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ABRAHAMICS ONLY: The Tree called the knowledge of good and evil, (Genesis: a closer look) continued.


Active Member
Why was it mentioned at all, if it has nothingt to do with knowledge? Being created "in His image" has nothing to do with our knowledge. They are two separate things entirely. What do you think an image is? The dictionary says it's "a representation of the external form of a person or thing." Use the word "image" in any other sentence and that's what it means. Twins are said to be a mirror image of each other, not because of their knowledge but because of their appearance.

All forms of life create offspring in their own image. You know that a kitten's appearance resembles that of its parent, and that's because a kitten looks like a smaller version of a full grown cat. A calf is in the image of a cow. A foal is in the image of horse. Finally, when Adam himself had a son, the son he begat was "in his own likeness, after his image." If Adam's son was in Adam's image and if Adam was in God's image, then man is clearly in the image of God. We are of the same species as God, though we are only "gods in embryo."

Now you must explain why Saul Paul said those HE foreknew HE predestined to conform to the image of the Son, if there is no image in question. Also explain where the prototype of the transfigured body came from for us to conform to it? For example, HE foreknew Jeremiah, and all the names written in the book of life from the foundation of the world. Enoch and Elijah conformed to it in transfiguration

The church has badly misunderstood the fall. The image that we must conform to, is the image of Adam and Eve before the fall. The tree they ate from brought them into a mortal state. Only Man in his perfect state is in the image of GOD.

The reason the tree of life was mentioned, was as contrast to the other, to reveal what it's real identity is. That is to say, it is the tree of mortality. Thus, Father Adam and Mother Eve ate from that tree which migrated their physical body from the celestial to the terrestrial state as that was required for procreation.

Ye shall know them by their fruits. Did father Adam and Mother Eve conceive before the fall? Yet what came next was GOD warning Mother Eve that she will now experience pain in child birth.

If they had chosen to eat from the tree of life, procreation would have been impossible as it gives them another height of immortality called: incorruptibility. That would have made it impossible to migrate to mortality.

If they are it after eating from the tree, they would have reversed it, and the same thing applies, it would have been impossible to set that altar again.


Not your average Mormon
Now you must explain why Saul Paul said those HE foreknew HE predestined to conform to the image of the Son, if there is no image in question. Also explain where the prototype of the transfigured body came from for us to conform to it? For example, HE foreknew Jeremiah, and all the names written in the book of life from the foundation of the world. Enoch and Elijah confirmed to it.

The church has badly misunderstood the fall. The image that we must conform to, is the image of Adam and Eve in the fall. The tree they are from brought them into a mortal state. Only Man in his perfect state is in the image of GOD.

The reason the tree of life was mentioned, was as contrast to the other, to reveal what it's real identity is. That is to say, it is the tree of mortality. Thus, Father Adam and Mother Eve ate from that tree which migrated their physical body from the celestial to the terrestrial state as that was required for procreation.

Ye shall know them by their fruits. Did father Adam and Mother Eve conceive before the fall? Yet what came next was GOD warning Mother Eve that she will now experience pain in child birth.

If they had chosen to eat from the tree of life, procreation would have been impossible as it gives them another height of immortality called: incorruptibility. That would have made it impossible to migrate to mortality.

If they are it after eating from the tree, they would have reversed it, and the same thing applies, it would have been impossible to set that altar again.
Apparently we're definitely not going to see eye to eye on this, no matter how long we hash it out. My perception is pretty much 180 degrees away from yours, and I don't think either of us is very likely to change our minds.


Active Member
Apparently we're definitely not going to see eye to eye on this, no matter how long we hash it out. My perception is pretty much 180 degrees away from yours, and I don't think either of us is very likely to change our minds.

Very true. Thank you for contributing to the thread.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member

Please note the thread title contains "ABRAHAMICS ONLY," which means only those that identify as Abrahamic may participate. Posts by others may be moderated per Rule 10.


Active Member
You are very literal about these things. We're going to be 60 feet tall, look a lot like the interior of an Foreign Imports store, and no interior structures that keeps this tall gift store standing, like bones, or organs, or blood, and such. That's a very strange image, if literally descriptive of a literal thing.

