I did not read this whole long thread but did watch the Open Letter clip, and Rosie's clip that showed what she said.
The Open Letter was fantastic! And I focus on what that young man did as well...that her mistake was pointed out (apparently) but instead of listening to that she tried to defend her offenisive joke. Only human, and I don't know what happened after this, if she ever admitted it was wrong, offensive, in very poor taste. I hope she came to her senses and apologized.
My two daughters are Chinese and right now they would be too young to understand any of that and why it was a hurtful remark. Someday we will face that, the first time some kid makes a mean comment about her race, or she hears someone tell a "joke" like Rosie did and she identifies with the object of the joke. It's coming. I'm trying to prepare them by teaching them forgiveness, but also that they do not have to let such things go by unchallenged or, heaven forbid, accept them as tolerable.