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6000 years


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The Bible intimates that life began 6000 years ago.

The fossil record seems to do a good job disproving that.

There are remains of life forms embedded deep within Earth's crust. The life was covered and over time uncovered. There is evidence that the process of covering and uncovering is much longer than 6000 years. 6000 years is a real short time. What the physical record shows needed much more that 6000 years imo. How is it explained by believers in the literally inspired Genesis account please?

In other words how are the remains of ancient life explained in harmony with the scriptural account? Does believing in a literal interpretation of Genesis require calling Earth researchers liars?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The Bible is a myth fable guessing anciet literature creation.

OK. I'd like to hear about the fossil record. I think I know what the Bible is. When I was learning it from others who believe it is literal I needed to doubt things like carbon dating. But I can not doubt fossils. I am sure the dinosaur fossils are not man made fabrications. But I guess it is possible... :sarcastic


Agnostic Theist
The Bible doesn't state that the world is only 6,000 years old. Some extreme literalists will claim that, but they are a minority. As in, even most creationists do not take the 7 days of creation to be literally 7 days.


Premium Member
OK. I'd like to hear about the fossil record. I think I know what the Bible is. When I was learning it from others who believe it is literal I needed to doubt things like carbon dating. But I can not doubt fossils. I am sure the dinosaur fossils are not man made fabrications. But I guess it is possible... :sarcastic
They think dinosaurs lived with humans 6000 years ago. So you would have to doubt the carbon dating and the geological order, age of earth etc.

What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs? - Answers in Genesis


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The Bible doesn't state that the world is only 6,000 years old. Some extreme literalists will claim that, but they are a minority. As in, even most creationists do not take the 7 days of creation to be literally 7 days.

Do you consider Jehovah's Witnesses to be "extreme literalists"? They teach Adam was the first human 6000 years ago. Do you believe humans are only 6000 years young?


Veteran Member
Dear SavageWind,

As you had already noted before, those verses of Bible are symbolic.
Let's also look at what Quran says:

The Quran also, like the Bible says, that God created Heavens and the earth in six Days:

"It is Allah Who has created the heavens and the earth, and all between them, in six Days, and is firmly established on the Throne (of Authority): ye have none, besides Him, to protect or intercede (for you): will ye not then receive admonition?" 32:4

It is interesting to note the next verse:

"He rules (all) affairs from the heavens to the earth: in the end will (all affairs) go up to Him, on a Day, the space whereof will be (as) a thousand years of your reckoning." 32:5

"Yet they ask thee to hasten on the Punishment! But Allah will not fail in His Promise. Verily a Day in the sight of thy Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning." Quran 22:47

The above verse, says each Day of God is 1000 years.

Thus creation in six Days, equates 6000 years.

That period started with Adam according to Bible.

Counting from that time, the end of 6000 years is about a couple of centuries before.

This is known as the first Creation according to Quran:

“Are We wearied out with the first creation? Yet are they in doubt with regard to a new creation!” Qurann 50:15

The above verse says, God did not get tired of the first creation, do not have doubt about the New Creation.

Bible Prophecises:

"And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new." Revelation 21:5

And Baha'i Writings says:

"the Blessed Báb, Prophet and Herald of the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh, Founder of the Dispensation marking the culmination of the six thousand year old Adamic Cycle"
Adamic Cycle - Bahai9

and Baha'u'llah Revealed:

"Verily, We have caused every soul to expire by virtue of Our irresistible and all-subduing sovereignty. We have, then, called into being a new creation, as a token of Our grace unto men. I am, verily, the All-Bountiful, the Ancient of Days. "

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Well-Known Member
Logic (and tangible evidence) proves the Earth is much older than 6000 years; but I am curious (call this laziness on my part) but I believe it is either in the Lost Books of Eden or the Secrets of Enoch that has a time frame to compare "God Time" with Human Time; if this computation was done, how accurate would it be?


Admiral Obvious
Do you consider Jehovah's Witnesses to be "extreme literalists"? They teach Adam was the first human 6000 years ago. Do you believe humans are only 6000 years young?

Do JW's claim that there were no other human or human like beings before Adam and Eve?


Veteran Member
Premium Member

Do JW's claim that there were no other human or human like beings before Adam and Eve?

I think they teach there were no humans before Adam. But I think they believe there were primates that are now extinct. They say the human race began 6000 years ago.


Premium Member
What do you think, please?
That evidence suggests that Mitochondrial Eve was about 200,000 years ago.

As for evolution I think the common ancestor we share with the chimp did not diverge at a rate greater than chance.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
DNA is a blue print of what the life form will be. I shall suggest that it is true that God formed things according to their kinds, but not as adult life forms but as potential in DNA. Let's call it an egg but not an egg. An egg is an immature life form. God formed the DNA that would become a perfect life form. It has not happened yet.... has it? What is in the way of perfection? The Bible says lies are in the way. To believe a lie is to be halted from the way of truth. That's just logic, isn't it?


