The truth is that in order to evolve a worm-like creature in to a human you need new “genetic stuff” (stuff that was not there) and evolution requires a step by step path, where each step is beneficial. (a step being a single mutation)…you can include some neutral mutations,
In order to evolve The
Rise and Fall of the Third Reich into
War and Peace, all you have to do is rearrange the existing letters. No new "stuff" or "information" is needed.
No path has ever been shown to exist,
Sure it has. Aren't you familiar with the mechanisms of evolution?
How are you defining "been shown?" I could say no path has ever been shown to exist from bacteria to disease. it is -- after all, only a theory -- but that wouldn't be reasonable, considering the evidence.
There is at least as much evidence for the ToE as there is for the germ theory.
We call this “genetic stuff” information, but you are always free to give it an other name.
Thanks for the clarification. So you'd expect the complexity of an organism to be related to the length of the genome; to how much DNA an organism has?
Well in order to evolve a worm-like creature in to a human you need bilions of mutations, each of them (or atleast most of them) has to be benefitial and selected by natural selection
So with a billion worms, and hundreds of mutations per reproductive cycle, wouldn't you expect some changes for natural selection to work with?
Ok then evolution by natural selection is not testable, perhaps in the future we would have the means to test it.
Why do you say it's not testable? People have been using selective breeding for millennia. If it works for farmers why wouldn't it work with natural, unguided selective breeding?
People have observed change, even speciation, in vivo, through natural selection.
1 I am not asking for the exact mutations that took place, I am asking for a viable path
But what do you mean by a "viable path?" Biology has described and tested the steps involved, the mechanisms are known. They've been observed a thousand times. What more do you want?
2 for the purpose of this conversation I define evolution as : the idea that organisms came from simpler ancestral species as a consequence of random mutations and natural selection.
"Evolution" is change. The Theory of evolution describes the processes involved. "Came from" leaves the mechanism blank.
I don't deny the fact that we evolved from "worm like " creatures
I am reject the idea that random mutations and natural selection where responsable for such an event. Do you have conclusive evidence that suggests otherwise?
But by what mechanism? There is no alternative explanation known.
"Goddidit" is not an explanation of mechanism, it's an appeal to magic. You seem to be making a black or white error. Apparently you think that if you can poke holes in the ToE, the only other "explanation' must needs be magic -- with or without evidence.
I grant that we are related to other species, I grant universal common ancestry , what I don't grant is that random mutatios and natural selection are responsable for evolving a worm in to a human
So you believe in evolution but not the ToE? Is there some alternative theory I'm not aware of?
Because " random" is the backbone evolution by natural selection.
I think "selection" is the backbone. The only random dice roll is breeding. After that Nature chooses which features to keep and discard.
With random I simply mean that they are not biased to achieve a give goal. A rat that lives in a cold climate is not more likely to receive a mutation that would produce thick hair, than a rat that lives in a warm climate. Both rats are equally likely to receive the mutation.
But the long hair is beneficial in the northern rats and not in the southern. In the north the long haired rats will be better adapted, they'll have more young and increase the incidence of the trait in the population.
This is natural selection. Beneficial features increase in the population, and deleterious ones are 'selected' out.
If mutations are not random (but guided) then I would agree with you.
But there is no evidence of this. The natural mechanism is commonsense. It's been observed and tested extensively. There is no evidence; no observations or tests -- and no
need, for any guidance. guidance violates the Occam's razor principle. The ToE is entirely sufficient to explain the changes we see.
Why are you so invested in an invisible, completely unevidenced, unneeded intelligence magically manipulating things?
Granted, I don't claim to have robust evidence for my view, but neither do you.
But we
do. The ToE is one of the most robust, well evidenced theories in all of science.
So skepticism is a reasonable position, and evolution by natural selection should not be considered an undisputed fact
Skepticism is always useful, so why do so many discard it for faith when evolution comes up?