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A Conundrum On Lord Shri Ram & Krishna: Open to All Hindus, Not Just Vaishnava-s


| abhyAvartin |
Lord Ram is the most powerful. JAI SHRI RAM.

Jai Shri Ram !


^ Lord Shri Ram taming the waters because he's bored. :p


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
I was never drawn to Sri Rama before until I realized the reason why... because He embodies doing the "rat thang" (as they say down south :D), it's something that, while I always did what I thought to be the "rat thang", I resented it. Now I understand what He represents, and in realizing this, I can embrace it and do the rat thang without complaining. But with apologies to Ringo Starr, It Don't Come Easy. I know it sounds weird. :facepalm:


Be your own guru
Lord Shri Ram taming the waters because he's bored.
That is a wrong representation of Lord Rama. He was powerful but a most humble person. Rama restraining Lakshman when Lord Parasurama became angry at breaking of Shiva's bow:


राम कहेउ रिस तजिअ मुनीसा। कर कुठारु आगें यह सीसा l
जेंहिं रिस जाइ करिअ सोइ स्वामी। मोहि जानि आपन अनुगामी ll

(Rāma kahehu ris tajiya munīsa, kara kuthāru āge yaha sīsa l
jehi ris jāi kariya soi swāmī, mohi jani āpan anugāmī ll)

"Lord Rama said, please abandon your anger, my head is before your axe;
please do what will remove your anger, considering me as your follower."
Sri Tulsi Ramcharit Manas.
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| abhyAvartin |
That is a wrong representation of Lord Rama. He was powerful but a most humble person. Rama restraining Lakshman when Lord Parasurama became angry at breaking of Shiva's bow:


राम कहेउ रिस तजिअ मुनीसा। कर कुठारु आगें यह सीसा l
जेंहिं रिस जाइ करिअ सोइ स्वामी। मोहि जानि आपन अनुगामी ll

(Rāma kahehu ris tajiya munīsa, kara kuthāru āge yaha sīsa l
jehi ris jāi kariya soi swāmī, mohi jani āpan anugāmī ll)

"Lord Rama said, please abandon your anger, my head is before your axe;
please do what will remove your anger, considering me as your follower."
Sri Tulsi Ramcharit Manas.

Yes, absolutely. Very, very true. Please keep in mind that I express that in my OP:
That raw, unforgiving, forever-conquering control of all the guNa-s !
Lord Shri Ram was very humble, sublimely humble - even in his fiercest moments. Jai Shri Ram !


Be your own guru
:D He can shoot straight or in a twisted line (Sugreeva's test, arrow going through seven trees not in a line), can send an arrow around the earth or to Andromeda, can destroy a demon or destroy hundred cities with one arrow, can dry up oceans. He is the Lord God. He can made a square circle. But he is the most humble. When Bhrigu kicked Lord Vishnu (who is no other than Lord Rama) in the ribs, the Lord messaged the feet of the sage saying that it might have hurt him. The sages were trying to find the best God and Lord Vishnu won because of his humbleness.

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Nyingjé Tso

Tänpa Yungdrung zhab pä tän gyur jig
Don't forget what a gentleman He is ! :D



Funny thing is, here we had a politician woman whose name is Rama Yade. Everytime I was hearing her name on the news, it was confusing me because I was thinking of Sri Rama everytime xD
Then I saw they were talking about politics and was disappointed. Every time. I must be kind of stupid to fall for it every time :facepalm:


Jai Lakshmi Maa
What interests me about Rama in the epics is the great amount of emphasis on familial love. (Yes, of course there is romantic love too)

Muct time is spent on describing Rama's love for his father, brothers and mothers, and how they adore him in return and would do anything for each other. I think this is an element missing from a lot of narratives these days, whether it is books or movies.

So much time is spent on romantic love (which is all very nice and fuzzy) but I often wish there were more tales of friendships, sibling relationships and families.