So we were 60 feet tall, with brass legs, and then after we sinned we literal "fell" in height down to under 10 feet maximum, and got blood and bone based bodies instead? Does this mean that shorter people, such as dwarfism, is because of greater sin? They fell further from Grace and in height?

So, did God then recreate his Creation with an imperfect, sinful creation instead after Adam and Eve sinned? What happened to these pre-fall bodies? Did God literally cut them off at the legs, and not just as a figure of speech?

I gave you the same description as it was given in the bible in daniel, and in revelation. I did not disclose the details which i have known because that is confidential; meaning it only given to those who have deserved it; who seeked and found.

When Mother Eve ate the fruit, she shrunk instantly to 10% of her original height. The Serpent was astonished as she had never seen anything like that. And just as instantly, her Glory Raiment which is called " Shekinah Glory" was stripped off. The reason it was stripped off is because the fruit altered her Zoe cell system in the negative, and this is the fall. Then Father Adam got down on one knee (remember he is still 60ft) and ate the fruit out of her hand. He instantly shrunk and his Shekinah Glory was stripped off. Father Adam ate more of it that Mother Eve did because he is the one who should lead her through it. And this began a negative metamorphosis; which is the alteration of their Zoe cell system from Glory to water, from water to wine, and from wine to blood.

There is a reason why the Jews have 4 cups of drink at the passover, which was pointing to these 4 stages of metamorposis. This is also what saul paul found in the original scrolls of the Jews, and said: 18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.
It was also revealed in Jesus His Pre-Eminence at a certain wedding, changed water to wine, then later changed that same wine into HIS blood. That is when HE had made HIMSELF mortal, and was revealing the fall of Man. Thus, it was now that HE no longer had HIS mystery divine nature and the pharisees could now touch HIM, arrest HIM and do what they did.

It is also why Elijah traveled 4 places before he transfigured. Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho, Jordan and across. And Jesus His Pre-Eminence said a parable about a man that was robbed on his way to Jericho. What is the significance of Jericho? Selah.

Father Adam and Mother Eve remained in the Garden 70 years in our system of counting, it was 7 mins in Heavens system of counting. Until they had reached the time where they could no longer remain in a heavens world. And they were transported out of the Garden into the earth. This is the real "cross". Where he crossed from immortality to mortality. And that happened when his body started to have water in her. Then over time, that water changed to wine color. That Wine color is not the alchohol, it is the color of blood with light in it. The Light is from their original cell system. And as time went on, that wine changed to blood. And this is when Father Adam,and Mother Eve had become 100% mortal. In total after eating the fruit, they lived 1000 years. 70+930 = 1000. And it was written: 1000 years is as 1 day in heaven.

For in that day thou shalt surely die. GOD cannot llie.

Enoch and Elijah reversed the journey. As it was written, you might say Father Adam was sacked by GOD. Like how a person is fired from their job. Preachers in this earth have said Elijah was sacked; fired and GOD had no more use for him as 7,000 had not bowed their heads to baal. What a blasphemy! Then look at the word sacrifice. What Elijah did is a sack-reverse. Meaning, he reset the altar that the prophets of baal threw down, and altered his blood cell system, drained it completely, adding Zoe cells as he is being fed by GOD. And he then drained the water in his body -and this was revealed in the fact that he did what Moses did, and yet people are silient about it. He parted th waters of the River Jordan. And he crossed the River. That Crossing River Jordan is the Cross that we should be focusing on, crossing from mortality to immortality in life.

And this is a proof that Man was never separated from GOD, neither was Man in a spritually dead state. The body dies, the Spirit cannot die. Even when the body dies, there is where the person goes to, revealing they didn't die, their body did. But Man was in a mortal state because of the Fall of Man, and that state is the ONLY state where procreation is possible. A Man in his perfect state has not cell system or the liquid sperm to fertilise an egg, neither does the woman have any issue of blood in her body, or release eggs; That kind of a woman is in her virgin state... The immortal celestial body is a virgin. This system is the system of the body for procreation. It is not a system of the immortal body. Thus, the sin that leads to death is mortality, as every mortal must die. But those that put of mortality, and put on immortality in life, shall ,live forever.

