It is not a child or adult if that is what you are saying. It is still human and contains all necessary traits to be identified as such.
If by human you're referring to our species, then, yes, even a zygote is human. But humanness
per se does not command moral consideration.
So imagine making that argument about a mentally challenged person who lacks the all too human trait of competence. In this case you know he will never achieve full adult competency and he is a burden upon society or perhaps his caretakers. You are saying that person due to their inherent lacking should die? I am dating a person with a learning disability who although is very competent is very innocent and immature. Should she die due to the insignificant burden she places on me for it?
Is she capable of pain, or fear, or happiness? A person doesn't need competence or intelligence to command moral consideration
Personhood comes into play the minute that said being has the potential to become a person the same way a baby lacks adulthood. Why is personhood even relevant to you if it does not matter?
Personhood involves self-interest, sentience, &c, not potential. Membership in a future category does not confer the rights and responsibilities of that category on one's current situation.
Neither are human or are capable of moral reciprocation. I am dealing with cats acting like lunatics now and you mean to tell me they perceive moral behavior offered by a human?
Neither species, capacity for reciprocation, nor awareness of proffered moral behavior is relevant, though. Morality isn't a contract.
The objective fact that a a fetus is a human. Humans all become persons unless they endure obstructions that do not permit it . . . like death.
How are you defining "human," Sha'irullah?
Seriously you baby killers puzzle me.
Again, your conflation of foetus and baby is your own peculiar belief.
You must have never been around mentally challenged people then. I have met people who not only have no clue of race yet alone their own they no concept of chronological awareness. I am talking about autistic people to some degree along with others I cannot identify.
So what's your point? Mentally challenged people can suffer and hurt, they can fear, they value their lives. That's why they're usually accorded moral consideration.
A fetus has all the considerations it requires though in any other circumstance as it has potentiality while the mentally challenged do not. A fetus is ensured childhood if all goes well and it is also ensured a biological need for preservation hence an umbilical cord. What about that negates your assumption if you will forgo that assumption for the mentally challenged.
Again, you're according the moral consideration of a future status to an entity that doesn't currently have that status. You don't salute a ten year old just 'cause he plans to become an army officer.
But we owe moral obligations to a cow who cannot conceive of our own morality and a lion which will show hostility toward us? Now you moved your principle backward to my position.
What does
awareness of rights or of moral status have to do with anything?
So if moral reciprocation is not relevant we had no moral necessity to keep Charles Manson locked up? Or to defend our lives from attackers?
An immoral injustice cannot be met with a moral reaction?
I'm not sure I'm getting your point. I do believe it can be morally justified to restrain someone if he poses a threat to other
So then you have shifted back to the mentally challenged again. They have no moral justification to survive or be allowed to live by this standard of your now which keeps going in flux.
Either I'm being very unclear or you're being very obtuse. When did I ever say the mentally challenged had no claim to moral consideration?
Yet you wish to kill a fetus which is just a baby in development. It is a life and just like a baby it will one day be an adult. So what does a fetus not have that a baby does?
It doesn't have sentience or self awareness, it doesn't anticipate futurity or value its own life.
Because whether or not it feels pain is regardless of the issue, you are forcefully ending something that has biologically demonstrated a wanting to survive, a potential for independence and a family member in your species.
How does an entity unaware of its own existence demonstrate a a 'wanting to survive' -- or any sort of want, for that matter?
Free birth control is not a fix it all and has no signs of improving anything other than allowing for more high schoolers to copulate like rabbits.
Reducing the numbers of dependent individuals isn't an improvement?
I'm skeptical of a correlation between birth control and copulating like rabbits, but I think there
is a correlation between the availability of contraception and fewer abortions, as well as a numerical reduction of a demographic dependent on social services.
Yet such services are justifiable and actually promote safety. Free birth control does not, it is merely a matter of principle and not a matter of what makes me feel good.
You also have not seen the atrocity of housing assistance, it is an abomination. Food stamps is a whole other issue in of itself.
Free birth control reduces
births, specifically, births to people who are not psychologically or economically prepared to raise children and would likely become a burden on society, as you put it.
People not logistically and economically burdened by unwanted children are less likely to
need housing assistance, and are in a better position to obtain employment or to further their education and move up a few tax brackets.