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72 virgins in heaven


Well-Known Member
I am curious if the 72 virgins in heaven is a universal thing within Islam or is that something made up by terrorists to help with recruiting?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
It's my understanding that it comes from the Koran, rather than being something made up by terrorists to help with recruiting.

At anyrate, the notion that I'd have 72 virgins to contend with would actually disuade me from joining the terrorists.


Well-Known Member
Sunstone said:
It's my understanding that it comes from the Koran, rather than being something made up by terrorists to help with recruiting.

At anyrate, the notion that I'd have 72 virgins to contend with would actually disuade me from joining the terrorists.

Yeah I mean if that's the highlight of Paradise then there's something seriously wrong. Sounds like something made up by man....not God.

Judgement Day

Active Member
Here is an article translated from the book "Political Islam' by Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud, hope it answers your question...

What is Heaven?

There is nothing more beautiful than Heaven or talking about it...We depart with it from the hell of this world which we live in.

Most translators understand the verses which talk about the pleasures, luxury and joy of heaven in an 'Earthly' meaning. It is palm trees, and grapes and fruits and pomegranate and cold springs bursting with pearly waters, and rivers from milk, and rivers from honey, and rivers from wine and virgin women of heaven...

However, the Quran clarifies this 'limited' understanding for us. The Lord GOD tells us: 'What is mentioned of heaven is nothing but an EXAMPLE and not a reality'.

"The example of Paradise that is promised for the righteous is this: it has rivers of unpolluted water, and rivers of fresh milk, and rivers of wine-delicious for the drinkers and rivers of strained honey..." (47:15)

All these depiction's are nothing but an 'example', as for the reality, it is beyond depiction and beyond imagination. Our Lord also tells us in another verse:

"No soul knows what is hidden for them of joy and happiness as a reward for what they did." (32:17)

Therefore, the matter is 'hidden', as is the matter of 'hell'. In Hell is a tree that grows from the center of fire which is the 'Zaqoum' tree in which there is 'burning water'!.

Have we ever seen a fire from which a tree grows or contains water?.

The discussions of these attributes from a 'worldly' perspective of heaven & hell is merely a confusion and lack of understanding.

As for those who imagine heaven from perspective of their reproductive organs, we say to them: There will be NO reproduction or pregnancy or birth in heaven...therefore, there will be no need for your re-production organs, nor will there be a need for your rectum since we will not excrete food. That is why our Lord calls this the '2nd creation' (Nash'a Ukhra) to distinguish it from the '1st creation' we are now in.

And for every 'creation' there is a different structure and system for the type of surroundings given to it...

Can we imagine the need for an 'immune system' as we now have in the liver and bone marrow and blood vessels in the hereafter?. All these are but devices created for our defense against bacteria, microbes, viruses, funguses and other harmful factors. As for the 'hereafter', what purpose will these 'immunity systems' serve?. We cannot imagine that heaven will have bacteria, viruses, funguses and cancers...for it is called the 'Abode of Peace'! (Dar El-Salam).

"We remove all jealousy from their hearts. Like brothers, they will be on adjacent furnishings." (15:47)

This means that the 'internal structure' will be different. We are therefore looking at a new birth with new structures, new bodies and a new creation.

"Some faces, on that day, will be happy. Looking at their Lord." (75:22-23)

Such is new pleasure of a 'higher' nature of which we know nothing today in our Earthly life...The pleasure of looking to the face of GOD.

Our Lord acknowledges this pleasure when He speaks of the evil doers:

"...GOD will not speak to them, nor look at them, on the Day of Resurrection..." (3:77)

Such will be a great punishment and suffering which the evil doers will know on that day...

How can we look unto GOD?. Shall it be with our human eyes that can only see distances and shapes?. Or shall it be that we see Him with our hearts or being, or soul!. These are mysteries which will not be revealed except at their appointed time; and such will be the greatest of pleasures and ultimate happiness, a 'hidden' pleasure we cannot yet fathom...

