Interesting reading.
However I made up my mind long before I posted the first time, I will never change my mind on elective abortion, this thread is not about debating the issue it was a statement of opinion, namely my opinion, someone has to take a side....ying and yang and all need people like me, rigid in certain beilefs, to counter (balance) our opposites and they to counter us.....without the parental authoritarians (here my theistic sympathies manifest) like me that view all human life as sacred and non negotiable, to be defended, fundamentally, out of parental outrage, you would live the law of the jungle, and conversely without our polar opposites the (I shall use an arbitary LABEL) Libertarians you would be living in a totalitarian police state
D sorry but we just can't help it)
Neither scenario would be conducive to the Greater Good and the general welfare of humanity, but then neither is elective abortion in my view so I can still attack it!...but that is MY perception only...and I recognise that...Tau is not the only human here.
It boils down to democracy.
That's what the 'Greater Good' is based on, mutuality.
Good for you guys whatever you posted, and we didnt let this higly volatile thread degenerate into a Thread Closed For Staff Review situation.
Thanks for all your replies to this thread, appreciated.