An embryology textbook will tell you that an embryo is a human person. That is a scientific fact.
I said "person," not "human."
Personhood is a complex idea, but one feature is sapience. A fertilized egg is not a person. A 35 week fetus is... arguable. I happen to think it is, but where the line is crossed, I honestly don't know.
Assuming you believe that a fertilized egg is endowed with a soul, that makes it simpler for you. I don't want to put words in your mouth, though, so let's get on the same page:
1) Define "person."
2) When is the flesh imbued with a soul?
2a) If at conception, how do you explain the high rate of lost pregnancies? From memory (which is never reliable in my case, lol) up to 75% pregnancies are miscarried before the woman even knows of them.
2b) If at a later point, when?
I can say I have had a few conversations with some pro-life activists and I've never heard this point (that having a baby is a punishment). The pro-lifers I know (this could be just anecdotal) are driven by the belief that it is a human life that needs protection.
Oh, I've only heard one admit it, and she backpedaled pretty damn quick.
The argument is based on the philosophy that actions speak louder than words. It's a position that would be stupid to admit, but you can see it in the combination of stances. Make sense?
Number two we simply don't believe is true. Education on, basically, how to be promiscuous, does not lead to responsible sexual behavior and the so-called education on most pro-lifers opinion devalues the importance of sex.
Every legitimate study done proves you wrong on the point of efficacy. As for the importance, it doesn't have to. If it does, work with us to make it better, and we all win.
"Just don't do it" doesn't work, either.
Number three, we oppose birth control for the same reasons as number two.
?????? Your main argument there was "it doesn't work." BC works, that's not really in contention. So, since you're not an idiot, I must be misreading you. Please clarify.
Number four, the ultimate refutation of that is the state of the black family which has been specifically targeted by liberals with welfare and the outcome is 70% of black kids born out of wedlock. We simply believe it does more harm than good.
1) How the hell does welfare "target" blacks?
2) How in the world do you think programs like Head Start are harmful?
3) Most bizarrely, how do social safety nets cause births out of wedlock?
And being Catholic, I oppose the death penalty.
Well at least YOU'RE consistent. Kudos.
Anyway, if I may illustrate with an anecdote...
My sex ed consisted of clinical descriptions of the organs, the basic mechanics of conception, and "CONDOMS DON'T WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shockingly enough, I had a baby homeless and out of wedlock at the age of 21. If I'd had a proper education and access to bc, that probably wouldn't have happened.
Not to say that I regret my beautiful boy, of course, but I wasn't prepared to have him, either