'No longer will they teach their neighbour, or say to one another, 'Know the LORD,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest," declares the LORD. "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."
This is a prophecy we believe has not yet been fulfilled, so the Author Himself is acknowledging this and for Him it is not a problem.
Look at what you've both said: "This will happen," but "we believe this is a prophecy that has not yet been fulfilled." And that makes it true how? I do not know him. Lots and lots and lots of people -- even here on RF -- do not know him. Billions around the world do not know him. Are we neither the least nor the greatest? What are we then, nobodies?Back them up how? With links? You don't post anything like that for what you say so I don't feel the need to do so.
You have no way of proving that the people who own the Bible aren't reading it. You might as well say the same about any other book people own. But with billions of copies sold, even a small number of those people reading it would make it the most widely read book in history.
Why are you so concerned with what God wants from you and His purpose for you when you don't believe? Are you searching for God or something? Theological differences aside, most believers in God will you that God wants you to love Him by living a virtuous life of humble simplicity, practicing compassion, mercy and pursue truth.
I don't know that people don't read the Bible as much as you think? I know dozens of Christians personally who don't know it as well as I do. See if you can get a decent reference out of that great Christian, Donald Trump. He knows it about as well as he knows his toilet paper.
I practice compassion, mercy and pursue truth -- and that last a whole bunch more than I find among those who tell me what "Truth" is but couldn't demonstrate it with PowerPoint! But I need to be humble and simple, too? Grovelling is a good thing?
You all make statements, large, expansive, brave statements about something that you cannot even show me. All you can do is tell me what you think is true, and wonder why I can't believe it.
Well, if you can make statements that you can't defend, why can't I?