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15 Random Things About You


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
My sister and I are two very different people who are, in reality, the best of friends but she's a perfectionist and I'm not. So, I get in "trouble" often, because I'm not motivated at all today to do certain things that I feel aren't priority because the trees aren't done letting go of these leaves. They keep falling and making more colorful messes to rake.

If one person goes out and rakes, everyone goes out the same day in my cul-de-sac and mows, weeds, rakes...it's so stupid. There isn't a home owner's association here or anything. And no one here is Martha Stewart. You feel this pressure to get out and catch up with everyone else. I say...whatever. She says, let's go!

There's nothing wrong with growing goodies in the yard. I admire your ability to do so. I wish I had the desire to do more natural things outdoors. I enjoy walking and admiring nature but I'm not good at a great many things...

Ah, your sister is your sister. Enjoy the walks. Enjoy nature. I suck at water skiing. I'm marginally good at cosmetics and martial arts. And as a dancer, I'm really not at all good in hip hop, which is strange because a lot of dancers see the necessity of being good at that genre. And according to my colleagues, I'm only just beginning to be at all effective at marketing - even though my skills in business operations is stellar.

What I'm saying is that if you want to be good at something, you'll learn how. If you don't care to, it's your life. And life is too dang short to worry about such trivial things.

Forgive me....I have a day off today, and I'm used to talks like this....and one of my faults is that I have a tendency to meddle. But you're doing great, Dawny. Look at it this way - you haven't stabbed anyone in the eye with a pair of scissors, so it's a GREAT DAY! :D


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
My yard looks like the Addams family live here.
Either of you do pro bono landscaping?

Nope. But you can pay me with a song and dance if you want my oddball services in yardwork.

I'll put it up on youtube, though. You have been officially informed *cough*warned*cough*.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I think it's hilarious that neighborhoods will cultivate this crazy attitude of who-has-the-most-pristine-yard as defined by Better Homes and Gardens.
My Dad had a theory: he figured that the neater the hedges in front of a house, the worse shape the marriage inside, because it was a sign that one of the members of the couple was spending all their time in the garden to avoid the other one. :)


I think it's hilarious that neighborhoods will cultivate this crazy attitude of who-has-the-most-pristine-yard as defined by Better Homes and Gardens. Ours looks odd most of the time, but that's because we actually grow real, edible, organic goodies all over it.

We have been slowly replacing the grass on our lawn with veggies, herbs, berry bushes, and fruit/nut trees over the years. I say....leaves are a good thing to leave (LOL, I'm such a dork).

In some towns, if you don't try to get your lawns picture on the cover of Better Homes and Gardens, you can be fined.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
In some towns, if you don't try to get your lawns picture on the cover of Better Homes and Gardens, you can be fined.

I know. I grew up in one of those neighborhoods.

Most households nowadays pay for landscaping and lawn maintenance in order to keep up. We prefer to get our hands dirty.


Mother Heathen
46. You might be proud of me.
47. I "raked" leaves off of the back deck yesterday and pushed them off the deck into the yard.
48. I contemplated taking pictures to document this journey.
49. Afterwards, I propped my feet up on my deck furniture, smoked a cigarette and looked up at the tree that's dropping these dead problematic crunchy things on my lawn.
50. The leaves are quite lovely while they are still attached to the tree - all green with red and yellow and they've inspired me.
51. So, I'm writing a poem about them and will probably post them to RF at some point.
52. I have yet to rake all of the back yard and will probably pay some punk kid to do it for me.
53. He/she may need the money for college and I'd rather sip my Scuppernong, twirl my hair and smoke a cigarette and feel good, knowing that I've done something to improve the life of another human being.
54. This isn't laziness. It's part of my creative process and it's how I give back to my community. :)
55. I quite enjoy mashed potates.
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Mother Heathen
56. I don't assume that my landscape people are punks.
57. I like cheesecake.
58. I like almonds.
59. I'm bored.
60. I have to look words up in the dictionary...alot.