Heaven and Hell are all 'hidden', and what has been related of them is nothing but 'examples' and 'indications'. And to relate to what our Lord is telling us, is the example of the beautiful colorful butterfly, which exits its cocoon after only yesterday being an ugly worm which ate remains, but now, it is a totally different creature. Such are similar examples to what our Lord sites as the '1st' and '2nd' creation.

But there is nothing more despicable or despise-able, then those translators who read the following verse:

"Serving them will be immortal young boys. When you see them, they will look like scattered pearls." (76:19)

And there sick sexual driven imagination takes them to think that heaven is full of gay pleasures; as such, he only sees in heaven what is the lowest of morality of Earth.

The natural interpretation is to understand the 'young boys' as a replacement in this new world in which there is no reproduction or children. As such, these young ones are the pleasure that we all derive from seeing and hearing these children as a replacement to our own which we had on Earth...where we loved them and played with them, but now there is no way to reproduce them.

Anyone of s would be lying about the messenger of GOD if he/she though they understood truly hat heaven would be or look like..for it is the 'hidden of hidden', and we abide by our Lord's words:

"No soul knows what is hidden for them of joy and happiness as a reward for what they did." (32:17)

And we do not say what the traditional translator said: "That heaven is lying between the trees, eating fruits, and defiling virgins...!". Such is a 'physical' lazy imagination and a limited 'vision' not going beyond the needs of the stomach and sexual organ.

This person apparently did not read the Quran in its fullness and depth, nor did he look to its verses and what lies between, nor did he try to understand, or contemplate, or think to what it contains. And what is the next life but a 'continuation' of the journey towards GOD:

"O humans, you are irreversibly heading for a meeting with your Lord." (84:6)

And GOD is ever-living and everlasting...as such, the journey to Him can have no end, nor length to it. And the hereafter is nothing but a journey to him in pleasure or in pain depending on what each has done. The believing men and women in heaven will say:

"...Our Lord, perfect our light for us..." (66:8)

This means that, the journey will continue, and that 'completion' will not happen yet, and that there is still something lacking in the hereafter...and there is a longer journey still ahead to know GOD and to become closer and more radiant...there is no end except to GOD...and the journey continues...

To your Lord is the end.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The whole idea is bizarre. What is the saint expected to do with the virgins? If he uses them for sex do they remain virgins? Are they replaced with fresh virgins? Or does he end up stuck forever in a houseful of maturing women?

And what of the virgins? What do they have to say about it, and where did they come from? Were they created de novo just for this purpose or did they have a terrestrial life at one time? Are they destined to be sex-toys forever?

What about righteous women -- do they get a harem of virgin men?

This whole thing strikes me as very unfair and exploitative of the virgins. Do many people actually believe this stuff literally? Do they think about the feelings of the virgins or the propriety of their servitude?


This may not be appropriate, but there was a pretty good joke in the Reader's Digest a couple of months back:

One of the 9-11 hijackers gets to heaven, and while he's standing there, George Washington comes up, kicks him in the rear, and yells at him for killing his countrymen. Soon, Thomas Jefferson does the same, followed by James Madisson, and he notices quite a lineup waiting to yell at him.

"What is going on?", he asks. "I thought there would be 72 virgins waiting for me."

Then someone says, "No, that was transcribed wrong. It was suposed to say 72 Virginians" :)

Judgement Day

Active Member
Seyorni said:
The whole idea is bizarre. What is the saint expected to do with the virgins? If he uses them for sex do they remain virgins? Are they replaced with fresh virgins? Or does he end up stuck forever in a houseful of maturing women?

And what of the virgins? What do they have to say about it, and where did they come from? Were they created de novo just for this purpose or did they have a terrestrial life at one time? Are they destined to be sex-toys forever?

What about righteous women -- do they get a harem of virgin men?

This whole thing strikes me as very unfair and exploitative of the virgins. Do many people actually believe this stuff literally? Do they think about the feelings of the virgins or the propriety of their servitude?
Seyorni...it is wise to read the whole post before you post a comment. You obviously haven't read my post.


Judgement Day said:
Seyorni...it is wise to read the whole post before you post a comment. You obviously haven't read my post.

Seyorni wasn't responding to you. :eek:

Judgement Day

Active Member
YmirGF said:
Judgement Day, how do Muslims resolve these two rather telling ideas? On the one hand you tell us that there is nothing more beautiful than talking about "Heaven"; whilst on the other hand we are told that no soul knows.

Tell me, my friend, what exactly is the POINT of talking about that which your own book tells you, you know NOTHING about? Doesn't it add up to mere wishful thinking? If you can wiggle out of that, I will be quite impressed. Good luck.
Good question, my friend...but the answer is quite simple. That is why whenever we are talking about heaven, since the reality of heaven is beyond our imagination, we must refer it to Quran. There are depictions of heaven and hell in the Quran if you are interested to know about.

Now to talk about the word 'virgin'. Most people that hear the word 'virgin' would instantly think about sex. But what is virgin anyway? Well, according to dictionary, virgin is a 'person' who has not experienced sexual intercourse, men or women. Virgins in heaven means that those people have never been touched before. They are clean, chaste, pure, in a natural state, unused, uncultivated, or unexplored...Does that mean because they are virgins, we have to have sex with them? Well not unless with sickening mind, you are to be driven to think in that way. Virgins in heaven are mere holy companions.

The vision of the term 'virginity' in a western culture differs from Islamic culture . In a western culture, in the name of 'free sex', people are proud in giving away their virginity. While in an Islamic culture, virginity is highly respected. This is why no wonder, when the word 'virgin' is heard, it is automatically linked to sex. Their sick sexual driven imagination takes them to think about sex. They only refer virginity to the lowest of morality of Earth.


alexander garcia

Active Member
Hi, judgement day thank you for your enlightenment into what Islam teachs. But I think that if more Muslims would speak the truth of what they are to believe there would be alot less hate. I am niether agreeing nore disagreeing with the Koran since that is not the topic. To anyone that is waiting for 72 virgins, your Heaven might be hell for others and if this were what the Koran spoke of it would be of lust. So thank you for correcting that for me at least and please pass that on to all Muslims. Also for another on here I like the part about what would saints do with virgins? Good point common sence! But for so many having eyes they do not see, having ears they do not hear!


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I don't know really why people call them (the 72 virigins) especially that this term is quite famous among non-Muslims.

You probably mean "Hoor"' but not virgins !!! thier name is "hoor al-ean".

I think what is really so bizarre is when someone who doesn't even have used 10% of his mind come to spread his so called intelligent to deny somthing he can't understand.

As also in your own selves: will ye not then see? (51:20)

Have a look at your body and tell me what do you know about it, look at yourself. God is saying so. He is showing us how arrogant we are to accept the truth even the miracle is in ourselves.

Allah promised his believers to give all kinds of enjoyment such as, a river of honey, when you see a bird flying in the sky "while you are in heaven" and you wished if you eat it so even before you talk about it, just thinking about it "because Allah knows what we all have in our heart" so it will suddnly be ready to be eaten by itself without any human interfer, also if i'm beside a tree of any fruit for instance and i wished to eat one so just thinking of it "your desire to pick one for instanse" so a branch from the tree that hold the fruit will come closer until it reach your mouth and you just can eat or pick it and eat it. Also, as long as those believers (i pray to God to be one of them) who will enter to heaven have all aspects of enjoyment whether food, drinks, beautiful environment and of course (and i have no idea why it's strange), they will be served by those those called "hoor al-ean" and one of those "hoor" if she just spit in seven seas so these salty seas would turn into sweet one as rivers "drinkable". This hoor is not made like us from dust but from one kind of perfum called in arabic "za'afran" and they have no father and they have no mother. If she just showed us her hand from heaven she would lighten the whole earth just like the sun, there are alot of discribtion for hoor al-ean and how much i wrote about would not be enough because it's so long. They are there to make the believers who deserved to enter heaven happy even a look at her face is enough and yes, anyone of them can wish to have those hoor and they will be only for him and he can enjoy with them too because God reserved them for the those who enter to heaven as a part of their enjoyment. I think people just misunderstood the word "لم يطمثهن" which means no body touched them and it also means that they are virgins as well but we don't call them ((the virigins)).

In heaven, no work, no jobs, no worship, no nothing. It's just ultimate enjoyment forever.

their wives if they entered to heaven too will be more beautiful than those "hoor" and the believrs wife in this life will be somthing like a queen of those "hoor" because of her beauty.

I have no idea why people have problems with "al-hoor"?

After all, they are just part of the enjoyment in heaven but absoloutly they are just judging this issue by the measuerment of this life.

I believe, they still have no idea what God means and what heaven really mean.

Finally, the exact describtion of heaven is that, the things and events there, no one had ever seen, hear or even thought about it in this life. No body can imagine it.

Peace ... :)

Judgement Day

Active Member
YmirGF said:
JD, I have read your Qur'an, a few times. I have read the descriptions of Heaven with a raised eyebrow and also read the depictions of Hellfire. You say that Heaven, or Paradise is beyond our imaginations. I DO agree. You simply cannot imagine what it is like. You really HAVE to be there.

I utterly reject the concept of Hellfire. Utterly and soundly. It does NOT exist.

In YOUR terms, Allah has already shown me much, and he shows what he will, to whom he pleases. (He also shows things to those who have the eyes to see.) I wish I could tell you more, but sadly, you would not likely understand.

I would tell you that the images of the Hellfire contained within the pages of the Noble Qur'an are relections of Muhammed's insanity. I really do not need further proof. Though I insist that Muhammed was as mad as a hatter, I do not care if you, or anyone, believes me or not. It is of no consquence. I would further suggest that the only reason people began to finally listen to Muhammed was because they were very afaid of him. They were very afraid that his message just might be true and so they threw their reason to the four winds and submitted to the delusion.

JD, how can anyone be expected to fear that which they love? The idea itself is insane. It doesn't matter how it is justified, for that will always remain true. Forgive me if I simply cannot be afraid of my dearest friend. How can the creation fear its creator? It simply makes no sense and can only be a misguided opinon.

BTW: Not everyone equates virgins with sex. Sheesh. Get a grip. Sorry, I simply reject the idea of being met by 72 pristine virgins. Though I would not rule out that God does not utilize the equivelent of a "Cosmic Welcome Wagon", it is NOT as described. Try to deal with it. I wish I could tell you more, but you'll just have to wait. You ARE gonna love it. Remember, and I INSIST, it does not matter if you believe me or not. There can be no compulsion in belief.
FIrst things first...I do realize that not all people relates virgin to sex, and I do apologize if that insulted you. I was not addressing that part of the post particular to you.

It seems that you are very solid on your contention. And I respect that, but though keep in mind that even a rock can generate a hole by continous drips of water. But I am not here to alter your belief.

God says in Quran that He will not let humans suffer more than what they can take (I'll find the specific verse if you want me to). God's mercy also percedes His anger. So when you aske me of what I think of hellfire, I see it as a warning. Either it is true or not, we have to be aware of it.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
Dear YmirGF,

I believe, that you really have a problem in understanding the meaning of God and his attributes.

Remember, when you talk about God you have to understand that God is not like us.

Yes, he loves his creatures, but he doesn't need us. He can simply destroy all this earth and make another one. Do you think God will love you when you deny his existance? answer please!

Nevertheless, I'll tell you somthing interesting. Do you know that God divided his mercy to 100 parts, all of us whether human beings or any other creatures like animals on earth share only one part of his mercy. Because of this mercy, a mother love her children, and we have mercy among each other. All creatures on earth share only one part of God's mercy but what about the other 99 parts?

God said he is keeping the other 99 in the afterlife to have mercy on us on that time.

Now you still think that God doesn't love us?

Regarding to prophet Mohammed and your claims that these are his words, i'll give you some verses to prove for you that God knows some people will say the same as you just did.

[40] That this is verily the word of an honoured Messenger;

[41] It is not the word of a poet: little it is ye believe!

[42] Nor is it the word of a soothsayer: little admonition it is ye receive.

[43] (This is) a Message sent down from the Lord of the Worlds.

