So I ask again: how do we know that natural forces wouldn't produce such a thing?
the answer is direct observation
we know with a high degree of certanity because wind and errotion have been observed and studied, and based on what we have seen, there is no bias in producing faces.
1. how could you possibly know of "all the possible combinations"?
2. how do you calculate these values?
3. from which value onward can we say that it is likely designed?
4. can you show, or explain, how this would work in practical application?
1 and 2 ) just do the math, each "stuff" would have a different method, for example if I type 10 letters and we assume that my keyboeard has 100 characters, then there woudl be 100000000000000000000 possible combinations
3 Its a probabilistic arguemnt, there is not a specific point where you would say "Design" it is just that design becomes more and more likelly as the level of SC increses
Sure pretend that there is a 50% chance that a thief would try to open the luck of bike by guessing the combination, and a 50% chance that the owner of the bike that knows the combination, would be the one who will try to open the luck of the bike (pretend that the luck has 3 digits or 1,000 possible combinations)
If the individual opened luck at the first try, you can be nearly certain that this individual is the owner of the bike, if the luck is opened in the second try you will be less certain, if it is opened in the 3 try you would be even less certain,… if it was opened after 500 ties, then the “thief hypothesis” (chance) would be better than the “owner hypothesis” (Design) …obviously I can’t spot exactly at what point one should prefer chance over design, but so what? That doesn’t mean that I can’t infer design at least under some given circumstances.agree? answer yes or no
So in other words, the REAL "criteria" for detecting design in the "dembski method" is as follows:
1. it looks to me as if this has specified complexity (expression of an opinion)
2. i don't know / understand how natural processes can produce it (expression of ignorance / incredulity)
3. therefor it is likely designed (conclusion based on an expression of opinion and an argument from ignorance / incredulity).
1 it is not an opoinion, for example it is an objective fact that a text with 10 letters has less unitis than a text with 100 letters, (therefore the text with 100 letters is objectivly more complex by this defintion)
and it is a fact that most combinatios of letters woudl produce meaningless text (specified)
this is not an opinion, there are objective and verifiable facts
2 Its a testable and falsifiable conclustion based on the data that we have to date, based on the data that we have to date wind and errotion has no bias in producing faces,
3 no,
So pre-darwin, it was justified to infer design?
Premises of opinion and ignorance, leads to valid conclusion in your opinion?
You are just fooling yourself, you what to pretend that the concept of SC is meaningless or ambiguous because you know that you don’t have any real objection to the argument.
We don't know (yet) how life started or can start. So I guess you can apply your argument from ignorance of criteria nr 2 above to that portion for the time being and feel "justified" in asserting design.
Granted but there are a few things that we do know, for example we know that all known self-replicating agents (cells, bacteria, archea, etc.) require multiple parts systems and reactions (complexity) in order to self-replicate and we know that these parts systems and reactions have to occur and be organized in a very specific way, otherwise the cell would fail to reproduce (specified)
We also know that prebiotic chemistry is not interested in creating life, nor self-replicating molecules, chemicals don’t tend to organize in a convenient order, just to name an example the ration of left handed and right handed aminoacids tends to be 50 / 50 in any chain of aminoacids, aminoacids don’t seem to be interested in forming long chains of left handed aminoacids. … there is no bias in the laws of nature for preferring left handed amoacids, the bias seems to be a ratio of 50% 50%
So based on what we do know, it seems that even the first living thing would have the attribute of SC
*in this context with living thing I mean any organic thing that can reproduce.
I am not “just asserting design” I provided good, testable and falsifiable reasons,