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I still do not get what you are trying to say - as - no religion is needed for evolution.
I am not saying it is needed.
The other way best to phrase it may be how could you expect e world to be without one single religion?
Smething awful would have to happen for it to lose the technique of the scientific method, but inventions would continue, even if with a less rigorous (and trustworthy) technique.
What would have to happen so that NO RELIGION exists ANYWHERE?
I think you're completely missing the point. I'm saying naivete and delusion are the only things keeping religion alive; not that we should physically remove pieces of people's brains to eliminate it... People aren't biologically wired to stupidly believe that there is a man in the sky watching everything we do. If that were the case, we would all be religious. There's something else going on there that doesn't require a biological change.
If y think we are not biologically wired towards animism you probably havent been paying attention to tribes around the world, art everywhere and probably your own dream life.
We are not wired for "stupidity" , that is exactly why we cant just "change" to be "no religion = smarts"
Education might help...
To decrease it, yes, depending on your definition of religion but is there any single educated country where no one has any religion?
One thing is a world with little religion, that may be doable (depending on your definition of religion) but a world WITHOUT is very doubtful to remain so if there are any humans in it.