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6000 years


Veteran Member
Premium Member
You are kind of moving the goal posts now. And really, this is a pretty different subject.

Guilty as charged for moving the post. But I believe it is the same subject. Some religious folks allow equal time for each living class. It's still not enough time to explain the evidence as I can tell.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Some think people with a scientific mind are just indoctrinated and know no better

Interesting that is what group literal and group evidence share.

In other words; People of the literal Bible group and people of the scientific community think the same about each group.


Well-Known Member
OK. I'd like to hear about the fossil record. I think I know what the Bible is. When I was learning it from others who believe it is literal I needed to doubt things like carbon dating. But I can not doubt fossils. I am sure the dinosaur fossils are not man made fabrications. But I guess it is possible... :sarcastic

You call yourself Christian but have to learn the Bible from others. Did they teach you Christian and you believed it? If you can't doubt fossils then don't doubt fossils. Maybe you should doubt Christian?
Interesting that is what group literal and group evidence share.

In other words; People of the literal Bible group and people of the scientific community think the same about each group.

The proof is in the pudding, one could say but allso, there's quite a difference:

Indoctrination through a few lessons in school at an age people are very critical about evrything new is rather more difficult than the indoctrination you get from being completely immersed in a set of beliefs at home, beginning at a very young age when one is completely open to influence, in your social life, at school and at church.

To give an example: I was raised in a very catholic home but my father was an educated man and teacher so he knew and accepted evolution theory. Still, I don't remember that topic ever been touched upon before I started talking about it after reading Darwin. My father stimulated me to think for myself. My mother thought the idea of being 'related to a monkey' vey unattractive but she didn't influence me one way or the other.

I have a nephew who was raised in a lireral bible/creationist home. There the topic of origin, sin, the bible was regularly talked about, apart from the bible classes he followed, the attention for the sabbath, the fact that his parents were careful as to which friends he had (religious or not) and told him and his sister they would never have accepted that they came home with a friend/potential partner who was not creationist.
Though they are good people this would have meant some kind of bannishment from the family and church (which was their social circle) my uncle told me. I once asked him how this was possible while him and me were good friends and me an atheist, he just said: "you are not my son and I just pray that one day you will find the true belief. But I could never accept the ideas of the devil in my children and under my roof"

As I know many people from his church group -out if interest I once followed their bible explanation group- and befriend some of them I know he is not regarded as exceptional in those views.
I believe this explains why so many literal bible/creationis/ID believers know so little about other beliefs or scientific theories like evolution theory and so easily belief whatever they are told about it in their churches.


'Believing something' and 'calling someone else a liar' are two totally different and
unrelated actions, neither one requires the other.

he makes a great point brought up by brilliant minds in the past

you would still be a liar though, if just to yourself.

you could not pass a high school biology class without lieing to someone


In other words; People of the literal Bible group and people of the scientific community think the same about each group.

that wouldnt be true.

One group knows the truth, one group refuses knowledge.

wanting to be right! and knowing your right! are two different positions


Well-Known Member
The Bible intimates that life began 6000 years ago.

The fossil record seems to do a good job disproving that.

There are remains of life forms embedded deep within Earth's crust. The life was covered and over time uncovered. There is evidence that the process of covering and uncovering is much longer than 6000 years. 6000 years is a real short time. What the physical record shows needed much more that 6000 years imo. How is it explained by believers in the literally inspired Genesis account please?

In other words how are the remains of ancient life explained in harmony with the scriptural account? Does believing in a literal interpretation of Genesis require calling Earth researchers liars?

The bible intimates man was created in God's image and the earth renovated--not created-- 6,000 years ago. Life, in its many forms, could have existed much earlier.

Super Universe

Defender of God
Some people think that God is supposed to be all about them, as if humanity is the greatest thing God ever created. It's insulting to them that God was not in a hurry to form humans. Man was created in God's image, this "image" is a mixture of personality, matter, and spirit.

A few other things, if I remember correctly, there are 20 dating techniques, 13 of them are absolute, meaning, they give a specific time frame, and 7 of them are relative, meaning, this came before that. So carbon dating is not the only dating technique.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
'Believing something' and 'calling someone else a liar' are two totally different and
unrelated actions, neither one requires the other.

This I have to disagree with. The Messiah said that to think about committing adultery with another is to commit adultery. So according to that same premise to think someone is a liar is to call them one. I think.


Superabacus Mystic
The bible intimates man was created in God's image and the earth renovated--not created-- 6,000 years ago. Life, in its many forms, could have existed much earlier.
Read literally, the Bible implicitly says that the entire universe was built 6000 years ago, with nothing pre-existing.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Read literally, the Bible implicitly says that the entire universe was built 6000 years ago, with nothing pre-existing.

Like magic.....but magic seems to be against the law. Does God cheat? I think not.

In other words it could not have appeared suddenly by magic because The Lord has made magic against the law. It was build. To build takes time. To build something so wonderful as everything is so wonderful takes lots of time. Lots and lots of time.
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Agnostic Theist
Read literally, the Bible implicitly says that the entire universe was built 6000 years ago, with nothing pre-existing.

Actually, if one reads the Bible literally, it does appear that there was something before creation. Genesis opens up with there already being this formless void, and it is from that which God creates.

In the second creation story, there is a barren wasteland. In ancient creation accounts though it was common for there to have been something before creation.


Well-Known Member
it does state it though.

Ok. Then show me from the bible where it states that the earth and universe are only 6,000 years old. Better yet, I'll make it easier for you. Show me where it even implies it.

but with that said, are you trying to state that homo sapiens are only 6000 years old?

No. Mankind made in God's image is 6,000 years old. But hominids, not made in God's image, as well as other life forms, could have been made much earlier.
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Agnostic Theist
Guilty as charged for moving the post. But I believe it is the same subject. Some religious folks allow equal time for each living class. It's still not enough time to explain the evidence as I can tell.

It is a little different. Many accept what science states. However, they make an exception with humans. Humans were created by God, and they were a special case. That doesn't rule out pre-modern man, but it does separate the two. So fossil record wouldn't be a problem.


No. Mankind made in God's image is 6,000 years old.

help me with this, because its not the first time ive seen this description.

what image of homo sapiens existed prior to 6000 years ago ???


Show me where it even implies it.

Isarelites formed roughly 1200 BC, from displaced Canaanites, this is factual. how could they even describe events with any credibility 2800 years previously ?? when we know they created a mythical exodus account that has no credibility as written?

but if you trace the lives and mythical geneology of the people they decribe, and they do describe their lives and ages. The date is there.