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a new dir introduction


Well-Known Member
No offense but you don't really seem to have the first clue what Satanism is about.

Let's not start this Satanism infighting ********. I don't conform to yours, or anyone else's idea of what "Satanism" constitutes. I've been doing this for over a year and just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I'm not a "Satanist". Let's not start this "true Satanist" crap because quite honestly it's not up for any of you to decide if I am a Satanist or not.

I was a Satanist from the ******* day I was born, it only took me 19 years to figure it out. And over a year later, I can't even see myself anywhere else. My practices are inherently individualistic and are centered on emotional and spiritual growth via divination/revelation, cognitive techniques, and other magic(k)al means that help me over come myself in supernatural as well as natural ways. I rejoice in who and what I am and aim to enjoy every good moment of life while using the bad experiences as a form of self-reflection and opposition to strengthen and teach me. I see a figure I call "Satan" as a being that both pervades the cosmos and what's personality is that of setting up opposing forces against each other so that the ones involved can learn from, and appreciate, the lessons and strength that is brought on by those events. This thing I call "Satan" also accuses me when I fall short of these aims, and continuely challenges me to push my barriers of both thought and emotion to explore those corner of the human mind most don't even want to know about, to face myself and look into my own being and soul and confront what I really am, and what as a human I am capable of for either good or bad. And I'll tell you, I have seen things inside of me that would terrify the average-joe. I also seek my own interests, for this Xeper-like pursuit is part of that, as well as any interests that are beneficial to my own personal interests. This includes things such as the destruction of enemies and looking out for my loved-ones.

If that isn't Satanism, I don't know what is. Just a while ago I was trying to list how many Satanic organizations I knew of off the back of my hand, that are still running in some capacity, and I think I was able to name about 16. I read Satanic literature regularly, and have conversed with many, many other Satanists and have heard their take on it.

If I'm not a Satanist, then I don't know who is.


Well-Known Member
Ok' I've given this some thought, and I guess we could say that all forms of Satanism, whether or not Theist or Atheist, does have some common threads.

I mean, what does it matter what our mode of operation via belief is, if we still walk the same Satanic paths? Our goals and applications are the same, but our methods differ from theist to atheist to some degrees, but ultimately the goals are the same more or less.

Satan's_Serrated_Edge, the problem I originally had with your initial suggestion was due to me misreading it, but then if you looked down I kind of agreed with you but I still think that for most people coming to this DIR, it will be too vague. Even though your post did touch upon one of the cornerstones of Satanism, I don't think it fully encompasses what it really means to be Satanic. Autonomy, self-reliance, and breaking barriers are all part of the Path, but I honestly feel there is more too it, more layers. I do not think as a representation of Satanism as a whole, that leaving out those other elements in other forms of Satanism is fair. Since this is the general, and not "Theistic" or "Symbolic" Satanist DIR, but just the "Satanism DIR", we should be as inclusive as possible while touching upon the range of Satanic religions.

I don't think it can be said to be as clear cut, even if the general application is universal. Is it window dressing? Perhaps to some, but perhaps to others it is part of their pragmatically orchestrated intellectual decompression chamber, or perhaps their other elements somehow enhance the autonomous parts of Satanism. If Satanism was just about Autonomy and breaking barriers and morality, then I wouldn't even need to call it Satanism but would just call it cognitive science and independence, and leave all the "window dressing", hence diabolical symbolisms, behind. I mean, do you really need the "Satanist" label to do these things? If not, then why say you are a Satanist? It seems that symbols, ideas, beliefs, and other layers ect ect can be just as important to the methodology of walking the path as any other elements, and so it's not fair to necessarily leave them out.


Well-Known Member
Wow a whole year?

Anyway, keep your pants on..call yourself whatever you like.

Actually 15 months consciously practicing it, though I discovered it and was just denying I was a Satanist despite already taking many of it's ideas for six months prior. So really it's been 21 months I've been actively practicing Satanism even if only using the label "Satanist" for 15 months.

But even before that, I lived a very LHP outlook on life. I didn't care what others thought about right and wrong, I made my own right and wrong, and believed firmly in vengeance and destruction against my foes, and love and loyalty to my friends. Hell, I unknowingly followed many Satanic virtues for most of my life, though that is because they are based on human nature, and my nature I always felt trusting and intune with.

And I know it really isn't that long, but my point is that I've been involved with Satanism long enough to know what Satanism is, and what many different takes on it are. Of course it's not that long though, and I'm learning all the time, but my point is that I've been in it this long and I keep finding myself digging more and more into it. I just think that for some reason you have misunderstood things I have said here or otherwise somewhere else; the things you have described as Satanism, I will admit, are not all things I can currently say that I possess, but are, and have been, on my list of goals to greater goals for quite some time. It's not an instantaneous process after all, but I see more and more of myself freed all the time.

Some say Satanism is this, some say it is that. My opinion? It's the opposition inside all of us... crying out to make it's own way, and have it's own will, no gods, no masters, or at least allow gods that encourage the expansion of our own wills.
We ARE Satans, in the most literal sense.
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