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40% of Americans belive the world was created 6000-years ago


Well-Known Member
What a very strange thing to do. Almost as if he wanted his revelation to be indistinguishable from the accumulated speculations of hundreds of generations of fallible humans.
But 'lining up' is the last thing it does. Christians are constantly having to come up with contrived explanations of why this or that stern OT injunction is no longer in force. As I said, uncannily as though it were entirely the product of humans codifying the temporary mores of their particular time and place.
This is abysmal. The structure of science rests wholly on hypotheses and their testing: it is not just the collection and cataloguing of 'absolute facts', whatever you think they are. Evolution is tested all the time: it could in principle be falsified every time, for example, a new fossil bed is uncovered. Its resilience in the face of all this testing make it, as others have pointed out, as much a fact as gravitation.

GOD separates the wheat from the chaff. Perhaps this is one of the ways HE accomplishes HIS will. Christians are willing to provide considerations that might provide a searcher of truth some food for reevaluation of one's commitments. GOD sent JESUS to provide the final sacrafice, and while there are physical and mental prices to pay for ignoring GOD's tenets. One can still gain eternal salvation by trusting in GOD's sacrafice for one's eternal security. Evolutionists do not always have tests to verify all their opinions.


Well-Known Member
So was there water on the earth before the flood?

I believe that there were sea creatures and that they needed somewhere to swim. So, I do fully believe that there was a sea and lakes. It is not possible to determine where, how many, how deep or how big. It does seem logical that the Mediterranean might have existed before the FLOOD in one form or another. Genesis mentions the Rivers Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, and the Euphrates prior to the FLOOD.


Just the facts Ma'am
Consider the scource of the book who's teaching/history/science/etc you cling so tightly to and the fact those same people (authors of said book) thought illness was caused by either God or demons and the accepted belief of the time was that the Earth was flat and the center of the universe and a dome of stars revolved around the Earth. Are any of those beliefs known to be or thought to be true today? Who told us those facts?
Case Closed!


Well-Known Member
GOD separates the wheat from the chaff. Perhaps this is one of the ways HE accomplishes HIS will.
Yes, perhaps. Alternatively, perhaps this is a comforting nostrum to console those who have no reason-based riposte.
Christians are willing to provide considerations that might provide a searcher of truth some food for reevaluation of one's commitments.
Though these considerations always fall sort of evaluating any evidence that runs counter to their preconceived ideas.
GOD sent JESUS to provide the final sacrafice, and while there are physical and mental prices to pay for ignoring GOD's tenets. One can still gain eternal salvation by trusting in GOD's sacrafice for one's eternal security.
Y-e-s, of course. It makes complete sense that the person you've offended loves you so much he'll beget a son then kill him to make amends.
Evolutionists do not always have tests to verify all their opinions.
On the contrary.
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Resident Liberal Hippie
So who determinds what exactly constitutes "overwhelming" evidence? What maybe overwhelming to one might just be something to ignore by another?

What a very telling statement from a Creationist.:rolleyes:

Evolutionists seem to point their finger at Creationists all the time, and yet they do the very same and call it scientific affirmation.

Since you have made the claim, please give an example of an accepted scientific conclusion about biological evolution that is the result of ignoring overwhelming evidence.


Well-Known Member
Threads like this just remind me of just how tired I am of religions. Does a belief in God have to take people's brain cells and turn them to jello? How can you believe this stuff Nipper? Have you read any books that aren't the Bible? Have you read about the evolution of gods/god? Do you really think God gave you a brain to make no use of it? Yikes:facepalm:

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
The vast majority of experts, including some Christian experts, believe that a global flood did not occur, that the earth is old, and that if a God exists, he has used evolution to create life slowly over time. Do you disagree with any of those positions?
I believe it rained and there was a flood. I don't know how anyone back at the time could have verified the whole world was covered with water. To them, the world was covered. I don't think they intentionally lied.

The earth is old beyond 6,000 years. The thing is, if Adam was created, he did not start as a zygote, he started as a man. A full grown man. Perhaps that is the way it happened. God created a planet that was millions of years old. Perhaps carbon dating is flawed to a certain degree. I will concede that the difference would not be that great, millions of years compared to thousands of years.

Some things in the Bible have been proven, like the star of Bethlehem.
I think the 6 day creation story was not literal.
What standards do you recommend for evaluating worldviews?
To be unbiased and have an open mind
Do you believe that you would have become a Christian during any time period, and no matter where you lived, assuming that you had read the Bible?

No, I believe most religions are handed down. Remember people, I said most.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Since rain is actually god's tears falling on us when he weeps over the fact the world is so full of creationists, I believe there actually could be a flood soon enough.


Just the facts Ma'am
"Some things in the Bible have been proven, like the star of Bethlehem."

Oh really?

I've followed astronomy very closely for over 30 years and have never heard anyone say "they knew what caused the star of Bethlehem". I've heard a lot of people postulate as to what it might have been but have never heard anyone say "this is what it was". I've heard of planet alignments, supernova, comets etc as a possible explanation. But have never heard/read whatever someone say for sure that they have found a natural explaination for it.

So Please if you would share a link to the site where you found that information!

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
"Some things in the Bible have been proven, like the star of Bethlehem."

Oh really?

I've followed astronomy very closely for over 30 years and have never heard anyone say "they knew what caused the star of Bethlehem". I've heard a lot of people postulate as to what it might have been but have never heard anyone say "this is what it was". I've heard of planet alignments, supernova, comets etc as a possible explanation. But have never heard/read whatever someone say for sure that they have found a natural explaination for it.

So Please if you would share a link to the site where you found that information!

An Astronomer's Explanation For The Star Of Bethlehem


Well-Known Member
Agnostic75 said:
Do you believe that you would have become a Christian during any time period, and no matter where you lived, assuming that you had read the Bible?

Reverend Rick said:
No, I believe most religions are handed down. Remember people, I said most.

But I said Christianity, not most religions. If you do not believe that you would have become a Christian during any time period, and no matter where you lived, assuming that you had read the Bible, then you have admitted that chance and cirumstance play an important role regarding what people believe, not just an honest desire to know the truth. I believe that a loving God would reward an honest search for the truth regardless of secular factors such as time period, geography, and gender. Are you aware that women tend to become theists more than men do?

As far as we know, all religions are handed down, including Christianity. In other words, as far as we know, God has never told anyone about the Gospel message himself. That is quite odd for a God who supposedly wants people to hear the Gospel message, but it would not be odd if the God of the Bible does not exist.
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Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I believe if I was born in Israel, I would be Jewish.

I believe if I was born in Salt Lake City, I would be Mormon

I believe if I was born in Saudi Arabia I would be Muslim

If I was born in Italy, I would be Catholic

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
OK so what? I've seen this before, but it's doesn't saw, they don't say, "this is it and that is what they saw". It only describes what are possible events of the time. where does it say "here it is we can confirm what they saw". Nothing 100%.

I just knew I was outgunned when I posted it. :faint: