No one is claiming creation is science.
I am claiming evolution is also not science. In fact that biology book you read did not offer any evidence that natural selection is a mechanism for a change of species. They just said it is and you believed them.
I am well aware of your ignorance on the subject.
You have already demonstrated that you have no interested in examining any evidence whatsoever.
I have already shared with you evidences, such as the polar bears and brown bears scenario.
Your reply clearly demonstrate you don't understand Natural Selection, you don't understand speciation, and you don't even understand basic genetics.
I gave you example of two extant species, but you ignore it, because it doesn't fit in with deluded fairytale that species must make something completely different.
Speciation doesn't say it will make creature from a completely different orders.
The absurdity I get from most creationists is they want to see evidences of dog species producing cat species. That's never going to happen and that's not the way evolution works, because they are clearly not understanding evolution.
The changes are always going to be small. But the further back in time (I am not talking about "time", as in hours or years, but as in number of generations), the more noticeable changes.
The difference is in the the fur and the amount of body fat, as well as some of bone features, that make polar bears different from the brown bears, which are better suited for survival in the icy regions of the polar cap.
The hairs are close together in the polar bears, so it is more waterproof than the fur of brown bears. The same texture and thicknesses of the fur also allowed the bear also insulated better than brown bear from the cold.
The body fat contents of the polar bear also insulated them the cold, more effectively than the brown bears. So both fur and fat, allow polar bears to swim in the icy sea, as well as allow them hunt, while brown bears usually hibernate during the colder seasons.
These are evidences that the polar bears to live and thrive in the frozen wasteland.
The brown bears and polar bears are of different species, but still close enough related that they can breed with each other, but this don't happen so often because polar bears don't strayed so far from their region, and brown bears don't frequently go that far north.
The mechanisms come from polar bears breeding with their own species, because they obviously instinctively know that breeding with mates that shared common characteristics, will give their offspring better chance to surviving in their region.
Again, I did provide an example of natural selection and speciation.
You, on the other hand, have not provided any evidence for creator being responsible for creation...which is the reason for this thread.