Premium Member
DNA is a blue print of what the life form will be. I shall suggest that it is true that God formed things according to their kinds, but not as adult life forms but as potential in DNA. Let's call it an egg but not an egg. An egg is an immature life form. God formed the DNA that would become a perfect life form. It has not happened yet.... has it? What is in the way of perfection? The Bible says lies are in the way. To believe a lie is to be halted from the way of truth. That's just logic, isn't it?

Sounds logical. That sounds like the seeded earth hypothesis.

Panspermia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Agnostic Theist
Do you consider Jehovah's Witnesses to be "extreme literalists"? They teach Adam was the first human 6000 years ago. Do you believe humans are only 6000 years young?

You are kind of moving the goal posts now. And really, this is a pretty different subject.


Well-Known Member
DNA is a blue print of what the life form will be. I shall suggest that it is true that God formed things according to their kinds, but not as adult life forms but as potential in DNA. Let's call it an egg but not an egg. An egg is an immature life form. God formed the DNA that would become a perfect life form.
Kind of reminds me of a partial explanation of stem cells;)
It has not happened yet.... has it?
I would guess not but there are some people arrogant enough to think Humans are perfect
What is in the way of perfection? The Bible says lies are in the way. To believe a lie is to be halted from the way of truth. That's just logic, isn't it?
Absolutely. That is why one of my favorite passages is "Seek and Ye Shall Find".:D
The Bible intimates that life began 6000 years ago.

The fossil record seems to do a good job disproving that.

There are remains of life forms embedded deep within Earth's crust. The life was covered and over time uncovered. There is evidence that the process of covering and uncovering is much longer than 6000 years. 6000 years is a real short time. What the physical record shows needed much more that 6000 years imo. How is it explained by believers in the literally inspired Genesis account please?

In other words how are the remains of ancient life explained in harmony with the scriptural account? Does believing in a literal interpretation of Genesis require calling Earth researchers liars?

Prokaryotes 3,6 billion years ago I think and stromatolites a couple of hundred million years later. So that's a bit longer than 6.000 years. Even if you want fossils of complex animals, you'll find there are some that are 5 to 600 million years old.
Believers in literally inspired genesis can't explain it so they often try to present it as if dating methods are faulty. Typically they discard carbon dating as unreliable, which sometimes works with those that don't know that carbon dating is only usable to about 50-60.000 years ago. Or they give -often false- examples of animals that had their heads dated as older than their tales or so, not mentioning that scientists themselves often caution about the easy contamination of samples. They discard just about the whole science of geology and forget as a rule to mention that long before Darwin published his book the scientific community had allready accepted a very old earth, from hundreds of thousands to 20 million or so (Darwin read Lyell on his trip). They need some tricks of divine intervention to make fossils older than they are. They need the stars to be an illusion, light from the 'stars' being manipulated on it's way by...divine intervention. They have as yet no explanation for redshift, I think.
In short, they can't explain the facts away so the explanation is divine intervention made everything appear thousands of times older than it is.

Advocating a literal interpretation of genesis doesn't require all scientists to be liars but as they can't be intelligent researchers of reality, they must be some kind of ill-willed career opportunists or very naïve parrots. But then you can't call them scientists.
Mere believing that literal interpretation is something else. Most people who believe in such things have never really thought it through or have insufficient scientific education and knowledge to judge the arguments properly so they don't have to have such a negative view of science and scientists. Some think people with a scientific mind are just indoctrinated and know no better.


How is it explained by believers in the literally inspired Genesis account please?

they cannot explain, but they do have a long track record of refusing knowledge, quote mining, and outright lies to protect their personal views of theology, all while trying to explain.

In other words how are the remains of ancient life explained in harmony with the scriptural account?

the only credible explanation is that the authors were completely ignorant of the natural world around them and used previous mythology as all they knew to explain such. And one needs to acknowledge they were not trying to write history, and it shouldnt have ever been viewed as such.

everything else is not credible, and thus, no harmony

Does believing in a literal interpretation of Genesis require calling Earth researchers liars?


but most common we see most ignoring said topics alltogether, only those that question it deeper and fight science are guilty of lies and refusal of knowledge


good post in all

Prokaryotes 3,6 billion years ago I think and stromatolites a couple of hundred million years later.

3.5 was good enough ;)

but its not alltogether true, [sorry bud im nit picking] Prokaryotes may have evolved from eukaryotic ancestors, its not real solid one way or another, but i think most claim eukaryotes were first .


were never alive ;)

its just the remains/acrcetions of colonies of cynobacteria


Well-Known Member
Prokaryotes may have evolved from eukaryotic ancestors, its not real solid one way or another, but i think most claim eukaryotes were first .
Since eukaryotic cells contain what appear to be the degenerate descendants of prokaryotic cells (but never vice versa), that claim might be difficult to substantiate.