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Adam = all Men's nature becomes sinful; Jesus =/= all Men become sinless?

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
-Sin was not infused as sin is an action.
However you wish to define it; it's not necessarily relevant as before the Apple, the action was not possible. Once the Tree was eaten of, the actions were hereditary for all practical purposes or the condition of sin was present in Man. Whatever the mechanism the question remains: why didn't Jesus' actions reset us to pre-Tree settings.

-Stop thinking in biological terms. The corruption happened in the human soul; which of course is tied to your biological body.
Again, this detail is irrelevant. As a rational person I must consider this somehow on the physical plane as well as the spiritual. But whatever angle you want to tackle, the question stays the same as above.
-When I believe in God and confess all my sins it is 100% cleansed in the same way Adam and Eve was cleansed. But just like A&E, we can fall later.
But actually you arent cleansed. You keep sinning. Saying 'I am 100% cleansed' denies the reality. It's just a dogmatic phrase that doesn't jibe with your real life at all. And in any case you being cleansed simply is a stop gap; my question specifically deals with the necessity of being cleansed at all. We shouldn't be. After Jesus' sacrifice we should be 'fixed' and forgiveness shouldn't be relevant, as we would no longer sin at all.
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Me Myself

Back to my username
No, Adam sinned wilfully and knowingly.

Adam didn´t even distingish right or wrong until AFTER he took the fruit of the tree of KNOWLEDGE.

So no, Adam did not sin "knowingly" he sinned and THEN aknowledge. Not the same


However you wish to define it; it's not necessarily relevant as before the Apple, the action was not possible. Once the Tree was eaten of, the actions were hereditary for all practical purposes or the condition of sin was present in Man. Whatever the mechanism the question remains: why didn't Jesus' actions reset us to pre-Tree settings.

Again, this detail is irrelevant. As a rational person I must consider this somehow on the physical plane as well as the spiritual. But whatever angle you want to tackle, the question stays the same as above.
But actually you arent cleansed. You keep sinning. Saying 'I am 100% cleansed' denies the reality. It's just a dogmatic phrase that doesn't jibe with your real life at all. And in any case you being cleansed simply is a stop gap; my question specifically deals with the necessity of being cleansed at all. We shouldn't be. After Jesus' sacrifice we should be 'fixed' and forgiveness shouldn't be relevant, as we would no longer sin at all.
What you're missing is that A&E were a work in progress from the getgo. So even a "fix" as you understand it is insuficient in so far as there is more to be done.


Jehovah our God is One
It is positional, and not inherent. Subsequent humans are not then born sinless once again. Original Sin stains every one, up to and through Jesus' appearance. Why did this condition not change back to the way God first created Man?
because we are still the offspring of imperfect Adam. None of us are born from Jesus in the flesh....we are still born from Adam.

Why is it that the coming of Jesus did not undo the error of Adam?
because it is impossible to change the past... some things, even God cannot do. The only way to completely rid mankind of Adamic sin, is for mankind to learn perfect obedience... and that is going to take quite some time.

Original Sin is not a choice by any means; why is forgiveness for that sin a choice? Why did Jesus' actions not cleanse us wholly from Adam's error?

because many people still choose to disobey. As long as people are disobedient to God, sin will exist because that is what sin is...its disobedience to Gods laws.

Jesus sacrifice has provided a means to approach God for forgiveness of sins and soon, under Christs Kingdom, God will allow us to continue living while we attempt to learn perfect obedience. Right now we are lucky if we live for 80 years...sin kills us off before we have a chance to learn perfect obedience. But under Gods kingdom arrangement, he will change that aspect of our lives. He will allow us to live indefinitely in order for us to have all the time we need to bring our life into harmony with his perfect standards. That is how Jesus sacrifice 'takes aways the sins of the world'


Well-Known Member
Why did Jesus' actions not cleanse us wholly from Adam's error?

Wikipedia said:
José Luis De Jesús (born April 22, 1946 in Ponce, Puerto Rico) is the founder and leader of Creciendo en Gracia (Growing In Grace International Ministry, Inc.), based in Miami, Florida. He claims to be both Jesus Christ returned and the Antichrist, and exhibits a "666" tattoo on his forearm.

His teachings indicate that Jesus' death did completely erase sin unconditionally.

From the Creciendo en Gracia official English website:

In the consummation of the ages, when Jesus of Nazareth said, “It is finished”, the era of sin ended, it expired.

  • His death put an end to the law, Rom 10:4
  • Where there is no law, sin is not imputed, Rom 5:13
Man had a representative named Adam who placed mankind in sin, but the latter Adam appeared - Jesus of Nazareth - who in the same manner justified mankind.

