The Jewish mind is brilliant ...
Hint, how many "Jews" do you know go on about the teachigns of Paul and Jesus???? How many nah she aint no Jew....
What are you referring to in point 2?
I do find it funny when christians act like they are more Jewish than Jews themselves... I know of a methodist who decided she was a kabbalist, after reading some texts. She even goes around speaking as though she is a Jew, has a webste dedicated to the torah.... Yet she's a methodist! Its not like she ever actually converted... or even stepped intoa temple.. It takes all types.
Eunuchs, from "my" perspective is similar to Thomas 114, which is about transformation and union of opposites. Which has little, or in reality nothing to do with removing testicles
I actually am quite flattered that all I stated was "the Jewish Mind is brilliant" and you both assume that I am claiming to be Jewish. I have in fact stated the opposite many times. I am not converted to Judaism... yet (meaning, I have not gone through the process which is set in place by those in authority; which I have no problem to go through it and indeed find it a necessary process for those who are not Jewish to start out with so that we fully understand exactly what it is we are choosing to become a part of).
Still having grown up in the message of Paul and seeing the damage it does to people, of course I am going to find priority to speak against it being attached to the Tanakh. It distorts the message of Jesus which in turn has caused many to believe the Tanakh is "old".. only good for using bits and pieces of to claim that Christians are the replacement of the Jews. I think it impossible that anyone can replace this People; especially with Christianity which is wholly oppositional in what the Tanakh is speaking to.
Christianity speaks of death and the Tanakh speaks of Life.
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