But if you go back 50 million years, there were no cats. There *were* other mammal species, but none that are alive today. In particular, there were mammals that have characteristics in their anatomy in common with both felines and canids.
If you go a bit later, you will find 'cats' and 'dogs' (general categories, not specific species), but none of the species of either are still alive and none of those alive now appeared at that time.
Over time, the species that are alive change. They are always more similar to species closer in time and more different from species farther away in time. That *is* evolution. It was the discovery of this fact that lead to the rejection of the flood myth. The actual facts on the ground simply don't agree with that myth. Darwin just proposed a mechanism for the changes that were already generally known.
if you go back a mere 500,000 years, there were no modern humans. None. But there *were* other species that used tools, stood upright, and had large brains. They were *similar* to modern humans, but a different species. if you go back further in time, the species around looked less and less like modern humans and more and more like the 'typical great ape'.
How does your theology explain the facts on the ground?