  • “For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous.” Rom 5:19
Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross placed us dead to sin, Rom 6:2

A dead person has no debt; our account has been settled and cleaned. God sees you as he left you 2000 years ago: perfect, without blemish and wrinkle free, all because of his offering (Heb 10:14).

The evil that you see today is a product of the flesh, your old self, which is corrupted and only wants to humiliate us.

We have the Man Christ Jesus, who has appeared to explain the gospel of uncircumcision, which is the power of God, Rom 1:16. With that information in your mind, you have the power to overcome all lies, weaknesses and deceitful desires of the flesh. Through the science of grace, the Man Christ Jesus teaches us not to throw blows in the air, he teaches us to beat your body with the spiritual weapons, taking captive all thoughts to the obedience of Christ and relying on the angelical help.

The Man Christ Jesus clarifies that the works of the flesh and sin are two different things. The works of the flesh are weaknesses that are in every being that has a body. Sin was eradicated, it was removed.

“…but now, once at the end of the ages, He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself” (Heb 9:26).

Therefore, blessed, THERE IS NO SIN.

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
What you're missing is that A&E were a work in progress from the getgo. So even a "fix" as you understand it is insufficient in so far as there is more to be done.
Well, then what are you stating here about my question? We were never meant to live free of sin? God thus created us specifically to suffer?

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
because we are still the offspring of imperfect Adam. None of us are born from Jesus in the flesh....we are still born from Adam.
Neither was Adam born of Jesus' flesh. SO of what matter is this detail? Despite that Adam wasn't born of Jesus' flesh, whatever that means, his entire nature still changed at the eating of the tree. The question remains why didn't Jesus then fix it?

because it is impossible to change the past... some things, even God cannot do. The only way to completely rid mankind of Adamic sin, is for mankind to learn perfect obedience... and that is going to take quite some time.
And why is that? Because it certainly was possible for God to change us TO sin the first time? Mankind cannot learn perfect obedience, so this is an impossible requirement that dooms us, and God knows it. Perfection does not exist.

because many people still choose to disobey. As long as people are disobedient to God, sin will exist because that is what sin is...its disobedience to Gods laws.
People 'choose; to disobey because we are burdened with another's sin. As I said, this is not voluntary. Thus the only justice possible is to have the involuntary sin removed by God's choice.
This was, after all, God's design mistake, which he knew he could not fix, if your statements are true.

Jesus sacrifice has provided a means to approach God for forgiveness of sins and soon, under Christs Kingdom, God will allow us to continue living while we attempt to learn perfect obedience. Right now we are lucky if we live for 80 years...sin kills us off before we have a chance to learn perfect obedience. But under Gods kingdom arrangement, he will change that aspect of our lives. He will allow us to live indefinitely in order for us to have all the time we need to bring our life into harmony with his perfect standards. That is how Jesus sacrifice 'takes aways the sins of the world'
That still does not answer the question. Why must we CHOOSE to fix a sin we did not CHOOSE to inherit?

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
His teachings indicate that Jesus' death did completely erase sin unconditionally.

From the Creciendo en Gracia official English website:

In the consummation of the ages, when Jesus of Nazareth said, “It is finished”, the era of sin ended, it expired.

  • His death put an end to the law, Rom 10:4
  • Where there is no law, sin is not imputed, Rom 5:13
  • etc
Why do we need to heed this man's declaration in any way?
His statement is observably wrong.

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
Look people, I note a continuing inability to actually address teh question. I can posit why this is, but I'd rather not rehash it.

I don't want to hear that people are to blame because we choose to sin. I'm overly familiar with this sentiment.
The issue here is God's failure to fix the situation. We would NOT choose to sin, if this error had been fixed by Jesus.


Me Myself

Back to my username
Why do we need to heed this man's declaration in any way?
His statement is observably wrong.

"we" don´t have to.

But a bible literalist shouldn´t just put those scriptural facts away, unless he admits he does not believ ein the bible 100%, in which case I would believe there are far better passages to be ignored.

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
"we" don´t have to.

But a bible literalist shouldn´t just put those scriptural facts away, unless he admits he does not believ ein the bible 100%, in which case I would believe there are far better passages to be ignored.
Well, I meant a general 'we' :)

I tend to ignore things said by people claiming to be Jesus incarnate when their initial declaration seems blatantly wrong. ;) Real Jesus would have to be much smarter than that.

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
Adam didn´t even distingish right or wrong until AFTER he took the fruit of the tree of KNOWLEDGE.

So no, Adam did not sin "knowingly" he sinned and THEN aknowledge. Not the same
He won't be able to process this idea, because it removes the ability to blame a man for his own misery.


Active Member
This question arose after I viewed a comment from a Christian friend on another venue.

