A great question! I personally would, yes, and here is why. The reason I am an atheist is simply that I have many problems with the concept of god; namely that it lacks a shred of, if any, hard evidence to support it. My issue isn't with the teachings of Christianity (although I definitely have an issue with the bigoted and twisted way in which the christian church manipulates its supporters and the general public through these teachings) , it is with the spreading of the idea that there exists a being or beings who, through some mystical and unknown source of greater power and knowledge, created and now control the universe. I think that it's frankly a very sad and depressing thing that our society has somehow come to value the concept of faith, which is essentially a celebration of one's ability to ignore evidence and facts and stick to their opinion even when it has no support. Teaching people that it is a good thing to believe in something without evidence will lead this world wrong.