I'm more old fashioned than I thought I guess.:)




ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
This is one of my favorite depictions of Sri Rama, with Srimati Sita, Sri Hanuman, and Lakshmana. I have a resin murti of this image. I think it's very pretty.



| abhyAvartin |
:D He can shoot straight or in a twisted line (Sugreeva's test, arrow going through seven trees not in a line), can send an arrow around the earth or to Andromeda, can destroy a demon or destroy hundred cities with one arrow, can dry up oceans. He is the Lord God. He can made a square circle. But he is the most humble.

"The renowned Rama, who is equal in prowess to Vishnu the lord of the preservation and among celestials, demons or the foremost of men, or among hordes of Yakshas the semi-divine beings or ogres or among all Vidyadharas, a king of super-natural beings or among Gandharvas the celestials musicians or among Uragas the semi-divine serpents or among Siddhas the holy personages having super-natural powers or among excellent Kinnaras the mythical beings with human figure and head of a horse or among all types of birds or among all living beings at all places and at all times." Ramayana: Sundara Kanda Sarga 51 Verses 40-42

Jai Shri Ram !


| abhyAvartin |
(Or they come to the easiest conclusions possible which for Lord Ram, are often unfavorable in the west).

Which usually gives rise to propagandized abominations of, say, Sara Joseph, for example: click me. After which, those that are actually familiar with the Ramayana (and its many variations) offer the truer, objective picture: click me ... Understandably and rightly so.


Be your own guru
What interests me about Rama in the epics is the great amount of emphasis on familial love. (Yes, of course there is romantic love too)

Much time is spent on describing Rama's love for his father, brothers and mothers, and how they adore him in return and would do anything for each other. I think this is an element missing from a lot of narratives these days, whether it is books or movies.
The element is never lost on Hindu masses. This is the reason Rama is known as 'Maryada Purushottama'. They also say 'Ramah Videhavana Dharma' (Rama is the personification of Dharma). Whether it is treatment to members of family and servants (to whom he was always very humble) or treatment for his subjects (Raja Dharma, how to rule a kingdom, that is why Rama-Rajya). Rama wrote Hindu ethics. Rama's story is the Hindu stone tablet with commandments.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Not to revive an obviously dead thread, but I just wanted to point some things out.
It appears that Lord Rama was a very powerful and heroic figure who defeated even the greatest of demi-gods. That is certainly true, but Lord Krishna was no less. In the Srimad Bhagavatam, it is mentioned that Lord Krishna was able to humble many Gods such as Brahma, Indra, Varuna, Shiva, Skanda, Yama etc. Lord Krishna was also a very powerful figure, but he is mainly known for his irresistible charm rather than his powers.


Istha gosthi
Namaskaram prabhu ji's

Lord Krishna was also a very powerful figure, but he is mainly known for his irresistible charm rather than his powers.

jai jai , but please do not forget that he could hold up Goverdharn at the age of seven , this he did to protect the inhabitants of vraj from indra who was behaving very badly and thinking him self all powerfull , .....


and that Krsna himself said in the Gita , ....''where ever there is a decline in religious practices , ..at that time I myself will decend'' ....


Istha gosthi
namaskaram dear brother ji

Top, top secret: Lord Shri Rama became so bored in Dwapara Yuga, that he returned as Krishna just to commence the Kali Yuga. :p

I think more sri Visnu he became so fed up with the unrightiousness at the end of Dwapara yuga that he had to return to usher in Kali yuga at least by re establishing Rightious rule , ........:yes:

and amongst other lila to knock the puffed up Indra down a peg or two :p


| abhyAvartin |
namaskaram dear brother ji

I think more sri Visnu he became so fed up with the unrightiousness at the end of Dwapara yuga that he had to return to usher in Kali yuga at least by re establishing Rightious rule , ........:yes:

and amongst other lila to knock the puffed up Indra down a peg or two :p

... hehe :p.


Well-Known Member
ISKCON is primarily a western phenomena, and not very relevant in India, although they try. :)

As I believe, Iskcon is a Christianized version of Hinduism's Vaishnawa. Though you see many similarities their perception and philosophy are completely different from true vaishnawism of India.

Especially In South and Maharashtra true vaishnawism is being followed. Bhagavata Purana also predicts that true devotees of Krishna will be found in Karnataka state of India.

Hari Om