[44] And if the Messenger were to invent any sayings in Our name,

[45] We should certainly seize him by his right hand,

[46] And We should certainly then cut off the artery of his heart:

[47] Nor could any of you withhold him (from Our wrath).

[48] But verily this is a Message for the God-fearing. (Quran 69:40-48)

Now you see, if prophet Mohammed invented such a thing (God forbid), God would punish him. God is so powerful. He is GOD but not a human being. We must be in balance between love (hope) and fear is well, this is how a real believer should be.

Moreover, the verse which brother JD was talking about is:

[286] On no soul doth Allah place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns. (Pray:) "Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like that which Thou didst lay on those before us; our Lord! lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Blot out our sins, and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; help us against those who stand against Faith." (Quran 2:286)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
YmirGF said:
I agree, but simply because god does not have emotions as we think of it and he does not know anger. Anger is a human affliction and results from misunderstanding how our actions affect the world we experience.

God do get angry and also he laugh as well but not in human way but the way which suit his greatness and glory.

We say about God what he mentioned about himself and we deny what he denied.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
YmirGF said:
I remember, often, reading the Qur'an and thinking, "How on earth would Muhammed know that!" Clearly he was seeing things, much in the way I understand them to be. SOME of his descriptions were right on the money. Dead straight, and I am not trying to deceive you.

IF I ever do descend that slope into unreason you can be rest assured I will remember to steal a few pages from Muhammed. His presentation was brilliant and he really did think of ALMOST everything.

I'm confused a little bit here, in the first passage you didn't deny that Mohammed was seeing things but in the second one you suugested that an illetrate man from the desert would think of ALMOST everything. THINK about it a little bit !

God challenged all huamn beings to bring any thing like Quran, even one single Surah (chapter), but definitely, no one could do so whether in the past or until now.

God said in Quran:

[23] And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (if there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true.

[24] But if ye cannot - and of a surety ye cannot - then fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones which is prepared for those who reject Faith.

[25] But give glad tidings to those who believe and work righteousness, that their portion is Gardens, beneath which rivers flow. Every time they are fed with fruits therefrom, they say: "Why, this is what we were fed with before," for they are given things in similitude; and they have therein companions pure (and holy); and they abide therein (forever). (Quran 2:23-25)

(Do you think the enemies of prophet Mohammed at that time wouldn't try to bring one Surah like the one in Quran? Didn't you think how a man, Mohammed, can simply challenge them this easily saying: and of a surety ye cannot. THINK about it, if you were there, you wouldn't about to make a Surah to put this man down (if he was your enemy and he was gathering all people claiming to be prophet?

They tried but they failed, they couldn't bring any Surah like it.

How can a man make this book with no error whether in it's language or in it's content, especially that it talks about the universe and the pervious prophets and the creation? How can a man do all this if he was a REAL scholar? Now think if this man was a simple illitrate poor man from the desert, that wouldn't shock you?

I believe it is an error to think that God created Creation because he felt like it would be an interesting thing to do. It is my FEELING, intuitive grasp, if you will, that God created Creation out of necessity. He had to do it for reasons that are a bit hard to put into words.

You wanna know why?

[29] It is He Who hath created for you all things that are on earth; then He turned to the heaven and made them into seven firmaments. And of all things He hath perfect knowledge.

[30] Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: "I will create a vicegerent on earth." They said: "Wilt Thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood? Whilst we do celebrate Thy praise and glorify Thy holy (name)?" He said: "I know what ye know not." (2:29-30)

My friend YmirGF, I must admit, you are a genius, because you ALMOST mentioned the same thing which Allah said to the angels. :clap

The purpose of our creation is to worship him because God said:

[56] I have only created Jinns and men, that they may serve Me. (51:56)

Nevertheless, God said for angels when they asked him why you created them when you have us worshipping you, "I know what ye know not."

Then he gave them an example,

[31] And He taught Adam the names of all things; then He placed them before the angels, and said: "Tell Me the names of these if ye are right."

[32] They said: "Glory to Thee: of knowledge we have none, save what Thou hast taught us: in truth it is Thou Who art perfect in knowledge and wisdom."