Put Simply, we were never held down by the laws of GOD. The Laws of GOD contains revelations about the kingdom that can give Man positive metamorphosis and take his body from mortality to immortality over time. Moses had 120 years to do it, but he didn't understand that the promised Land is a heavens world; Eden - the place of his father, Father Adam. But because of his lack of ability to get to that height of Revelation, he circled the wilderness for 40 years and did not go anywhere...

If truly the land was in the earth, GOD would have given Moses a Map.

And the proof its not cana'an is that when they got there, there was people there and they had to start killing them off to claim that land. This proves it was never prepared for them. The Land that was prepared for them is Eden.

So there is the path to life, as Jesus His Pre-Eminence revealed, and its taking your body from egypt into gilgal, gilgal into Bethel, Bethel into Jericho, Jericho into Jordan, And then crossing jordan. And that is why Baptism takes place in the River Jordan. And this is not a literal journey that you will take and walk there. It is by eating the Word of GOD into your Spirit Being, the Word that is perfect, (and it was revealed only one person has it), which when it reaches your Spirit Being hatches Zoe cells, which was called: "The Incorruptible seed", which is a MUST-ADD (mustard) seed, as it does not multiply, nor split, divide, or anything. And thus when that seed grows into a the tallest tree, you will be able to say to that mountain, "death be thou removed", and it shall be removed. Therefore, it is truly a journey since you must assimilate Revelations as they are raining, so you don't miss any that are Zoe hatching.

I know all of this may sound strange to you, as its not the gospel that you were taught, which has given you a mindset that is like a wall to you. That Mindset won't let you see past your current level of understanding. That is what Revelations do, they shine a light on what was written, so that you can see them as they are. Not as you were taught.

This is the Gospel of Everlasting Life.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
I gave you the same description as it was given in the bible in daniel, and in revelation. I did not disclose the details which i have known because that confidential; meaning it only given to those who have deserved it.
And what did you do to deserve God's special revelation to you which you described in detail to me, thus revealing to others what they didn't deserve to hear from God? Is there some act that you did, which opened you up to this heretofore hidden gospel? Did God tell you to share his revelation about Zoe Cells (from what I can gather, this is a fluorescent imaging system named ZOE(tm) Bio-Rad ZOE™ )?

When Mother Eve ate the fruit, she shrunk instantly to 10% of her original height. The Serpent was astonished as she had never seen anything like that. And just as instantly, her Glory Raiment which is called " Shekinah Glory" was stripped off. The reason it was stripped off is because the fruit altered her Zoe cell system in the negative, and this is the fall.
Clearly, none of this is found in scripture, and can only be explained as a personal vision to you alone, which you deserved and others did not, according to you. Do you believe you alone were chosen to learn this from God?

I know all of this may sound strange to you, as its not the gospel that you were taught, which has given you a mindset that is like a wall to you.
First, you know nothing about me. I certainly do not have a closed, impenetrable mind by any means. I stretch the boundaries of how we think of things constantly.

But you are right, it does sound strange, and it is not the Gospel message taught anywhere by anyone who's ever shared the Gospel. It sounds like a very unique, and personal interpretation of Christianity, which probably no Christian outside yourself would believe had any truth to it.

The source of this extra-biblical storyline, seems to be a personal vision, which alone was given to you. Do you consider yourself a prophet of God? Did God specially choose you to reveal all of this to mankind?
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Active Member
If we look at this verse, you will see there is no causal link in eating the fruit and dying; simply because it was called the knowledge of good and evil; not the tree of death.
On the contrary, the causal to dying is disobeying God's negative command in which a warning was given.
Later in history God says to the prophet Ezekiel, Ezekiel 18:4, "The soul that sins it shall die." And the Christian Apostle Paul to the church in Rome, Romans 6:23, "The wages of sin is death."


Active Member
And what did you do to deserve God's special revelation to you which you described in detail to me, thus revealing to others what they didn't deserve to hear from God? Is there some act that you did, which opened you up to this heretofore hidden gospel? Did God tell you to share his revelation about Zoe Cells (from what I can gather, this is a fluorescent imaging system named ZOE(tm) Bio-Rad ZOE™ )?

