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22 year old guy having sex with a 16 year old girl

Am I right to be angry?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • No

    Votes: 16 42.1%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 13 34.2%

  • Total voters


Veteran Member
I suppose it depends on the person, but I'm a little disturbed by guys my age (I'm 23) wanting to engage 16 year-olds in sex. Perhaps they find they are on the same level, or perhaps they find that at 16 they are easier to manipulate and control.

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
What is the difference with a 16 year old making a mistake with a sixteen year old or a 22 year old.
it ends up with a pregnancy... and the 22 year old is more likely and able to give support and or marry than another 16 year old...
Most mistakes are made with younger boys....

This is exactly what I think about when people bring up these ages like 16, 17 and whatnot. They usually have less of a problem with two teens having sex then they do with like a 20 year old having sex with like a 17 or 16 year old. I aks what the difference? Sex is sex isn't it? I mean both the other minor and the adult can get her pregnant, give her a disease, and manipulate her if she lets him. So I can't see the difference. Manipulation is often brought up as a key factor why people don't like it, but when I was in high school those girls were letting guys their age tell them the stupidest things just to get some, and it worked. So it all depends on the girl. Is she gullible? Do she believe everything some guy says that shows two seconds worth of interest in her? Or does she have a better head on her shoulders than that? These 16 year old girls aren't as stupid or naive as people like to think. For all we know she could having been makin the moves on him. It's very possible. I know at 16 I was a smooth operator, and more often than not I was the manipulator in the relationship. It was nothing for me to have an older guy chase me around without me letting him do anything to me.

If the guy ONLY goes for girls of that age, that might be more of an indicator of his lack of maturity than having some kind of problem. He might be kinda stupid and women his age won't deal with it, but a teenager will, cuz she's used to silly behaviour anyway. So I don't think it necessarily indicates he's some kind of pervert. It's not perverted for him to be turned on by her, and want her sexually. It's not like she's a baby.

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
While I have no problem for the age, I do think we see less of this then the other way around because women tend to look for more than sex in a relationship. A real relationship and stability, maturity are all things women look for. A young man of that age cannot (usually) provide much of that if any of it. If an older woman singles out these young men of that age specifically, she probably really is manipulating him on some level. However there are always exceptions. If he is exceptionally hot and older looking, she might just be in it for the sex, who knows?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
For a 22 year old to TARGET 16 year old's is wrong and probably dangerous.
Well said.
That does make a big difference in this particular situation. If the guy is targeting teens, then it is a problem, but if it is an actual relationship, then I see no problems.

Mercy Not Sacrifice

Well-Known Member
It's hard to know what to make of this circumstance without knowing more of the details. I honestly can't tell whether the OP (welcome to RF, btw :)) is a case of warranted concern or a subconsious desire to keep the female sexual desire under control. The latter, frankly, really isn't any less scary than pedophilia itself, yet our patriarchal culture chooses not to discuss this problem much.

What's ironic about a scenario such as the OP describes is that whether the young man would be treated as a sexual predator or just a horny young man all depends on the inconsistent laws from state to state. It honestly might not be a bad idea to have a federal age of consent that overrides the inconsistent state laws, just so all fifty states can get on the same page (which is the entire idea of having a UNITED States).

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
What's ironic about a scenario such as the OP describes is that whether the young man would be treated as a sexual predator or just a horny young man all depends on the inconsistent laws from state to state.

And as a result of these inconsistancies, a young man who was 17 at the time, I think a couple years ago, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for having a 15 year old give him oral. She was consenting to this at a party where some other boys were also involved. It was brought to my attention recently because a judge looked to overturn that sentence and let him out, but the prosecuting lawyer made a motion to appeal it and have the young man serve the full sentence. To me that was absurd sentence in the first place. I wonder if that lawyer woud mind revealing the ages of girls he was having sexual encouters with when he was 17?


Done here.
What are your thoughts of a 22 year old girl having sex with a 16 year old boy?
I think if I were a 16 year old straight boy, the only thing I'd like better than an experienced woman would be an experienced woman who could buy me beer. :D


Angel slayer
16 is the legal age over here, so it doesn't matter. Is it still 18 in the USA?


