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Abortion - is it wrong?

Me Myself

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So it is ethical to force a mother to host another being in her body against her will?

Her DNA stays the same, it's still her body.

Yes it is still her body, and it is also still her child´s body.

Yes, it is highly ethical to force humans to respect human life, specially when it is so close to us like our own childs.
Its an intensely personal issue, but unique in the religious or cultural influences that tend to generate responses. The notion that any religious implications have an authority outside of the realm of their own given authority as divine, i.e. the self appointed Christian police of the globe is tragic, I think, but true. The Christian has only the authority within the congregation, meaning the legislature that is often influenced by them regarding issues like stem cell research, abortion, birth control or homosexuality are not very Christian. The ancient Jews didn't persecute those outside of the nation of Israel.

Whether it is "wrong" or "right," "murder" or "convenience" is subjective, but seen from a practical perspective the potential of a living being growing is torn or burned to death. I think it becomes a question of what is best for the mother and to a lesser extent, the child.


But all of this talks about "legality " of abortion. The thing is that abortion itself is to deem a life as "inconvinient" and then killing it.

The body is not only of the mother´s from the moment is not only of the mother´s.

With all due respect, if you can not get pregnant it isn't your business out your problem. Leave women's ethical or moral issues to women please. For your part, if you believe abortion is wrong you are free to get a vasectomy to help ensure you don't put any women in a position to have to make this difficult choice.


With all due respect, if you can not get pregnant it isn't your business out your problem. Leave women's ethical or moral issues to women please. For your part, if you believe abortion is wrong you are free to get a vasectomy to help ensure you don't put any women in a position to have to make this difficult choice.
I cannot frubal you again. :rainbow1:


.45 Cal
With all due respect, if you can not get pregnant it isn't your business out your problem. Leave women's ethical or moral issues to women please. For your part, if you believe abortion is wrong you are free to get a vasectomy to help ensure you don't put any women in a position to have to make this difficult choice.

Isn't a woman's right to make certain choices superceded in importance by the rights she's infringing upon through those choices?

Me Myself

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With all due respect, if you can not get pregnant it isn't your business out your problem. Leave women's ethical or moral issues to women please. For your part, if you believe abortion is wrong you are free to get a vasectomy to help ensure you don't put any women in a position to have to make this difficult choice.

:shrug: You may not read me if it displeases you. You have as much right to give me orders as I have to ignore them.

I don´t have any reason to stop saying that murdering a child in the womb is wrong just because I don´t have a womb, and with all "due respect" the argument is incredibly silly in my book. If you just want echos of your "oh yes, mothers should kill their unborn!" opinion then go find a pro choice forum or skip my posts.

If the title said "women what do you think..." the thing would be different. To say someone to keep his opinions to himself because you dislike then in a religious forum is just out of context :slap:


.45 Cal
I also find it fascinating that Scott Peterson was charged with murder in the second degree for killing Lacy Peterson's baby. It's fascinating because theoretically Lacy could've had an abortion and not break any of man's laws. It shows you that the consciences of mankind aren't completely warped

Me Myself

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I also find it fascinating that Scott Peterson was charged with murder in the second degree for killing Lacy Peterson's baby. It's fascinating because theoretically Lacy could've had an abortion and not break any of man's laws. It shows you that the consciences of mankind aren't completely warped



Isn't a woman's right to make certain choices superceded in importance by the rights she's infringing upon through those choices?

Like I said, if abortion worries you, get a vasectomy. Then there will be little chance of having your rights or the rights of your unwanted children infringed upon. Encourage all the men in your life to do the same. If men are serious enough about the evils of abortion, there should be little resistance and abortion will soon be a thing of the past.


I also find it fascinating that Scott Peterson was charged with murder in the second degree for killing Lacy Peterson's baby. It's fascinating because theoretically Lacy could've had an abortion and not break any of man's laws. It shows you that the consciences of mankind aren't completely warped

Part of the pro-life agenda is having zygotes and fetuses declared "people" under criminal law. All this story shows is that the pro-life camp has had some success in certain parts of the world. They can only go so far though before people come to their senses. A zygote is not a person. An embryo is not a person. An egg yolk is not a chicken. An acorn is not an oak tree. And if it worries you, get a vasectomy.


when does an embryo become a person?

When it develops sentience or sapience. If a pregnancy is terminated early enough, the thing you insist on calling a "child" has no nervous system or brain. It can not feel pain - it can not experience anything.
With all due respect, if you can not get pregnant it isn't your business out your problem. Leave women's ethical or moral issues to women please. For your part, if you believe abortion is wrong you are free to get a vasectomy to help ensure you don't put any women in a position to have to make this difficult choice.

I don't agree with that sentiment. Procreation is a union of two, both of whom should be responsible for their actions. The woman negates half of that responsibility within that union. If the proper precautions are not taken from both the responsibility lies with both partners in that union.
when does an embryo become a person?

What significance does that really bear on the question? If one plants a seedling hoping for a tree and the seedling is destroyed your tree is destroyed. The only reason for intentionally doing so would be that one simply doesn't want to be bothered with the tree.


What significance does that really bear on the question? If one plants a seedling hoping for a tree and the seedling is destroyed your tree is destroyed. The only reason for intentionally doing so would be that one simply doesn't want to be bothered with the tree.

Actually, the number one reason gardeners pull seedlings after planting is to thin the patch enough that neighboring plants have an opportunity to thrive.


I don't agree with that sentiment. Procreation is a union of two, both of whom should be responsible for their actions. The woman negates half of that responsibility within that union. If the proper precautions are not taken from both the responsibility lies with both partners in that union.

Have you booked in for your vasectomy yet?

It's easy to pass judgment when it isn't your body being affected. Put your money where your mouth is and call your doctor.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I have a great idea! All women and men should become unfertile and that way by not having any offpring as a human race then will stop war, and hunger and murder and every evil in the world!

Anyone that wants to stop all of this things only has to become unfertile!


(Yes, because this is an argument :rolleyes: )


Abortion is a women's health issue.

Also, the true question regarding abortion
is not whether or not it is "wrong"
but if it is necessary
for the individual whose health
mental, physical, emotional
is put at risk
by childbirth.

I can't go in depth about this everytime there is an abortion thread.
It takes too much time,
and it drains me
to have to explain in detail all of the very real
and serious harm a pregnancy and child birth
can do to a woman.
And then as well to the children she already has,
who depend on her for everything,
as her health in every way directly effects them.

People who treat this as an 'open and shut' case
that women should not be allowed to have abortions,
facing murder charges/jail time and further injury
due to illegal abortions,
have never really truly thought this whole thing through
from beginning to end,
and from the perspectives of many women
in many differing situations.
This takes a bit of effort
and a whole lot of human empathy.
There is such a lack of human empathy for women
as regards abortion.
Such a total lack of understanding and compassion.
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