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13 year old girl denied abortion



I have the utmost respect for you, but I do not believe that a 13 yr old is that ignorant to the ways of the world and yes I do feel she should be held responsible. Today kids grow up so fast, do I believe it is right, no, but having an 11 yr old of my own, I can attest that they know and understand alot more than they are given credit. It saddens me that this girl is in this situation, her life in general seems very sad, but if given this easy fix what has she learned?


Well-Known Member
Lycan said:

I have the utmost respect for you, but I do not believe that a 13 yr old is that ignorant to the ways of the world and yes I do feel she should be held responsible. Today kids grow up so fast, do I believe it is right, no, but having an 11 yr old of my own, I can attest that they know and understand alot more than they are given credit. It saddens me that this girl is in this situation, her life in general seems very sad, but if given this easy fix what has she learned?
Setting aside the right or wrong of abortion....

There is proof to show that the human brain does not mature until the early 20's and that the child is incapable of fully understanding the consequences of their actions. In which case, it seems somewhat harsh to force her to go through the pregnancy for no other reason than to make sure she learns her lesson. She's unlikely to learn what you wish her to since she probably doesn't understand completely why she did what she did. I doubt it will keep her from repeating the mistake.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Lycan said:

I have the utmost respect for you, but I do not believe that a 13 yr old is that ignorant to the ways of the world and yes I do feel she should be held responsible. Today kids grow up so fast, do I believe it is right, no, but having an 11 yr old of my own, I can attest that they know and understand alot more than they are given credit. It saddens me that this girl is in this situation, her life in general seems very sad, but if given this easy fix what has she learned?
I agree with the basic idea you put forth, Lycan - that of holding people accountable for their actions. On the other hand, like Melody, I see the act of forcing this girl to carry this pregnancy to term to be on the extreme side of "teaching her a lesson". In this instance, we are not just introducing a baby into the world that could hardly have a tougher row to hoe, but we are wrecking the life of the 13 year old girl at the same time (I say that, fully realizing that her life is already in a tailspin).
Like you, Lycan, I have a 13 year old son, and a 10 year old daughter. My son is aware of what sex results in, but he hasn't the remotest idea of what raising a child is like. He can't even guess as to what that entails, or how much that would change his life - not a clue - and he is a very intelligent kid. Emphasis on the "kid". The other boys that he plays basketball with were talking about "Spongebob Squarepants" just 3 months ago. How mature is he? How prepared is he, in terms of bringing another person into this world, and providing for them? Answer - not at all.

So, if a girl he likes turns up pregnant, would I want them to have the kid and try to raise it? Not on your life. If the little girl decided to carry the fetus to term, and her parents backed her on it, I would spend the next nine months giving him a crash course in responsibility to a baby, and making certain that he did everything within his powers to live up to that duty. Make no mistake, though - I would not wish for that outcome.

Again, I understand your position - I just disagree with forcing this 13 year old girl to carry this to term. Especially when Jeb Bush and the Florida legislature have to break the law to do so.



Lycan said:

I have the utmost respect for you, but I do not believe that a 13 yr old is that ignorant to the ways of the world and yes I do feel she should be held responsible. Today kids grow up so fast, do I believe it is right, no, but having an 11 yr old of my own, I can attest that they know and understand alot more than they are given credit. It saddens me that this girl is in this situation, her life in general seems very sad, but if given this easy fix what has she learned?
I mean if I was approached by it before at least 16(even then and after!)... I can't say for sure what I would have done.... but I can't say I wouldn't have jumped on it. ... I knew I liked girls and what I liked but I didn't fully understand the reactions I was having or how or if I could control them... I am not 100% sure if it is the same for girls... (I figure it would be worse) but I was too unstable at this point to make a thought out decision... not without help anyway.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
This week there was a case before the court of a 17 year old who - after denying she was pregnant for her entire pregnancy - gave birth to the child on her bed while her mother was outside washing the car and then punched the baby in the head until he died, because she 'didn't want to keep him'.
Assuming a 17 year old is far more able to make rational connections between their actions and the potential resulting consequences than a 13 year old and would still do something like that, it is also a fair assumption that if this child is forced to continue with her pregnancy, then unless she's under 24 hour visual supervision she will find a way to deal with it herself.
If she can't get a legal abortion and she tries to cause herself to miscarry, what sort of damage is she going to do to herself and the fetus then, whether she succeeds or not?


