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Abortion - is it wrong?


I'm not sure why you're being persitent. You're actually asking me to 'preach'?

The first question im sure is rhetorical.. but i'm guessing you really wanted to hear my answer again. Perhaps more thoroughly.

I never specifically mentioned anything in your parenthesis. You can use things I actually stated earlier to get a response for that.

I also never said anything about a contract.. or what a contract, I would endorse, involves.

So to help us all out,
what IS marriage,
to you.


Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.
Why are you in a debates forum
if you don't want anyone to understand your position?


I never said that.

And honestly i'm not trying to be offensive to you personally.. I actually didn't come into the debate forum to debate. Mostly to observe and interject thought provokers. Debate isn't particularly effective.
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I never said that.

And honestly i'm not trying to be offensive to you personally.. and I actually didn't come into the debate forum to debate. Mostly to observe.

Well why act all suprised when other people around you
are in here to debate?

Are you going to sit down in a bar
and ask people why they expect to be served drinks?


Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.
Well why act all suprised when other people around you
are in here to debate?

Are you going to sit down in a bar
and ask people why they expect to be served drinks?

I wasn't surprised initially.There isn't a judge in here deciding who wins these debates. Only people in stalemate with their own mental victories.

I was surprised that you decided to continue after so firmly affirming your belief as "well thought out" etc., outright denying my claims, and then asking for more.

Why not just proclaim victory for yourself? Was it not enough, that I was willing to leave you to your thoughts? Are you so certain in disauding me, despite the excess of arrogance that usually comes with such certainty in the arguments people present?
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ok. last call.

Potential for offspring is being initiated. No.

When sex is contained within a marriage - which has its own prerequisites - it is the most efficient. Now people use it destructively more than they do productively.

The way that sex is widely being used is destructive and ignorant. It has given way for sexual disease to spread rampant, and families to be mostly non-existant and unfulfilling. Orphans, abuse, etc.

To say that sex shouldn't be enjoyed is like saying we shouldn't enjoy our food. However, when the better tasting food is more harm than nourishment, you sacrifice that particular food to survive. And depending on the situation it can still be enjoyed in moderation or in substitute.

Put simply.. use sex in a responsible way. If you are incapable of that, accept the consequences or avoid them if you can.

Obviously the pre-requisites are IMPORTANT,
so why not just share them?

No. It works. The people who believe in the structure of a family just haven't been vigilant enough (perhaps due to distractions of other catastrophe - finance, health etc.) to maintain its popularity. And where it was never popular it was never thoroughly tought, understood and experienced.

People are just more responsive to a bomb actually exploding and killing several people, than only hearing that it will happen. In those countries where sexual diseases have drastically demolished the landscape, they continue to be ignorant or hopeless. More 'preaching' has to be done and the benefits of the family structure, under marriages, have to be experienced.

So you believe that there are specific benefits to the family structure
which can only be experienced "under" marriage.

Why is it so strange then,
What is this Marriage? What are these pre-requisites?
that make sex uniquely 'efficient'?
(and what does that mean?)
And how does it make an actual difference
concerning the many issues and situations
that would make it NOT responsible
or safe, or healthy, or wise
to bring a new life into the world?
(married or not)
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Why not just proclaim victory for yourself? Was it not enough, that I was willing to leave you to your thoughts? Are you so certain in disauding me, despite the excess of arrogance that usually comes with such certainty in the arguments people present?

I came in here to engage.

Aparantely you came in here to masterbate.
Masterbation must be efficient. :D


I was surprised that you decided to continue after so firmly affirming your belief as "well thought out" etc., outright denying my claims, and then asking for more.

Why not just proclaim victory for yourself? Was it not enough, that I was willing to leave you to your thoughts? Are you so certain in disauding me, despite the excess of arrogance that usually comes with such certainty in the arguments people present?

That list of things I thought through very carefully,
they are not beliefs.
All of these things can be seen to happen within the family partnership structures people call "marriage"/s.

I was not trying to "disuade" you of anything.
The list requires no belief whatsoever. Only eyes and ears.


For the record, I just want to say, although I know Peg isn't here to respond, premarital sex makes me very happy. :)


You can only say (for sure) it was pre-marital
after you're actually married later on. ;)
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