I agree that God existed before creation according to
Psalms 90:2 because God is from everlasting ( No beginning ) .
So, God created the heavens and earth from 'something' which is His Great Power, His Great Strength according to Scripture -
Isaiah 40:26
Thus, God provided the abundantly needed dynamic energy to create both the invisible and visible realm of creation.
Based on faith in belief of ancient scriptures, where the authors, scribes and editors really don’t understand how nature work and have no way of VERIFYING anything in Genesis 1 & 2 being true.
In science, VERIFICATION requires EVIDENCE, not faith. Faith is nothing more than conviction of personal belief that it is true, which is no better than having personal opinions.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with having personal opinions or personal beliefs or personal religions. People can believe whatever they are like, but what they believe to be true, don’t necessarily mean their opinions/belief to be scientific or factual.
No opinions, nor beliefs, can be considered factual or scientific unless they can be verified by evidence.
As I have mentioned before in other threads, evidence are observations that can be obtained either by discovery or by experiments. Evidence must have the following requirements:
- can be observed or detected
- can be measured
- can be quantified
- can be compared, analyzed, tested (refuted or verified).
These requirements of the evidence can be recorded as data, which you could analyze and determine the probability of any explanatory model (eg hypothesis or theory).
The more evidence you have, the more certainty you would have to determine if the explanations/maths/predictions is probable or improbable.
The problems with belief in god, in spirits, in miracles ,in afterlife, etc, there are no ways to observe, measure, test or verify such beliefs.
Can you observe or test God from the Bible or from any other scriptures. That’s why religions on faiths in beliefs, because no evidence are required.