Dying .. Ezekiel is not talking about God dying .. both are talking about Humans .. and somehow you conclude that because they are talking about humans dying .. that God must have died a natural death.

This is falsehood and deception friend - of the self ... need to stop parroting those fundamentalist snake charmer sites .. that stuff rots the brain mate.


Well-Known Member
to You maybe. but Paul met the Lord before his ministry and after. Acts 23:10 "And when there arose a great dissension, the chief captain, fearing lest Paul should have been pulled in pieces of them, commanded the soldiers to go down, and to take him by force from among them, and to bring him into the castle." Acts 23:11 "And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome." xo, you're reproved.

well 101G ask you How many person of God is the First and the Last? if God the LORD, all cap say he is the First and the Last, and the Lord said he is the First and the Last then it's the same one person or you have two, count them 2 Gods. and this fact is throughout the bible.

Ok, then I'll STOP right here.


Sorry Mate .. Paul does not speak for Jesus .. I let Jesus speak for Jesus .. and Jesus says he is not the Father.. and nor does Paul for that matter. so your completely hooped either way.

and you have completely avoided telling us how it is that - Jesus calls out to his God .. if this God is himself .. stating that his God forsook him. how it is that God and Jesus have two separate will's --- Jesus will was not to be a human sacrifice .. but The Father insisted on the Sacrifice of his son. .. Forsaking Jesus.

Did Jesus forget that he was God .. in some masochistic extacy ... Speak up Mr. Bible .. why are you so desperate to avoid the consequence of your own words ? Running from the words of Jesus .. cause they conflict with your man made dogma.

How is it that God knows things that Jesus does not .. such as the time and the Hour of the Apocalypse -- if they are one in the same.


Well-Known Member

personal opinion... trash can.

101G has never see such GROSS incompetence in all his religious life.

Cept when looking in mirror - but that is another story

The God of Abraham is EL -- The "Most High" El Elyon .. is EL ... God of the Mountain El Shaddai .. The Supreme God .. Chief of the Canaanite Pantheon .. ..

Now tell me about Zedek .. and the Priesthood that follows Melchi-Zedek --- 5 centuries later to Adoni-Zedek .. Priest-King of Jerusalem when David Takes over .. and Zadok the Jebusite Priest . who continues this Priestly order into the 1st Temple Period .. keeps the Asherah Pole and the Temple Prostitutes for good measure .. and that little high place out back for sacrifice of the first fruits ..

You See 101G --- Jesus is a Priest .. in this Order .. the Order of Melchi-Zedek --- hence why he called the Prince of Peace .. Jesus the Judge ... all about Righteousness and Justice .. as the Order would suggest .. but this is an Order under the dominion of El - do not confuse the Priests of this Order with EL himself my Friend.

Please treat 101G as one needing mental help. He is not in a proper mindset.

Humour him rather than rage at him.

You can already that he will never answer a question truthfully (in full truth without a hidden deceiving agenda!)

Let us be kind -- give credit even when not due and in fact demonstrated otherwise .. in this way turn the other cheek .. so to speak .. in the manner of Christ .. and not be about the deception .. in the manner of the Baaleeezebub .. putting on airs .. and pretending .. in disingenuous oblivion ... running fast from the Truth .. deflecting from the teachings of the righteous one.. substituting with the teachings of Idol Martin .. charming the snakes .. giving out free passes through Judgement..

Did they not tell ya Soapy -- you can get a free pass through Judgement .. do not pass go .. do not collect any punishment .. go directly through the pearly gates.. easy Peezy .. they call it "Sola Fide" ..