Well-Known Member
jewscout said:
ok and???:sarcastic
wasn't someone there?? an adult figure of somekind?

Being a ward of the State of Florida makes the State of Florida your legal guardian.
Having the State of Florida as a "parent" lowers ones life eqpectancy exponentially.

The DCF here is notorious for losing kids who later end up dead in the interstate somewhere.

The governor of this state has 0 respect for the constitution, has pushed through at least one unconstitutional law concerning Terry Schiavo and has made several attempt to overtly go around or directly break constitutional law here.

He`s worse than his brother..well..I dunno...maybe.


Veteran Member
wow is it hot in here...ok real quick group hug group hug. Ok now who is the idiot who started this thread!!


lady_lazarus said:
This week there was a case before the court of a 17 year old who - after denying she was pregnant for her entire pregnancy - gave birth to the child on her bed while her mother was outside washing the car and then punched the baby in the head until he died, because she 'didn't want to keep him'.
Assuming a 17 year old is far more able to make rational connections between their actions and the potential resulting consequences than a 13 year old and would still do something like that, it is also a fair assumption that if this child is forced to continue with her pregnancy, then unless she's under 24 hour visual supervision she will find a way to deal with it herself.
If she can't get a legal abortion and she tries to cause herself to miscarry, what sort of damage is she going to do to herself and the fetus then, whether she succeeds or not?
Indeed ... This is not a good thing... This would be common with women who are told abortion is evil and wrong.... There are more emotional problems that would result from an unwanted pregnancy (or pregnancy in general) then after getting an abortion...


To Save A Lamb
I have the utmost respect for you, but I do not believe that a 13 yr old is that ignorant to the ways of the world and yes I do feel she should be held responsible. Today kids grow up so fast, do I believe it is right, no, but having an 11 yr old of my own, I can attest that they know and understand alot more than they are given credit. It saddens me that this girl is in this situation, her life in general seems very sad, but if given this easy fix what has she learned?
They still don't understand what raising a child is like. Being a child, yes, but not raising one.

Isn't just going through this enough tramua for her? I doubt she'll repeat this mistake anytime soon...

I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.
-Abraham Lincoln


Well-Known Member
DC85 said:
She wasn't old enough to make her own medical decison.... They say

But 13 year olds make that decision often in Florida, all on their own.

This won`t stand..it`s illegal I believe.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I wonder who her partner was? When 13 year olds get pregnant, the partner is often a dysfunctional young man in his late teens or early twenties, according to some things I've heard. It amounts to statutory rape.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
jewscout said:
what in the hell is 13 year old girl doing having sex in the first place?!?!?!:areyoucra

Where the duece are the parents????

not parenting obviously...
I do agree Jewscout, but sex is sex - it only needs a short time, and is not limited to recreational time! I mean, two kids can have sex at school - you know, behind the bicycle sheds - wherever. Parents can only give the best advice they can, but remember that kids are dying to explore everything - especially those that the have been warned off from.

Beside, who can blame them ? The media - in print, TV and films are perpetually showing sex as being great fun, with adults apparently jumping in and out of bed with anyone who comes along. You can't blame the kids - perhaps it's the fault of my generation for not ensuring that sex has infiltrated every facet of fiction!:eek:


Sunstone said:
I wonder who her partner was? When 13 year olds get pregnant, the partner is often a dysfunctional young man in his late teens or early twenties, according to some things I've heard. It amounts to statutory rape.
Why couldn't it have been another 13-15 year old?


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
DC85 said:
Why couldn't it have been another 13-15 year old?
Apart from simply questioning Sunstone's comment, what sort of relevency has the age of the boy got to do with the problem ?:jam:


More Human Than Human
Sunstone said:
I wonder who her partner was? When 13 year olds get pregnant, the partner is often a dysfunctional young man in his late teens or early twenties, according to some things I've heard. It amounts to statutory rape.
Have you ever been to a local band's show? There are 14 year olds (!) that have 25 year old boyfriends. It's really not funny.