Coincidentia oppositorum
Mark 16:15 isn't part of your Bible? Interesting. I guess you have your own Bible then.Where did He say that?
And what you do, specifically you is witnessing about the Jesus you believe in personally, and it's not pretty. You consider the fight between evolution and creationism to be more important than winning souls. There are a lot of Christians who have no problem understanding evolution and accepting it and still be wholehearted Christians. For some reason, this is a problem to you, and not only that, it is your mission and Gospel to the world. Not salvation, but anti-evolution.All Christians are witnesses(Acts 1:8). We make better witnesses by what we do, than by what we say. Non-Christians can't understand what we say, but they can understand what we do, if it exhibiting what Jesus taught us to do and not do.
Here's an interesting impasse. You claim that you're not a witness and not called to be one, yet you quote one where you say that you are. Make up your mind. I'm becoming quite convinced that you're just another troll and not real Christian at all. You're just out for lulz. Also, I find it interesting that a 64 year old salesman talks like he's a 14 year old angry adolescent.
And if I was your God, you'd be fired.Who died and made you the final authority on what is logical and what is misrepresenting something. You have enough to be concerned about your witness to be concerned about mine. I am responsible to God, not to you.