Yes it is wrong. Not about everything, but lots and lots of stuff.
Not because the original authors and audience were stupid or evil. They were just primitive.
Modern people know so much more than they did. So when Scriptures contradict modern ideas, from speciation to marriage, just claiming to believe that God says something else doesn't change the facts. You're wrong to believe that the earth is a few thousand years old. You're wrong to believe that my marriage is immoral because we are gay.
Claiming to speak for God isn't at all credible.
The trick is to select only the portions of the bible that agree with your world view, and claim the ones that don't are the ones that are outdated. For example, I don't care who's screwing whom, but I really don't like the Blue Jays, so I interpret the passage where Noah releases the dove to mean that the Blue Jays are evil and all their fans engage in carnal relationships with dead squid. See, like that, it's easy!