I have an aversion to closing my eyes, in any context.
That's great, but how do you see things that aren't there?
Both valid concerns. How about this: they don't try to build a mosque 2 block from ground zero, and there's no reason for the terrorists to be emboldened at all.
Yeah, obviously, the terrorists will just stop all terrorist activity. Come on, man. You're smarter than that. The terrorists are going to keep doing their thing no matter what. I'm sorry, but I don't want them dictating what we do.
Please explain the raional mechanism of how building a mosque 2 blocks from ground zero is supposed to "bridge the divide."
I thought it was pretty obvious and simple. They make an example of themselves to all of the Americans who only see "Muslim=terrorist", and show that they're not connected to the people responsible for 9/11 in any way other than they share the same religion. They show people that not all Muslims are jihadists.
Yes, it is very telling. You telling me I"m against equal marriage rights is insulting rhetoric.
There you go again, with that seeing things that aren't there. I never said that. I related this to another situation. I know you're for equal marriage rights, which is why it's funny that you don't see the analogy here.
The fact that I see this, shows that I see things for what they are.
No, it just shows arrogance.
And what these people are doing is silliness.
And more arrogance. It's no more silliness than people fighting for marriage equality or fighting to get people to treat them equally.
Anybody wanting to bridge divides wouldn't even consider building a mosque 2 blocks from ground zero in the first place.
I'm sorry you're falling into the trap of thinking like an average American who connects all Muslims with 9/11, but that's the entire reason they are building this mosque. If there wasn't this mindset that Muslims=terrorists, there would be no point in building the mosque.
There are about a million other things which can be done to bridge the divide, if people were really interested in doing so.