Endlessly fascinated by the examples.
On the subject of science -- what I find is that evangelicals and other religious objectors to evolution distrust science ONLY when it concerns evolution. They cannot answer why they think that everybody who actually does the hard of work of years of study and decades of research all manage to get it wrong, while a few who don't do any work at all magically arrive at the only correct answer. (Just another absurd bit of hubris that must be "taken on faith," one presumes.)
And that is a fundamentally foolish notion, given that they all accept the work of science in mathematics, in chemistry, in electronics (you use TV and a computer, no doubt). Very, very few of the religious doubters of evolution would manage to build a television, space ship or computer -- or program it -- without having studied, and when they do study and research, they continue to learn more and more.
This dichotomy is the very clearest evidence possible that yours is a purely religious, and quite uneducated stance. The only reason for it is that science that builds TVs and space ships and computers don't conflict with your creation fable, while evolution does.
I'm not sure what you mean by your reference to Lucy. However, I'm constantly reminded that nay-sayers simply do not understand the paucity of fossil evidence, while the answer is so simple -- that fossilization itself takes place only very, very rarely under very, very special circumstances.