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Well-Known Member
What do you think of this new Idea.

Out law abortion, except for medical reasons, but to respect the womans right's she must be paid to carry the baby to full term.

We could set a rate but for example I'll use minimum wage.

Figuring 30 days a month 24 hrs a day roughly 10 months at 7.75 per hour equals $53,640 dollars and we could always up the rate of pay. Even if we doubled it can you put a value that you wouldn't pay to save a human life.

edit - Only make it illegal if someone is willing to pay the set rate. For example the father wants the baby.
Well,if you take taxes out(and if I computed this right) that's actually $44,640. and she won't even get the tax deduction that usually comes with having a child, if she chooses not to keep it.


Wonder Woman
You're in favour of birth control, but against abortion!
Given that you still haven't figured out what I'm saying and your obvious wish to just debate and move goalposts (and apparently yell at me what you think my position is), I'm not going to bother dignifying the rest of your post with a response other than to spell this out for you:

I'm pro-choice. I'm personally against abortion because, as a woman and a mother who has lost children both in and outside the womb, I understand what life is and what it is to lose that life. I could not have an abortion. To me, it is indeed murder. How other people rationalize it or downplay it in their minds in order to cope with the decision they make is on them and can only be done by them. This is why, legally, I am pro-choice. I think the frequency of that particular choice can be reduced by education and that's what I hope is done. If you still have issues understanding my position I don't know what else to say to you. Do you want me to change my position? Do you want me to advocate against the legality of abortion? I think not. So instead of harping on with what you have been and playing with definitions and goalposts, why don't you take your arguments to someone else?


Well-Known Member
I feel the same way as Draka. I could never have an abortion myself, but that, in no way, means I would force my choice on a mother who does not feel she can handle the demands of pregnancy. And there are a lot of demands.


Well-Known Member
My mother wanted a large family, but it was not in the cards...so to speak. She miscarried the 5 pregnancies between me and my brother. Shortly after my brother was born, a friend of my aunt's came to live with us(complicated story, there). She had one son. She would have had a larger family had she not aborted every time she got pregnant. She was often saying that the one son she had was a failed abortion.
You would have thought that after all of this, my mom would be against abortion. Watching one woman throw away what she always wanted. You would be wrong. She was a staunch supporter of a woman's right to choose.

work in progress

Well-Known Member
Given that you still haven't figured out what I'm saying and your obvious wish to just debate and move goalposts (and apparently yell at me what you think my position is), I'm not going to bother dignifying the rest of your post with a response
Then I will extend the same courtesy!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I am personally against abortion, but I also acknowledge the need of it given we have no other forms of population control. We are struggling with the population we have now, it would be far worse with several billions more people on top of it.
As for the "when life begins" debate, really the only way I can think to see it is that at the moment of conception what happens is a series of developments that do not stop until the organism ceases to function entirely. Be it due to a natural occurring miscarriage, death in old age, or any other reason, all of life is only one development after another from the time of conception to the time of death.


Wonder Woman
I am personally against abortion, but I also acknowledge the need of it given we have no other forms of population control. We are struggling with the population we have now, it would be far worse with several billions more people on top of it.
As for the "when life begins" debate, really the only way I can think to see it is that at the moment of conception what happens is a series of developments that do not stop until the organism ceases to function entirely. Be it due to a natural occurring miscarriage, death in old age, or any other reason, all of life is only one development after another from the time of conception to the time of death.

Very well said :yes: :clap