Be your own guru
@Ehav4Ever , this theory is full of holes. In many things, science is very certain. For example that the expansion of the universe happened somewhere around 14.7 billion years ago. Motion is always relative. To a person on Earth, the Earth is moving around the sun, and the sun is moving along with the Milky Way and Milky way is moving out as if it was a point on an expanding balloon (roughly said). Every thing in the universe is moving. Nothing is at rest, not even an electron or a proton. It is a very dynamic universe. I won't discuss each and every point in the images posted by you, that will be a great waste of time. But for science, one should not go to Torath Mosheh but to science books. If they had not done that, there would not have been so many Jewish Nobel prize winners in science. What is better than what the evidence suggests or believing what a two or three thousand year old book says? Do the theists have similar evidence for their beliefs?