1) I like Justin Bieber
2) I like CHEESE.
3) I listen to music that's in Japanese because it's catchy.:)
4) My favorite band is Breaking Benjamin,
6) My favorite band is Structure by Innerpartysystem
7) I love, with a capital L, to sing.
8) I was born a Jew but I study and was baptized in Christianity.
9) I love my mommy :D
10) I hate my dad and brothers most of the time.
11) I know everyone I meet will not always be my friend, but I still try to be friends.
12) I may not be the brightest crayon in the box, but one day you're going to need me to finish the picture.:)
13) I like to sing and dance around my room when no one is home.
14) Annoying people annoy me. xD :)
15) I like trains *get hit by her own train*


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The thing I dislike most about landscaping....that sometimes I have to stop, cuz eventually I have to go to work.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
1) I don't speak ancient Greek.
2) I don't speak ancient Hebrew.
3) I don't speak modern Greek.
4) I don't speak modern Hebrew.
6) I don't speak French.
7) I don't speak Swahili.
8) I don't speak Cantonese.
9) I don't speak Mandarin.
10) I don't speak Swiss.
11) I don't speak Mongolian.
12) I don't speak Hopi.
13) I know one word in Lakota.
14) I know one phrase in Swedish.
15) I sort of speak English.


Dr. Greenthumb
1) I love language and learning news words.
2) I like love songs like the kind from the finnish band HIM
3) I haven't shaved in a week, hoping that I get an electric razor for Christmas.
4) I used to drink a lot of beer and smoke a lot of weed
5) I am training to be MA at Job Corps, and just may also take EMT
6) I actually have a distaste for strangers, but will help someone who truly needs it
7) I hate bums who say they will pay for a cig and then pull out a friggin nickel.
8) I love to sleep
9) I can be very very lazy ;)
10) I like to talk to women, alot, if not to much
11) I have borderline hate for one of my biological brothers.
12) I was a premature baby
13) I am only 5'3
14) I have only dated one women who was shorter then me, the rest have been taller ;)
15) I wear 9.5-10 boots and sometimes look like a clown


1) I love language and learning news words.
2) I like love songs like the kind from the finnish band HIM
3) I haven't shaved in a week, hoping that I get an electric razor for Christmas.
4) I used to drink a lot of beer and smoke a lot of weed
5) I am training to be MA at Job Corps, and just may also take EMT
6) I actually have a distaste for strangers, but will help someone who truly needs it
7) I hate bums who say they will pay for a cig and then pull out a friggin nickel.
8) I love to sleep
9) I can be very very lazy ;)
10) I like to talk to women, alot, if not to much
11) I have borderline hate for one of my biological brothers.
12) I was a premature baby
13) I am only 5'3
14) I have only dated one women who was shorter then me, the rest have been taller ;)
15) I wear 9.5-10 boots and sometimes look like a clown
Wow, now I feel like a giant. I'm 5'8'' :eek::eek::eek::eek:


16) I'm 5'8"
17) I love to bake.
18) I 'fall in love' WAY too much. -_-
19) I have a crush on someone on the RF (Shhh I ain't telling!)
20) I really enjoy the RF.:)
21) I hate global warming.
22) I hope Newt Gingrich becomes president.
23) I am very sensitive to the littlest things.
24) I have to admit...I'm on Facebook more that 2 hours a day. 0.0
25) Christmas and my birthday are my favorite days of the year.
26) I changed my mind on my favorite song. It is now Forget It by Breaking Benjamin.
27) I am attracted to nerdy guys. OH and they have to have blue/green eyes, or brown eyes.
28) All the boys in my class annoy the crap out of me and that is why my citizenship grade in all my classes are A-'s instead of A+'s.
29) My best grade is in Math. I have an A+!!!
30) ...My favorite colors are pink, purple and black.:)


