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15 Medal of Honor recipients endorse Trump for President

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
To the liars about Trump's disrespect to the military....



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
No, it actually wouldn't. Other news organizations were able to do it.

Which news organizations?

So they are too lazy, too incompetent or unwilling.

Or they uncovered weirdness.

Furthermore they could report the story as unverified and state how they attempted to verify it. But they haven't. You also give them the benefit of the doubt that they are even trying to verify it without any evidence that they tried to do so.

When do you think I did that, exactly?

I cannot answer why they hate Trump and see no profit in speculating about that. That is for them to answer.

So you think they're refusing to run a positive story about Trump because they hate him?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I'll take the word of 15 combat veterans supporting Trump over the Democrats pathetic excuse of a candidate any day.
How many combat veterans are represented by the VFW?

When a candidate to serve as our military’s commander-in-chief so brazenly dismisses the valor and reverence symbolized by the Medal of Honor and those who have earned it, I must question whether they would discharge their responsibilities to our men and women in uniform with the seriousness and discernment necessary for such a powerful position. It is even more disappointing when these comments come from a man who already served in this noble office and should frankly already know better.

In light of today's announcement from the defense department that 34 U.S. service members suffered traumatic brain injuries as a result of Iran's retaliatory strike and President Trump's remarks which minimized these troops’ injuries, the Veterans of Foreign Wars cannot stand idle on this matter.

Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump has a history of lashing out after being attacked, but to ridicule a Gold Star Mother is out-of-bounds, said the new national commander of the near 1.7 million-member Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and its Auxiliary.


Admiral Obvious
A lot of the recipients got their Medals of Honor for actions that didn't involve killing anyone.

I checked out the list of names on the endorsement on Trump's campaign website and cross-checking them against the list of living MOH recipients. I got through the "B" names before deciding that the names on the purported endorsements all seem to be real MOH recipients. This one stood out:

He got his Medal of Honor for actions as a medical helicopter pilot in Vietnam, doing multiple flights into a landing zone obscured by fog and under enemy fire to rescue wounded American soldiers. AFAICT, his Medal of Honor didn't involve firing even a shot.

What I'm wondering about is how this will shake out over the next few days. I doubt that this happened organically; I presume that Trump's campaign reached out to all 60 living MOH recipients to solicit an endorsement. I wonder if we're going to get some of the purported endorsers putting out statements about how they've been misrepresented. I also wonder how many of the 45 MOH recipients who didn't endorse Trump are going to do interviews where they say things to the effect of "yeah - one of Trump's team called me to ask me to endsorse him and I told the guy to go to hell."

It may be an interesting news cycle coming up.
Looks like Trump even lost this popularity vote....

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
Again with slander instead of cogent argument.
To the liars about Trump's disrespect to the military....

Of course, neither of you is a propagandized zombie. So you are both fully aware that every president since George Washington has praised veterans and the military. No exceptions to this rule ever.
You also both realize that bringing forth examples of Trump decorating soldiers with a Medal of Honor, or praising soldiers is nothing out of the ordinary. Just another day for everyone of the presidents throughout our nation’s history. Period.


Also, since neither of you is so deluded to think completely inane and false lies, then you are well aware that this unmarred history of every POTUS from George Washington to Barack Obama, as well as Joe Biden, includes the fact that no POTUS has ever mocked or denigrated American Veterans; EVER. No history book; no old article in a paper; no recording ever showed any president at any time disparaging the military or fallen soldiers.

Then came Trump.

Presidents Who Disrespect Military Service

But hey! That’s why you love him. He’s not a normal politician! Right? He doesn’t conform to the rules! Right?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
No, it actually wouldn't. Other news organizations were able to do it. So they are too lazy, too incompetent or unwilling. Furthermore they could report the story as unverified and state how they attempted to verify it. But they haven't. You also give them the benefit of the doubt that they are even trying to verify it without any evidence that they tried to do so.

I cannot answer why they hate Trump and see no profit in speculating about that. That is for them to answer.
Hey, @Shaul - or whoever else feels like replying - it's now Monday. It's been several days and it seems that the only mainstream media outlet running this story is Fox News.

And this isn't just about outlets that right-wingers typically see as left-biased. Right-wing sources like the New York Post, the National Catholic Register and the Economist also aren't running the story.

Here in Canada, the National Post and the Toronto Sun - both generally happy to fawn over Trump - also aren't running the story. Rebel News - pretty much the online home for MAGA allies in Canada - hasn't run it either.

Even Stars & Stripes, which would normally be all over anything that 15 Medal of Honor recipients do together, doesn't have anything.

Why do you think this is?