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10 Most Common Misconceptions about Islam


(Sharing an article)

"Islam is probably the least understood and most demonized religion today. The critics of Islam have created this persona based primarily on misconceptions, ignorance and malice. You’ve probably heard of some of the following common misconceptions about Islam."

A Nice article.

The Ten Most Common Misconceptions about Islam


I think they need better rebuttles, some were vague and didnt clear anything up.

some of the rebuttles were inaccurate and brought up more questions that left me scratching my head.

I agree there are misconceptions about islam, but that article was poor


"Oscar the grouch"
I agree. If jihad is not an aggressive ideology, why did the Almohad dynasty occupy Southern Spain which was originally a Christian Empire?


Rolling Marble
Islam is (like any other religion) 50% what is written in the scriptures - but 100% what followers make of it.


Active Member
I agree. If jihad is not an aggressive ideology, why did the Almohad dynasty occupy Southern Spain which was originally a Christian Empire?

Push, counter push, push, counter push....

The First Crusade (1096–1099) was a military expedition by Western Christianity to regain the Holy Lands....
Counter Push-
Between 1130 and his death in 1163, Abd al-Mu'min al-Kumi defeated the ruling Almoravids and extended his power over all northern Africa as far as Libya becoming Emir of Marrakesh in 1149.
Al-Andalus, Moorish Iberia, followed the fate of Africa, and in 1170 the Almohads transferred their capital to Seville.

Who pushed first?..........always... the 'other guy'.

Everbody took the clear and explicit- "Thou shalt not kill" and turned it into "Die Heritic/Infidel!...Die!".........perhaps that's why God is obliged to keep sending the same Golden Rule message.....untill we grow up and it sinks in.



Rogue Theologian
I've seen what appeared to be a representative of Islam...
stand behind a microphone and make pronouncement...
'Islam is not a religion of peace.'
The audience was heard to make objection.

Again, a convert from Islam was interviewed on radio....
He reports that the radical believer is practicing Islam as written in their scriptures.
Converts and moderates are frowned upon.
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Well-Known Member
Islam is (like any other religion) 50% what is written in the scriptures - but 100% what followers make of it.

Pretty much sums it up.

You can take any of the three "Big" religions and go back n forth all day long. One side quoting violent and intolerant passages, and the other side telling how those passages are misread and how to "properly" interpret it. There's always a justification.


Pretty much sums it up.

You can take any of the three "Big" religions and go back n forth all day long. One side quoting violent and intolerant passages, and the other side telling how those passages are misread and how to "properly" interpret it. There's always a justification.

Ya but you cant lump them all together.

some of the theology involved makes it unique and cultural laws all its own.


Marble said:
Islam is (like any other religion) 50% what is written in the scriptures - but 100% what followers make of it.
Ah no actually, that makes no sense whatsoever. The established theological boundaries of religion do not bend to the whims of man.


Ah no actually, that makes no sense whatsoever. The established theological boundaries of religion do not bend to the whims of man.

I believe they do with personal interpretation, would that not be why they have so many different sects of islam

just like the 33,000 different christian structures


Personal interpretation? There are clear established boundaries and obligations in Islam. These have no basis on "personal interpretation".


Yeah well if you take people such as Ahmadiyyas as "Muslim" then clearly that is much too generous, they violate the basic Shahada for one.


Well-Known Member
Personal interpretation? There are clear established boundaries and obligations in Islam. These have no basis on "personal interpretation".

Based on our prior conversations Bis, I would assume that you are a conservative muslim? If you are, how would you explain the liberal muslims? They obviously do not see or practice Islam as you do.


"Oscar the grouch"
Push, counter push, push, counter push....

The First Crusade (1096–1099) was a military expedition by Western Christianity to regain the Holy Lands....
Counter Push-
Between 1130 and his death in 1163, Abd al-Mu'min al-Kumi defeated the ruling Almoravids and extended his power over all northern Africa as far as Libya becoming Emir of Marrakesh in 1149.
Al-Andalus, Moorish Iberia, followed the fate of Africa, and in 1170 the Almohads transferred their capital to Seville.

Who pushed first?..........always... the 'other guy'.

Everbody took the clear and explicit- "Thou shalt not kill" and turned it into "Die Heritic/Infidel!...Die!".........perhaps that's why God is obliged to keep sending the same Golden Rule message.....untill we grow up and it sinks in.

What does the crusades have to do with the invasion of southern spain? A military Jihad is defensive, not offensive. Spain was christian long before the Almovarids and Almohad dynasty. These guys invaded Southern Spain and Portugal.


Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
I agree. If jihad is not an aggressive ideology, why did the Almohad dynasty occupy Southern Spain which was originally a Christian Empire?

Push, counter push, push, counter push....

A humble suggestion:

When the Moors Ruled in Europe

In the early to mid 700s the Muslims came to Spain, and something interesting this documentary talks about is that the digs they've done on Visagoth ruins don't show signs of conquering or destruction, but rather it's postulated that they welcomed them as a solidifying agent.

With all due respect to what you know, I feel this might be a pretty interesting watch for you both.
The victor gets to write history, which the Christian eventually were in Spain... but ruins are empirical evidence that doesn't lie or have ego to protect.

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