Following Christ
1) I'm a third generation Disciple of Christ
2) My grandmother joined the church in 1923
3) I was born at 11:35 Sunday morning, at the hospital, but during church
4) I've been a Mac-head since the Mac SE days and have owned most vintage Macs
5) My parents met in a bowling league, and so did my wife & I
6) I can quote most parts of Star Trek II, the Wrath of Khan
7) I had a pinched nerve in my foot in 3rd grade and played on the 'new' computer while the other kids were playing outside.
8) I am mostly ambidextrous.
9) My first and most recent job ended because the companies went out of business
10) Before we moved back in August, I sold about $3,000 worth of stuff so we didn't have to tote or store it.
11) We have a big storage unit with a LOT of junk the wife wouldn't let me sell. :D
12) I drive a :beetle:, it's a blast to drive, and it's not a 'chick' car.
13) As of Jan 21, 2012, I will have been married 17 years, and I still love Brandy.:dan:
14) I used to spend a LOT of time on RF.
15) It's fun to be back.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
1. I blew off high school, and then got F's and dropped out of college. When I started back my GPA was only 1.222 and now it's 3.436 in just 15 classes (three full time semesters and two semesters with just one class). I really struggle with math though, and would rather write one research paper for each math problem on my homework. My math classes are the only ones I've gotten a B in, which is my lowest grade since I have returned to school.
2. I am currently ranked 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 12th, and 21st (out of 1000+)as my highest ladder ranks for a few levels in one game I play.
3. My favorite move is Interview with the Vampire. I hate the Queen of the Damned movie though.
4. I have a very broad taste in music and am often asked how I can listen to x artist or genre if I also listen to y genre or artist.
5. I began reading for fun at a very young age, and Goosebumps is what really got me started. This I believe was a precursor for my liking of Poe, Lovecraft, Stephen King, and Ann Rice.
6. I have had a total of 12 different jobs. I was only fired from one of them because someone between the hospital that faxed my medical leave paper work, a third party company that handles medical leaves, and the company I worked for lost or just couldn't find my medical leave paper work. It wasn't really that bad because I was needing something else because I wanted to go back to school full time (this job was 55-60 hours a week), and I got a good enough unemployment check from them that it was only $40 dollars short of a 40 hour work week, but it more than evened out since I was using more than that just to get from work and back.
7. I have contemplated suicide several times and was going to go through with it once.
8. I've been living with really the first person I have ever loved for nearly five years now. We are getting married later next year.
9. I was raised in such a rural area my address was a rural route, and there are many Amish families in the area. I moved to the city for a year and had to move back because I absolutely hate living in the city.
10. I first moved out on my own just after I turned 19. There should still be some posts about it here on RF (damn I've been here for awhile). I moved back in with my parents just a few months later when I was laid off from my job and just couldn't keep on going.
11. People that know me today have a hard time believing I used to be an ultra-conservative Bible-thumping Baptist.
12. I've had multiple injuries to my left knee, including tearing my ACL and tearing the graft that was used to replace it, and tearing the meniscus disc twice. At 24 I was diagnosed with arthritis in my knee as well.
13. I really wanted a drum set when I was a kid, but my parents never got me one. I tried learning guitar but didn't find it much fun, and then I picked up a bass and have let my guitar collect dust (it's a super-cheap brand and has very poor sound quality). I still like to play on drums whenever I have the chance though and have gotten to were I can kinda keep a beat.
14. I have an odd relationship with my parents. My dad worked second shift so I never really knew him, and then my parents divorced and then got back together and I really still don't know him. My mom was extremely over protective, very absurd in many of her rules and what she allowed, was very mean to me after my dad left, but now we get along just fine.
15. I'm learning Japanese and German. German because I listen to a ton of German industrial bands (actually I think Germany is the capital for Industrial the way Scandinavia is the Black and Death Metal capital) and I want to read Nietzsche in German rather than a translation. Japanese for all the manga, anime, and video games, but also the deep respect I have for their culture and I plan on traveling to Japan to live and work for at least two or three years.


31) I love The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
32) I'm not fat, my stomach just sticks out a little bit, like 7 inches xD
33) I like toitles.
34) I like all juices
35) When I go to church, I take the wine instead of the grape juice.
36) I crack my knuckles, even thought it gives my mum a headache
37) My favorite youtube video is 'WOMAN make me a sandwich'
38) I love my kitties
39) I like my blue Mp3
50) Turtles..I like them