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6000 years


I'm not sure what you're asking. I think you're misunderstand what truth is. And the truth that is portrayed in Genesis, in the creation story, would be something for a different thread.

actually the question is very straight foward

does any part of the creation aspects of the legends play any part in reality
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Skanky Old Mongrel!
actually the question is very straight foward........

No, nothing is fixed scientifically. Just now the best of the best scientists are fragmenting into various 'camps' of belief. Some believe that the 'Big Bang' should be the 'Big Bounce' where a contracting universe bounced back out. Some believe that two giant (mem)Branes create universes wherever and whenever they touch together. Others believe in the probably of a multiverse, based on observations of galaxy-clusters moving strangely. Yet others still believe that at the final end of our universe, when only photons are left, that this condition will automatically trigger a new universe. One is strongly in favour of a complete universe being created within singularities already within universes. Finally, there is the string-theory camp of genesis.

You see, it's all just about belief just now. Even for Science


No, nothing is fixed scientifically. Just now the best of the best scientists are fragmenting into various 'camps' of belief. Some believe that the 'Big Bang' should be the 'Big Bounce' where a contracting universe bounced back out. Some believe that two giant (mem)Branes create universes wherever and whenever they touch together. Others believe in the probably of a multiverse, based on observations of galaxy-clusters moving strangely. Yet others still believe that at the final end of our universe, when only photons are left, that this condition will automatically trigger a new universe. One is strongly in favour of a complete universe being created within singularities already within universes. Finally, there is the string-theory camp of genesis.

You see, it's all just about belief just now. Even for Science

LOL ;) your misquoting the tv show

those are only ideas being investigated, not believed, and not camps

let me tell you want isnt scientific in any sense, genesis


Skanky Old Mongrel!
LOL ;) your misquoting the tv show

those are only ideas being investigated, not believed, and not camps

let me tell you want isnt scientific in any sense, genesis

Hi again! I'm not misquoting the show, although maybe not reporting it to everyone's satisfaction. When somebody says 'This is what I think....' I say to myself, 'Hey, this person is going to explain what they believe....!' If they report 'This is what I found...' then I'll think that they'll report what they believe.'

You might just be reacting to that word 'believe' like it's some kind of repellent sound (or writing)? There you go again with your last sentence about genesis. My dictionary describes 'Genesis' as the 'Origin of something'.

Do you need counselling over these words??...... Belief? and Genesis? I reckon that you have argued them for so long that they have become 'haunted' for you. ;)


Agnostic Theist
actually the question is very straight foward

does any part of the creation aspects of the legends play any part in reality

Do they need to? Really, you're asking the wrong question. We must take the creation accounts as mythology. In that regard, like all myth, they portray some sort of truth. Does this truth play a part in reality? Of course it does. It may not be revealing something about the historic past, but it is a truth none the less.

On the other hand, creation does not have to stand opposed to evolution. It isn't an either or approach (which really is a logical fallacy). Many accept both and there is no problem with that. The problem is when either side takes the stance that either you are with us or you are against us.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
actually the question is very straight foward

does any part of the creation aspects of the legends play any part in reality

Yes! Can I try an analogy? Do you drive? Let me assume that you do. So there you are driving along, when some idiot just jumps a red-light and smacks into you, full on, smashing you across the road. The cops arrive and after trussing the other drunken fighting idiot up, ask you what happened.

You say:- 'He just came out of nowhere!!!!'

One of the cops says:- 'Look buddy....... don't tell us some frigging fable!!!! Nobody comes out of 'No-where'!! This jerk was 'somewhere' before he hit you! So just cut the crap and tell us factually exactly what happened. Ok? No more silly legends please!


Agnostic Theist
and it should be kept there
I beg to differ there. If one actually understands the point of mythology, then it would be silly to keep "it" there. The truth that is contained in mythology should just not be kept at bay. There is a reason for it, and if people actually want to take the time and read the myths for what they are, then there can be huge benefits.
what truth? name it
It isn't as simple as naming a truth. If you actually would like to get into a discussion on the truth in the creation story, I would be happy to start a new thread. But it simply isn't a subject for this thread.
but it does with most theist
An appeal to numbers is a logical fallacy. An appeal to numbers, when the numbers are made up, is a fallacy based on ignorance.

The largest Christian sects have no problem with evolution and creationism existing side by side. So I think you may want to recheck your facts. Catholicism, and the ELCA (Catholics being the largest in the world, and the ELCA being the largest Lutheran group) both accept that evolution and Creationism can go hand in hand.
creation only opens the door for pseudoscience when it has no credibility in reality, scientifically
No it doesn't. If I recall, you believe in dowsing. Some, like James Randi, or Michael Shermer, would call that pseudoscience. But I highly doubt you would say that such a belief leaves to more pseudoscience.

If one accepts creation and evolution, why would it lead to more pseudoscience? It wouldn't. And the fact that many atheists (and I choose atheists as they do not accept creationism) accept various aspects of pseudoscience suggests that your observation here is incorrect.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I have skimmed the thread and it looks like a little bit of fighting to me. I am not in the mood to read every word. I did notice that u'll have skipped over me. It is OK.


Agnostic Theist
one can only do so from a point of mythology and not science.

creation is unsupported in science and not accepted
That is silly. If I accept that evolution does in fact happen, and is the best explanation for how live evolved on earth, but at the same time accept creation in some sense, that doesn't have to be from a point of mythology.

Evolution only tells us how life evolved. It doesn't tell us how life first began here (as in where the building blocks came from, which in fact there are varying ideas. I prefer the idea that it came here on meteor).

Evolution also does not explain how the universe first came to be. It doesn't deal with the originations or the formation of the universe at all. One can believe that God was the original cause, that God set everything into motion, and that in no way has to interfere with an idea of evolution.

Science does not rule out that creation in some sense occurred. Science does not tell us how the universe first came about. And if the idea of creation does not interfere with the theory of evolution, I don't see why there should be a problem.

Why not just let them accept creationism and evolution?


Agnostic Theist
That is ONE excellent question dear poster. Maybe we all will know, maybe we won't....

I think if we accept that something did change around 6,000 years ago, I think a good explanation is that it was the time in which God decided to enter into this world. Maybe it was the time in which humans were best suited for what God wanted.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Why not just let them accept creationism and evolution?
I think this could be a great compromise. People can make people with science. Why is it so hard to believe God can make people?


but at the same time accept creation in some sense, that doesn't have to be from a point of mythology.

where did you get this idea of creation from?

and does it carry any credibility beyond mythology?

One can believe that God was the original cause

based from what source?

is there any supporting evidence?

Science does not rule out that creation in some sense occurred.

nor does it rule our pink unicorns with purple spots

Why not just let them accept creationism and evolution?

multiple reasons

evolution is credible

creation is mythology, with no credibility at all, it has the same credibility a pink unicorns with purple spots and a solid gold horn

creation is still evident in place of science despite being outlawed from public schools, this is a serious problem in education


Veteran Member
Premium Member
We accept evolution. There is indisputable evidence for it. But evolution needs DNA and power. The DNA was designed by God and the power for forward motion comes form God Almighty. IMHO