Au faith is needed for my observations being what I observe.
Faith, for example, would be to presume this or that about things I don't observe,
eg, proclaiming that there are no gods, or that there are gods.
Report you?
For what?
You're just opining in a civil (mostly) manner.
Besides, my motto (one of'm) is "snitches get stitches".
If we have difficulties, we should work them out ourselves.
First off, thank you for your civil tone.
Okay, let us look closer at "we" and "observe". Are all acts of declaring a "we" based on observations alone?
No, some times a "we" is social, a "we" of shared beliefs. E.g. a belief in liberal democracy.
So some times when you use a "we", it is not just based on observation alone.
Now to keep it simple for observation, there is a reason, how it is the "Declaration of Human Rights". Not observation/ physical law of human rights and all.
So back to emergent properties. Can all words about emergent properties be reduced to physical properties alone? And the answer is: No! I have a book by a scientist about that in Danish, I am sorry to say.
Here is the example he used:
Draw a rectangle and inside it a circle. Now notice something, what about that outside the rectangle ? Not that it is a rectangle and the differences with the circle. You know, the rest of the universe. That which is not the box. Now focus on the word "no" as the root of "not". Can you hold, touch, see and so on its referent, what "no" is about. No, you only know a "no" in the mind. Now describe, how you would see the referent of "no" in the physical and chemical processes in a brain. You can't.
The brain "cuts" out difference in the universe, which are there in some sense, but some of the differences are only inside your mind and not outside it. Some words as how these words work have no objective referent. That includes some versions of "we" and the word "useful". That is the limit of emergent properties in regards to the physical aspects of the universe and "we observe". Humans don't just observe and act with their bodies. They use words like "it matters to me", "is useful to me", "makes sense to me" and so on.
So I accept the word "God" doesn't make sense to you, but it does make sense to me. Now notice something.
I don't use the word "God" to judge you. I point that we do it differently and then I point that nobody have an universal "we" for all aspects of being human neither with science, philosophy nor religion.
Now please read this, read it again if need be and reflect on it.
Science has limits: A few things that science does not do
I have spent years working along side scientists and asked questions and gotten answers. I have read countless books about the limitations of science in some human lines of work. My wife is in part a social worker.
I know the limit of observation as a tool. I know that science is itself a human behavior and just like e.g. human mobility it has a limit.
So the final part: Can we observe, that there are humans, which believe in gods? Yes! Are these cases emergent properties of the physical universe in your model? Yes!
Then here is my question to you? Only using observation as external sensible experience, answer how that matters to you? You can't!
You believe in a given set of rules for behavior, morality, which you can't do with science alone or derive one to one from science. That is your faith, it is not religious but it is without observation and not grounded in science. So yes, you have faith, albeit not a religious one.
That is the limit of science. It is a fact, that religion is a human behavior, so what is the problem? The problem is how you feel about other human behavior, but you can't use science for that.
"Physical laws & emergent properties" - that "&" is not that simple, when you look closer.
With the best regards and thanks for keeping it civil: I tried to live up to you.
PS "Useful to you" is a part of your faith. "Useful to me" is a part of my faith.