Thou art That
But that is NOT the case for us. No wave of consciousness goes past us when someone flips their tail. Instead, when our brains fail, so does our consciousness. And my consciousness is not the same as your consciousness. We are distinct consciousnesses within different skulls.
What you call 'distinct consciousnesses' (is that even a word?) is none other than the self-concept of 'I'. But using your twisted logic, this 'I' would be nothing more than a set of complex chemical reactions. IOW, there is no such 'I'; there is only chemical reactions fooling itself into thinking it is a self. But if you agree with me that this self called 'I' is but an illusion, then the only logical remaining choice is not-I, and not-I is none other than something universal in nature. IOW, 'universal consciousness'. As for 'distinct', all snowflakes are distinct, but all are made of universal water.
I don't see this as a 'sterile' view of things at all. Nor is it sad. It is simply the way it is. And we still get to experience this wonderful universe around us. We still get to interact with other consciousnesses through various means (including forums like this one). We get to make of it what we will.
And that is the problem. 'making of it what we will' is not what it is in reality. We need to get ourselves out of the way so we can see things as they actually are, without the interfering 'I'.
We are not experiencing this wonderful universe; we are experiencing an idea of it, and because we live an imitation of life, the world is in the sorry state it currently finds itself in. Science want to make an object of the universe, and we believe this model and try to impose it upon reality, with dire consequences. Because we see the world as a dead, unconscious 'thing', our tendency is to bulldoze it around and push it into shape according to our will.
We also don't interact with other consciousnesses; we interact with other minds., each seeing its own sculpted version of reality. Only pure (ie 'clear') consciousness sees the same reality. Why should it be any different?