Josephus is worthwhile reference to read to understand the history in context of the time, but not necessarily accurate, because of the problems with the the citations concerning Jesus only represent the view of some of the followers of Jesus Christ at the time they were written and edited. Josephus represents a third hand reference, and the other later day historians are not first hand references to the life of Jesus.
The new human Genetics life DNA attack owns title in every owned Holy land as a different brother, but owns the same realization/science advice. Hence DNA title is given to country of its origin....factually, yet historically the scientific Christ realization was accepted in the science community as relative advice.
Temple science and pyramid technology dis assembled and not used anymore. Relative laws of natural Order on God O Earth as One titled teaching, REAL.
The relative science quotes said that the Immaculate gases were owned by the stone O and in their natural order were once burning but all went cold. So were as night time gases are...clear.
Then the Sun burst and burnt attacked Earth, so de evolved the Immaculate the theme God O stone gas spirit history said that the Immaculate state had been said by a male human scientist owner of the theorising, so conscious equating then places self as owner of the thinking.
Yet God never thought...a human male told a human male and then said God told him, yet God did not speak to him. Yet historically because machine encoding existed for voice/image transmission, he historically after ancient science attack factually heard his own male self speaking science quotes about God to him.
Why the 2 stories were told as relative advice to why modern day man re invented the science knowledge by what he heard spoken to him, as recorded by his ancient science brothers who destroyed life on Earth. How it was relative.
Sun radiation mass in space is cold. And cold radiation Sun mass did not own the reason why the gases on Earth were burning. Historically hot sun radiation mass owned the reason why it reignited/sacrificed the Immaculate spirit of God...which is not male was owned by the planet.
Then as he used the mass of UFO as a converter, he then sacrificed the Immaculate mass a different cause...and so then he quoted, so I removed another one mass of the atmosphere my own self. So first life de evolves into mutation. Then eventually when the gases return, the mutation disappears. Then the life cell becomes healthier and healthier by conditions of regained Earth heavenly mass...which biology proves it had.
Science therefore cannot argue against biblical advice, seeing it was owned historically by their human male choice and heard by human males on behalf of human males being the science inventor for science machines/reaction.
Yet creation was not created for science to own reactive machines...what is lied about historically.