Flaming Queer
i voted not sure. the poll is asking if you have the right to be angry, and because i can't answer it for you, i had to vote "not sure".

me? i wouldn't be angry. any child of mine at 16 can do what they will, i was having sex at that age and i've been with people with a bigger age gap than 6 years. i would of course advise my child on ways to keep safe, but i would have no problems with it at all.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Not only would I be angry, I might become homicidal. My daughter is turning 16 years old this month. While physically the couple might be compatible, mentally the 16 year old girl is at a disadvantage. Her boy friend can go to bars and buy liquor and cigarettes. While these are adult choices, they are absolutely inappropriate for a 16 year old.

Next is the sex issue. While a 16 year old girl can make choices for herself, she is more focused on the romantic side of relationships while most 22 year olds are interested in achieving another notch on their belts.

Yes, you can site plenty of exceptions and you would be 100% right. That changes little in my home. If my daughter was out with a 22 year old man, she would not be allowed out of the house till she was of legal age and she knows and understands this. I have incentives like a potential car, cellphone, internet, tanning booth, credit card, trips to the mall that keeps her focused on her grades and what is appropriate for her age.

On the other side, most 22 year old women do not date 22 year old men. It is very appropriate for a grown woman to be interested in men who are older. The key word here is grown. Not physically, but mentally. A woman in her mid twenties can make decisions about older men that a 16 year old is incapable of. I am speaking in generalities, so don't bring out the exception.

This is grossly unfair to young men. While women are dating older men and that leaves younger GIRLS, not WOMEN to date. 22 and 18, is a stretch but acceptable because there is a world of difference between a woman who is out of high school and a school girl who has two or three years left of childhood.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
16 is the legal age over here, so it doesn't matter. Is it still 18 in the USA?
It varies from state to state. Most states are set at 17 for the legal age of consent, some states are 16, and some are at 18.

Mercy Not Sacrifice

Well-Known Member
And as a result of these inconsistancies, a young man who was 17 at the time, I think a couple years ago, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for having a 15 year old give him oral. She was consenting to this at a party where some other boys were also involved. It was brought to my attention recently because a judge looked to overturn that sentence and let him out, but the prosecuting lawyer made a motion to appeal it and have the young man serve the full sentence. To me that was absurd sentence in the first place. I wonder if that lawyer woud mind revealing the ages of girls he was having sexual encouters with when he was 17?

Oh god, that. The Genarlow Wilson Case.

What's absolutely terrifying about this case is not just the Dark-Age values by which his enemies are standing by, but the sheer militance of their stance.


Well-Known Member
Hi. Long time reader, first time poster.

I found this in a fitness forum.

A guy, 22, wants to have sex with a girl who's 16. I'm the dad of a 1 year old daughter. I am worried about her enough as it is, but I cant think of how much I'd worry about this if this was my daughter. I'm angry about this guy doing this, am I right to be angry? What would you do if your daughter was in this situation?

This is rape. Consent has NOTHING to do with it. You have a right to be angry and don't let anyone else convince you otherwise. A father has a special feeling to protect his daughter. You are in a better position to accomplish this than any other person in the universe (despite what some may and will say). Don't buy it!!!


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I recall reading that a disproportionate number of teen pregnancies result from such relationships (i.e. relationships in which the male is in his early twenties and the female in her early to mid teens).

I would think a 22 year old male who wanted a 16 year old girl friend was either genuinely in love with her or -- more likely -- an at least somewhat dysfunctional young man unable to compete for a woman closer to his own age.


Complex bunch of atoms
This is rape. Consent has NOTHING to do with it. You have a right to be angry and don't let anyone else convince you otherwise. A father has a special feeling to protect his daughter. You are in a better position to accomplish this than any other person in the universe (despite what some may and will say). Don't buy it!!!

It's entirely legal in most countries. So not 'statutory rape'

Certainly when I was 20/21/22 and socialising with mates, there were many girls of 16/17 and sometimes younger, pretending to be 18+, and getting away with it, being served drinks.
If a 16 year old looks old enough then she is... an 22 is still very young for a guy.

If you are the father of a 16 year old girl then you have to accept she has probably 'already' had sex...

As for marriage... dumb dumb dumb to get married so young.