Whatever your gibberish here is supposed to mean, prove it.
How long do you predict it will take you to grasp the following simple fact? It is from the enumerated findings of the characteristics of the red material that Harrit et al. “conclude that the red layer of the red/gray chips . . . is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material.”
We have discovered distinctive red/gray chips in significant numbers in dust associated with the World Trade Center destruction. We have applied SEM/XEDS and other methods to characterize the small- scale structure and chemical signature of these chips, especially of their red component. The red material is most interesting and has the following characteristics:
1. It is composed of aluminum, iron, oxygen, silicon and carbon. Lesser amounts of other potentially reactive elements are sometimes present, such as potassium, sulfur, lead, barium and copper.
2. The primary elements (Al, Fe, O, Si, C) are typically all present in particles at the scale of tens to hundreds of nanometers, and detailed XEDS mapping shows intimate mixing.
3. On treatment with methyl ethyl ketone solvent, some segregation of components occurred. Elemental aluminum became sufficiently concentrated to be clearly identified in the pre-ignition material.
4. Iron oxide appears in faceted grains roughly 100 nm across whereas the aluminum appears in thin platelike structures. The small size of the iron oxide particles qualifies the material to be characterized as nanothermite or super-thermite.
5. Analysis shows that iron and oxygen are present in a ratio consistent with Fe2O3. The red material in all four WTC dust samples was similar in this way. Iron oxide was found in the pre-ignition material whereas elemental iron was not.
6. From the presence of elemental aluminum and iron oxide in the red material, we conclude that it contains the ingredients of thermite.
7. As measured using DSC, the material ignites and reacts vigorously at a temperature of approximately 430 °C, with a rather narrow exotherm, matching fairly closely an independent observation on a known super-thermite sample. The low temperature of ignition and the presence of iron oxide grains less than 120 nm show that the material is not conventional thermite (which ignites at temperatures above 900 °C) but very likely a form of super-thermite.
8. After igniting several red/gray chips in a DSC run to 700 °C, we found numerous iron-rich spheres and spheroids in the residue, indicating that a very high temperature reaction had occurred, since the iron-rich product clearly must have been molten to form these shapes. In several spheres, elemental iron was verified since the iron content significantly exceeded the oxygen content. We conclude that a high-temperature reduction-oxidation reaction has occurred in the heated chips, namely, the thermite reaction.
9. The spheroids produced by the DSC tests and by the flame test have an XEDS signature (Al, Fe, O, Si, C) which is depleted in carbon and aluminum relative to the original red material. This chemical signature strikingly matches the chemical signature of the spheroids produced by igniting commercial thermite, and also matches the signatures of many of the microspheres found in the WTC dust [5].
10. The carbon content of the red material indicates that an organic substance is present. This would be expected for super-thermite formulations in order to produce high gas pressures upon ignition and thus make them explosive. The nature of the organic material in these chips merits further exploration. We note that it is likely also an energetic material, in that the total energy release sometimes observed in DSC tests exceeds the theoretical maximum energy of the classic thermite reaction.
Based on these observations, we conclude that the red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material.
That's correct. As Jones et al. noted, the iron-rich microspheres can only have been the product of temperatures hot enough to melt steel, temperatures that are much higher than those produced by hydrocarbon fires.
If you were to read the reports and paper sometime, you would discover that Jones et al., USGS and RJ Lee Group also found fly ash, which has an entirely different elemental composition than the iron-rich microspheres discovered in the dust.
It's really quite stunning that even at this point, 150+ posts into the thread, you still don't have a clue as to what is being discussed. No one has ever claimed that the iron-rich microspheres are nanothermite.
But you do know what your religion says. It's only the facts and logic that you are unacquainted with.
Go right ahead and quote anything I've said and show that it is "improbable".
So, again, apparently you want to drop all that about gases burning hot enough to melt steel in the buildings?
And you still haven't noted any "mundane occurrences" that account for the numerous observed characteristics of controlled demolition of the buildings quoted in #145.
And you haven't been able to provide a single example of a "mundane occurrence" of a stable structure in which the smaller upper portion can fall upon and crush the larger and stronger lower portion, then crush itself, and do so without the upper portion decelerating upon impacting the lower portion.
And you still haven't been able to provide a single example of a stable structure such as the 3 WTC buildings in which random and asymmetrical structural damage causes symmetrical collapse.