If reducing the number of abortions is your goal, then there are lots of options available besides stripping pregnant people of bodily autonomy:
- minimize unwanted pregnancies by ensuring good, mandatory sex ed in schools and contraception readily available to anyone who needs it.
- make it as easily possible for people to freely choose to bring a pregnancy to term by addressing the reasons for abortion.
And BTW: here are those reasons:
Public discussion about abortion in the United States has generally focused on policy: who should be allowed to have abortions, and under what circumstances. Receiving less attention are the women behind the statistics—the 1.3 million women who obtain abortions each year1—and their reasons for...
If you don't support measures like:
- geting proper sex ed into schools,
- requiring employers to grant reasonable (i.e. a year or more) paid, job-protected leaves for pregnancy and to care for their new baby, and
- making parenthood affordable and practically possible for anyone with a full-time job (e.g. public health insurance and affordable child care)
... then I'm not going to believe that your anti-choice stance is really about "saving innocent babies."