Clearly, none of this is found in scripture, and can only be explained as a personal vision to you alone, which you deserved and others did not, according to you. Do you believe you alone were chosen to learn this from God?

First, you know nothing about me. I certainly do not have a closed, impenetrable mind by any means. I stretch the boundaries of how we think of things constantly.

But you are right, it does sound strange, and it is not the Gospel message taught anywhere by anyone who's ever shared the Gospel. It sounds like a very unique, and personal interpretation of Christianity, which probably no Christian outside yourself would believe had any truth to it.

The source of this extra-biblical storyline, seems to be a personal vision, which alone was given to you. Do you consider yourself a prophet of God? Did God specially choose you to reveal all of this to mankind?

i seeked and I found. I am not the Prophet, i am not the receiving the revelations from GOD. I receive them from my Man of GOD. And what i shared here is just the summarised version, He proves everything by the bible but i will be typing for hours and hours and likely get moderated for preaching.

(Greek: ζωή) is a female first name of Greek origin, meaning "Life".Zoe cells are celestial, and cannot be seen by mortal eyes or terrestrial devices. For you must be born again to see the kingdom.. If anything, this is a sign that the true Gospel of the kingdom is in the earth. I do not know anything about that device you linked. This Gospel I am sharing has been in the earth for 10 years. We, the church is in bethel running our race to Jericho.

All of it is found in scripture, when you have understood the Principles of Similitudes and Adumbrations; the two principles that GOD used in HIS blueprint which is unalterable, the plan of salvation which i can explain in details as well..

I did not mean to offend you, I was just trying to say that unless you have seen and understood these things from the correct mindset, you can't understand them. That is what saul meant when he said:

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

For example: You believe sauls version of being born again correct? Jesus His Pre-Eminence said: Except ye are born again ye cannot see the kingdom of GOD. Except ye are born of water and of the Spirit ye cannot enter into the kingdom of GOD. Then how did Enoch and Elijah transfigure in life and enter heaven alive? What has not been understood by the church, is that the rebirthis pointing to the physical body migrating from mortality to immortality in life alive. And even those resurrected, which are quickened by the Spirit, is speaking of transfiguration first. The body that they had in the earth was back-forwaded (like hitting rewind but time is moving forward) to its original state, then GOD baptizes the person into that physical body. Then that person quickens the body and transfigures the body. Only then can a person resurrected enter into heaven. Heaven is not a ghost world. A body, Soul, Spirit Being must be intact, to enter into heaven.

And Jesus His Pre-Eminence gave us Proof! I Love the GOD so much! HE has made it so much easier for us knowing that our mortal state is an issue to even being able to receive messages which are Spiritual!

When HE resurrected Lazarus, Lazarus was not transfigured. And he later died and went to Abrahams Bosom. That is a proof that Man does not go to heaven through resurrection; but through transfiguration!

This resulted in the belief that GOD is living in you, and baptism by water is being born again. A simple mindset refutes this belief. GOD is the Supreme Spirit Being, not a force; with HIS own physical body that was called HIS Throne; and does not reside or need to reside in any person or planet for HIS livlihood. GOD does not even reside in heaven; HE is above HIS creation. Even the citizens of Heaven have not seen HIM as HE is. They were to look at Adam, the Son of GOD, to know how HE looks. For GOD as HE is, is invisible; the rarest eyes can see. Yet HIS body is tangible, and greater size than any world or any planet that HE formed and hung on air. GOD the Son is the express image of the invisible GOD, and that is the very image that Adams body was coupled after before the fall.

If you had this mindset, how can you believe that GOD 's Most Holy Spirit lives in you?

And GOD's Spirit Being; HIS Most Holy Spirit, is not the kind that can poured. Which reveals that Joel interpretation was different to Christians of today. For Joel the Prophet said: 28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

Here, Joel revealed that GOD will rain HIS Revelations in the earth, as it was in the day of Noah, for there is an impending danger coming; the end of this terrestrial earth; and everyone that has not put ontheir immortal body shall be washed away. Why? Because Rain of Revelations is the waters of life, the Words from GOD leading us into all truth, by the Prophet Elijah,who restored all things. That resoration is not only restoring the Word to its perfect state, but also restoring the earth to her celestial state, and restoring the body of Man to his perfect, immortal state. Therefore, as Joshua received the revelation on how to bring down the walls of Jericho, that he must walk around them 1x a day for 7 days, and on the 7th day, 7x and shout and the walls will come down, so too does the restoration require that he revisits the messages of the 6 Angels of the Churches before him: Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Apostle Peter, and preach his own message of immortality + incorruptibility ( see 1 Cor 15:50-56), then the walls of mortality will come crashing down; for the building blocks of the mortal body have been overthrown, not one stone was left unturned; and the body has become new. Old things have passed away, all things have become new.