[33] He said: "O Adam! Tell them their names." When he had told them, Allah said: "Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of heavens and earth, and I know what ye reveal and what ye conceal?" (2:31-33)

The_Truth, there is indeed, but one God. My sense of god knows me very very well, and he also knows my feelings, very very well. What made me laugh so hard was your implication that I was denying his existence. Little could be further from the truth. Ultimately, it was he who opened my inner eyes, so many years ago. As I keep harping, it does not matter if you believe what I am saying. Reality will still be the reality that it is.

Sorry if i misunderstood you. :eek:

Peace ... :)


The Devil's Advocate
Ciscokid said:
I am curious if the 72 virgins in heaven is a universal thing within Islam or is that something made up by terrorists to help with recruiting?
There is no verse within the Qur'an that says that there will be 72 virgins waiting for you in heaven, martyrs or otherwise. The 72 virgins references comes from an interpretation of one of the lesser known Hadiths. Hadiths are the records of the sayings and doings of the Prophet. They carry a lot of weight in Islam but not as much as the Qur'an.

The particular verse from which all this hoo-haw comes is where Mohammed supposedly said:
"The smallest reward for the people of paradise is an abode where there are 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine, and ruby, as wide as the distance from Al-Jabiyah to Sana'a." (the Book of Sunah, volume IV, chapters on The Features of Paradise as described by the Messenger of Allah, chapter 21, About the Smallest Reward for the People of Paradise, (Hadith 2687))

The verse above then got coupled with a verse from the Qur'an:
"Verily, for the Muttaqun [righteous], there will be a success (paradise); gardens and grapeyards; and young WakawaAAiba of equal age; and a full cup (of wine)" (Sura 78(2):31-34).

That's the only place in the Qur'an where WakawaAAiba is used. It generally gets translated into English as "full-breasted maidens." Perhaps one of our Arabic speaking friends can elaborate on WakawaAAiba.

So. According to this Hadith, heaven will be a place with 72 wives. And according to the Qur'an, heaven will be a place with young WakawaAAiba of equal age. If you believe that "wives" and "WakawaAAiba" are refering to the same thing, then you get 72 WakawaAAiba. And if you believe that WakawaAAiba are virgins, then you get 72 virgins.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
KawaAAib are girls whom their breast (how it looks like) show that they never got married yet.

Wa in the word WakawaAAiba in arabic means "and" and a is just part of how we pronounce the word in arabic if we don't want to stop reciting it linking it to the word after it. If we just said WakawaAAib (no "a" at the end) so that means we have full stop there, but if we want to continue saying the word after it which is "of equal age" which is Atraba in arabic, so we must say then: "WakawaAAiba Atraba"

People who can speak arabic can't simply know the meaning of it unless they are aware of the advance level of arabic or they know it from the translation of this word in the Tafseer (explaining books of Quran).

Judgement Day

Active Member
YmirGF said:
I agree, but simply because god does not have emotions as we think of it and he does not know anger. Anger is a human affliction and results from misunderstanding how our actions affect the world we experience. Imho, god understands very well how his actions affect reality. I am just a man. I DO get angry, but not very often. When I do feel anger, I have learned that it is because of something I am not understanding and that is usually a truth I do not wish to admit. One does have to be brutally honest with themselves at times. Life goes much more smoothly in the light of compassion.
I'm sorry but I think we must agree to disagree that God does not know anger. Of course though, God's anger is much different from our own type of anger. God's anger is the anger of love, of which He wants the best for us. Just like the anger of our own parents to us. Their anger are not because of emotions, but simply because they want us to be the best that we can be.

YmirGF said:
I would only ask, "Why?" Does it really matter?
Yes, because with our awareness comes our cautiousness to which we should base all of our acts upon. It is a deterrent to prevent people doing bad deeds. Tell me, how is it more effective in a society to control the acts of people when there is no law?

YmirGF said:
You put a warm face on Islam. All praises to Allah, for doing that.
Thank you for your kind response. I personally think that Muslims in general need to start to mature. Sure they have a glorious past, but what is the use of it when they can only boast their past while their current conditions are obliterating themselves.