You don't have to invent something, just to create a regression of explanation. You really don't. One explanation can be sufficient.Absolutely not. To save your sense of free will you're simply driven to stop prior cause at some random point. Unfortunately, you have to put something in its place. So, if prior cause didn't determine which factors took precedent, what did?
And it's not a random point, but an arbitrary one. One determined by "you" to be sufficient. Sufficiency is where explanation should end.
For example, if I were to offer as explanation for "the ability to choose between different possible courses of action" the answer, "You have a brain," I would have passed the point (in regressing) of sufficient explanation. Having a brain is insufficient explanation.
The reasoning that brought about the choice was the outcome of weighing the factors. It prevailed by virtue of its weight, that's all.So, what was this reasoning that brought about the choice, and why did it prevail over all other reasoning. If you say "it was simply right" then you're stuck with explaining how it was determined that it was right and not wrong. Then your stuck with explaining how this determination came about. and so on, and so on. Thing is, unless an event is utterly random, it has to be caused. And causes have causes, which in turn have causes, which have causes, which . . . .
I can actually say that this determination came about because "you" (all the thoughts, feelings, learning, imaginings and experiences) have mental processes, without having to explain what mental processes are (requiring a knowledge of neuroscience) or how they came to be (requiring a knowledge of evolution). Realism doesn't require us to know everything, just to state what is sufficient explanation.
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