So what I meant is that your current mindset is a wall that must be brought down to see things that are behind that wall. Because the body cannot see through walls; but the Spirit can. Because by the Laws of this terrestrial earth, the Spirit Being is not recognised; the Spirit is above them.

This is the very Gospel that Jesus His Pre-Eminence preached, but the people were far from having the advancement of knowledge in the earth to understand things like electricity, and genes, blood cell system, and more; So it waited for knowledge to advance, and for the mother harlot and her daughters to do the worst they can do - because they can't go back on their word now - And then the Gospel in its original state shall come. And this was revealed in Rev 11:3-11.

Here is an example; The White Stone Written about that we will have, and it will have written on it our new name. What is it? Look at what Moses received the Law on, it was called 2 tablet stone. Today, we have a device called "tablet". We also have medicine that comes in tablet form. So what do you think the white stone is? Think its literally a stone?

So i explained alot here, and yet this is barely the diagram of the Gospel of Everlasting life. I have not even started to go deeper because of the mindset being a serious issue. Me saying that Adam is the Son of GOD could get me stoned, yet it is true. If we were in Israel, i would have been stoned long before this post. Do not die in de-live-era
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Active Member
On the contrary, the causal to dying is disobeying God's negative command in which a warning was given.
Later in history God says to the prophet Ezekiel, Ezekiel 18:4, "The soul that sins it shall die." And the Christian Apostle Paul to the church in Rome, Romans 6:23, "The wages of sin is death."

Then why is lucifer still alive?


Active Member
I might suggest the reason you believe Lucifer is still alive is that you have a wrong idea of who he is.

I do not. Lucifer is a tare cherub. And he is still alive until the day he is cast into the lake of fire with all tares: tare cherubim, tare seraphim, and tare angels, and tare humans.


Well-Known Member
Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Isa 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
Isa 14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
Isa 14:15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

Lucifer will fall from heaven. Which speaks of his high place of authority over the earth (common people).
He is a man full of pride like Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar made himself an idol and commanded all men everywhere to bow down to the image he made of himself. But God reserves a remnant who know Him as the one true God and who refuse to bow to the image Nebuchadnezzar had made

The man who is prophesied to be like Nebuchadnezzar (although of the circumcision) is the same who Paul calls "the man of lawlessness". This man will be revealed before the second coming of Christ. He will be cast down from his high place and brought down to the grave.

When he is revealed he will command all to worship the beast and his image which is set up in the future temple. But God will have a remnant that refuse to bow......the 144,000.

With the aid of God, the 144,000 will conquer the red dragon(Lucifer) and the beast that comes out of the sea of nations(king of the north, Gog) and cast him down to earth and the grave.


Active Member
Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Isa 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
Isa 14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
Isa 14:15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

Lucifer will fall from heaven. Which speaks of his high place of authority over the earth (common people).
He is a man full of pride like Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar made himself an idol and commanded all men everywhere to bow down to the image he made of himself. But God reserves a remnant who know Him as the one true God and who refuse to bow to the image Nebuchadnezzar had made

The man who is prophesied to be like Nebuchadnezzar (although of the circumcision) is the same who Paul calls "the man of lawlessness". This man will be revealed before the second coming of Christ. He will be cast down from his high place and brought down to the grave.

When he is revealed he will command all to worship the beast and his image which is set up in the future temple. But God will have a remnant that refuse to bow......the 144,000.

With the aid of God, the 144,000 will conquer the red dragon(Lucifer) and the beast that comes out of the sea of nations(king of the north, Gog) and cast him down to earth and the grave.

