Free will
"Tthe ability to choose between different possible courses of action."
Source: Wikipedia
"The power or capacity to choose among alternatives or to act in certain situations independently of natural, social, or divine restraints."
Source: Encyclopaedia Britannica
"The ability to make your own decisions about what to do, rather than being controlled by God or Fate
Source: longman dictionary
"The ability to have done differently"
Source: Skwim and others
1. Yes, I think we can choose between different possible courses of action. We do this all the time. The choices are made by us, even if they are pre-determined.
2. Do we do this independently of natural, social, or divine restraints? No, we do not. We are *always* subject to natural constraints as well as social. If I jump out of an airplane, I do not have the choice not to fall.
3. Since i don't believe in God or Fate, I think the choices we make are not subject to either of them.
4. This is a tricky one. For example, it implies that there is frequently more than one possible future. It also means there is something we do that determines which of the possible futures becomes reality. But is *we* are different, then the conditions are different, so it may well give a different future. But if we are the same, how is it *our* choice if there are different futures?
Ultimately, I think the notion of 'free will' is to ill-defined to be meaningful. it gets to questions of identity (what does it mean to say that *I* make a decision?) as well as physics and philosophy (what does it mean to say there is more than one possible future if the universe is both space and time?)