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6000 years


Well-Known Member
Isarelites formed roughly 1200 BC, from displaced Canaanites, this is factual. how could they even describe events with any credibility 2800 years previously ??

Through Adam and His descendants.

Gen_5:1 This is the book of the genealogy of Adam. In the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness of God.​

when we know they created a mythical exodus account that has no credibility as written?

That's conjecture based on your faith.

but if you trace the lives and mythical geneology of the people they decribe, and they do describe their lives and ages. The date is there.

In Genesis 1:2, the implication is the earth and universe were already in existence.
It is a little different. Many accept what science states. However, they make an exception with humans. Humans were created by God, and they were a special case. That doesn't rule out pre-modern man, but it does separate the two. So fossil record wouldn't be a problem.

Hmm, I would think the fossil record combined with DNA analysis, with the artifacts and indications of burial rituals etc of homo Neanderthaliensis would be a problem. How would the reaction be if it was established for instance that modern man learned how to make pottery from Neanderthal man? This last thing is just a hypothesis but curious.


That's conjecture based on your faith.

no just the opposite.

I have knowledge, not faith.

historically the exodus never happend as written. And the "facts" of how Israelites formed do not match the exodus theology. this is fact and not up for debate.

it is a fact displaced Canaanites slowly became Israelites, ond only the absense of pig bones made the difference between some Canannite villages, and the lack of pig bones was also not unique to Israelites at that time but more of a geographic marker due to life in the highlands


In Genesis 1:2, the implication is the earth and universe were already in existence.

intellectual dishonesty

taking this gen1 completely of context to meet your personal needs

1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.


Well-Known Member
30,000 years ago is are earliest dating of any remains.even cro magnon is dated 24,000 years ago.so what changes did homo sapiens have 6000 years ago?

God created them with a mind like His own (in His image) where they could reason, devise, imagine, think, plan, design and construct new and complex things. And most importantly, be able to have a relationship with Him.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
according to the bible yes

and in this modern time its pathetic to even debate this

OK, no. According to the interpretation of Bible, yes.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Is it wrong for the Holy Spirit to communicate in a way that some OK most people will not understand?

Zephaniah 3:9 Then will I purify the lips of the peoples, that all of them may call on the name of the LORD and serve him shoulder to shoulder
30,000 years ago is are earliest dating of any remains.

even cro magnon is dated 24,000 years ago.

so what changes did homo sapiens have 6000 years ago?

I saw the open air rock carvings in the Coa Valley in Portugal last year. Some date from 22.000 to 8.000 years ago. There's a drawing of a human but it isn't detailed enough to see if he/she was beautiful or not.


Well-Known Member
intellectual dishonesty

taking this gen1 completely of context to meet your personal needs

1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

The Masoretic text contains a disjunctive mark, called a Rhebia, at the end of verse 1 indicating a pause before proceeding to the next verse. This is just one indication of the existence of a gap of time between verse 1 and 2. I suggest you engage in a little more bible study before canonballing into an exegesis battle.


The Masoretic text contains a disjunctive mark, called a Rhebia, at the end of verse 1 indicating a pause before proceeding to the next verse. This is just one indication of the existence of a gap of time between verse 1 and 2. I suggest you engage in a little more bible study before canonballing into an exegesis battle.

that doesnt amount to squat scientifically, or historically, or biblically.

The Masoretic text does not represent gensis as written. So you fail

it would be more intellectual dishonesty for you digging out of a earlier mistake by promoting text copied between 700 and 1000 CE even though we do have some early sources that are close around 200 BC by obscure cults, as representing genesis as written.

It is embarrassing to me and humanity to see such refusal of common knowledge in these modern times.


Well-Known Member
no just the opposite.I have knowledge, not faith.

Your knowledge was derived from your faith in the sources which revealed the knowledge to you. Unless of course, you were an eyewitness. Sorry to say, the two are inseparable.

historically the exodus never happend as written. And the "facts" of how Israelites formed do not match the exodus theology. this is fact and not up for debate. it is a fact displaced Canaanites slowly became Israelites, ond only the absense of pig bones made the difference between some Canannite villages, and the lack of pig bones was also not unique to Israelites at that time but more of a geographic marker due to life in the highlands

Oh ye of little "faith" ;)


Agnostic Theist
Hmm, I would think the fossil record combined with DNA analysis, with the artifacts and indications of burial rituals etc of homo Neanderthaliensis would be a problem. How would the reaction be if it was established for instance that modern man learned how to make pottery from Neanderthal man? This last thing is just a hypothesis but curious.

It really comes down to what defines a human that is made in the image of God. Back in my fundamentalist days, I was taught that what separated modern human (humans made in the image of God) and pre-modern humans was the aspect of a soul. The key verse was in Genesis where it is stated that God breathed life into Adam. It was that breath which imparted the image of God into a person by giving us a soul.


I saw the open air rock carvings in the Coa Valley in Portugal last year. Some date from 22.000 to 8.000 years ago. There's a drawing of a human but it isn't detailed enough to see if he/she was beautiful or not.

we know so much about human history at this time in the levant that im glad people like you with a grasp on reality to remind me im not alone standing up for knowledge and the betterment of humanity through valid education .

there was no change in humans of any kind in the last 74,000 years. and even then due to a super volcano Toba, limiting the population as low as 2000 people planet wide, do we share gene codes from these survivors today.


It was that breath which imparted the image of God into a person by giving us a soul.

which at this time isnt even scientifically supported in any way shape or form beyond mythology


Agnostic Theist
intellectual dishonesty

taking this gen1 completely of context to meet your personal needs

1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Most scholars, and this would include Karen Armstrong (specifically her book "In The Beginning") acknowledge that Genesis does suggest that creation was not out of nothing. Robert Alter and many others object to the breaking it up into two verses as it looses its meaning.


Agnostic Theist
which at this time isnt even scientifically supported in any way shape or form beyond mythology

Doesn't matter though. It also isn't disproven. And really, it is a great step forward as this understanding often supports the idea of evolution anyway.