Isaiah 14 received Revelation about lucifers dream. Lucifer has already left his habitable heaven and pitched his tent in a wilderness place. Lucifer,however, cannot enter the terrestrial earth. When an Angel comes into this eath, they are rendered into human form as they enter... This was allowed because Mankind would receive the help from the ministries of the 4 Arch Angels, Arch Angel Michael, Arch Angel Gabriel, Arch Angel Rahapel, Arch Angel Uriel. And each of these has 50 million Angels under their command. There also needed to be Angels sent into each church age of the church. And when a new church age begins, those Angels leave and another group enter. So Angels needed to have access into this terrestrial earth. Lucifer is a cherub, which is NOT an angel, and he cannot enter into this earth.

Yes, King Nebuchadnezzar was in the similitude of lucifer, very true. And Daniel was in the shoes of the Son of Man. Shedrac, Meshac, and Abednigo, were in the similitudes of the Law, the Word and the Prophet.

The beast is the body of tares. Like there is the church, the body of Christ; which has all the children of the kingdom in that body. The beast is the embodiment of all tare hominids. And there are 7 heads of the beast which are 6 Cherubim, and 1 Seraph. The Seraph is that old serpent from the Garden of Eden in Genesis. These are the 7 heads of the beast. Under them are other Cherubim,and Angels which are given certain aspects to rule over, such as that prince of persia that Arch Angel Gabriel contended with to come to Daniel. World rulership is occultic. Lucifer had the audacity to tell the GOD that he owns the earth and will give HIM the kingdoms of the earth if HE worships lucifer. That was an expose given to us to know our enemy.

The 144,000 sealed, is the total number of men that transfigured in life. The Seal of GOD is the wedding Garment; the immortal body.
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Active Member
Then why is lucifer still alive?
That is the Latin name for the Devil, Satan, (2 Corinthians 11:14, ". . . for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. . . ."). He is yet to be cast into the eternal fire (Revlation 20:10) which was actually created for him (Matthew 25:41).


Active Member
That is the Latin name for the Devil, Satan, (2 Corinthians 11:14, ". . . for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. . . ."). He is yet to be cast into the eternal fire (Revlation 20:10) which was actually created for him (Matthew 25:41).

The Lake of fire existed before Genesis 1. Lucifer who was the highest authority in the administrative heavens at that time, under the tabernacle of the law, (GOD does not reside in heaven, HE is above HIS creations) because he is a cherub and was chosen to be their king by his peers, used the Lake of fire to punish Angels when Angels did not do as he said they should do. Angels suffered at the brutish rule of lucifer. Until Father Adam was manifested physically, and preached that he is the Son of GOD, and was called savior by the Angels. For he saved them from lucifers brutish rule.

The Devil, Satan, is abyss which produced the unholy spirit of lucifer, and the unholy spirits of all tares from every race: Cherubim and Seraphim, Angels, and humans. GOD allowed this, because darkness needed to be defined, for light to also be defined.

Lucifer is only one of his names; he has many stage names; lucifer is a stage name.


Active Member
The Lake of fire existed before Genesis 1. Lucifer who was the highest authority in the administrative heavens at that time, under the tabernacle of the law, (GOD does not reside in heaven, HE is above HIS creations) because he is a cherub and was chosen to be their king by his peers, . . . <snip>
Where do you get this? It is not from the word of God. Aka the Bible.


Active Member
Where do you get this? It is not from the word of God. Aka the Bible.

It is in the bible, defined in the lives of certain characters written of. Ive been trying to tell the people here the bible is Spiritual. You don't read the bible like you would read any book. It was coded in such a way that only the one GOD sent could decipher and assimilate, and then teach the people accurately what GOD is saying. And the proof is that "Sent ones like Moses brought the law and Prophets" wrote the bible. When you understand similitudes and adumbrations, you will begin to read the bible as it was supposed to be read.


Active Member
. . . Ive been trying to tell the people here the bible is Spiritual. You don't read the bible like you would read any book. . . .
Like I had said it is not from the Bible. Now I understand it was from your subjective head or from some other subjective source.


Active Member
Like I had said it is not from the Bible. Now I understand it was from your subjective head or from some other subjective source.

No, revelations that shines a light on what was written so that the people can see it as it was meant to be seen.