Adam's action definitively changed the very nature of all humans. Even though all subsequent people did not commit the action he did, we were nonetheless infused, in essence, with sin. If the tale is taken to its logical conclusion we can view it as an actual physical change to reality, wherein mankind's nature became inherently sinful.
Infused, confused. You've been misinformed. The Bible does not teach that you and I have to take the rap for someone else's misdeeds, and we would be justified in trashing it if it did. This was a bit of mischievous medieval mumbo-jumbo designed for brainwashing.

Like civil and criminal law everywhere, the Bible teaches that we are each responsible for our own words and actions. But it also says that we all fall short of the required moral standard. Again, if we disagree with that, we can bin the Bible. Reader, you may stop reading now.

Then, Jesus arrives.
So the Bible tells us.

And although some dogmatists claim that his sacrifice at the end, took away all sin
The Bible says that, too. So why is 'Jesus arrives' not dogmatist stuff, too? Let's try not to make bigotry too obvious, eh?

Why is it that the coming of Jesus did not undo the error of Adam?
'Adam' is very properly translated 'me'. Whoever you are, male, female or undecided. Now if you say, "Jesus does nothing for me, I'm just the same," you have to ask why that is. Why did Jesus' birth achieve diddly squat, for you? Why did Jesus' death not kill off your wicked ways? Why did Jesus' resurrection not lift the burden of a guilty conscience, for you? Presumably you have one of those, if you're reading this far?

It's because you, adam, didn't agree that Jesus' death paid for your 'errors'— or evils, to be more honest. You admit that you have done and said and written and thought evil things, but you refuse to accept the verdict of 'innocent' generously handed down by the court. Why do you do that? Because if you agree that you have done evil that deserves eternal punishment, and that you owe your eternal happiness to Jesus despite that, you are morally bound to accept his standards in your life. And that is more than you are willing to do. God's free gift has a catch.

So, while Jesus for the love of everyone paid for the sins of everyone, past, present, future, and by so doing gave everyone equal chance to accept that payment, any who refuse that payment on their own account must pay up themselves. God forces his will on no-one.

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
Infused, confused. You've been misinformed. The Bible does not teach that you and I have to take the rap for someone else's misdeeds, and we would be justified in trashing it if it did. This was a bit of mischievous medieval mumbo-jumbo designed for brainwashing.
Actually, that is what it teaches. Perhaps you simply don't appreciate the rewording. Though you may participate here in describing Original Sin in a way that doesn't make it so; but simple denial without explanation won't suffice. :)

Like civil and criminal law everywhere, the Bible teaches that we are each responsible for our own words and actions. But it also says that we all fall short of the required moral standard. Again, if we disagree with that, we can bin the Bible.
Don't patronise other seekers.
What actions, for example, did I specifically commit to be burdened with Original Sin?
And, if we ALL fall short of the 'moral standard', it's then neither, is it? It is not moral, because it is bar set higher than can actually be achieved; and, it's not standard, as nobody is capable of achieving it and thus breaks the definition.

So the Bible tells us.

The Bible says that, too. So why is 'Jesus arrives' not dogmatist stuff, too? Let's try not to make bigotry too obvious, eh?
I wasn't intending to tackle the question of an actual historical Jesus in this thread. I am speaking with the subject as-read out of courtesy.

'Adam' is very properly translated 'me'. Whoever you are, male, female or undecided. Now if you say, "Jesus does nothing for me, I'm just the same," you have to ask why that is. Why did Jesus' birth achieve diddly squat, for you? Why did Jesus' death not kill off your wicked ways? Why did Jesus' resurrection not lift the burden of a guilty conscience, for you? Presumably you have one of those, if you're reading this far?
No, I have no guilty conscience as Im a part of a faith that is based on honor, and not shame [that's an actual academic distinction, and not my own, so try and reign in any offense you feel], so I possess no guilt for my actions. I make up for them in this life and need no forgiveness. By that's another subject..

Well, I ask you the question first, in the OP: indeed why didn't Jesus' birth fix this grievous problem? It was sort of his responsibility, wasn't it?

Why are 'we' still made guilty?

It's because you, adam, didn't agree that Jesus' death paid for your 'errors'— or evils, to be more honest. You admit that you have done and said and written and thought evil things, but you refuse to accept the verdict of 'innocent' generously handed down by the court. Why do you do that? Because if you agree that you have done evil that deserves eternal punishment, and that you owe your eternal happiness to Jesus despite that, you are morally bound to accept his standards in your life. And that is more than you are willing to do. God's free gift has a catch.
Oh no, it's not that I didn't agree. I was never given the opportunity to agree or disagree, when the issue was important and could be changed. It was already decided, the instant I was conceived, and therein lies the issue you cannot address and would thus rather turn the guilt or choice back on me.
I can comfortably assert that faced with the same choice, I would have obeyed. Yet, I am burdened because someone else didn't. The court does the opposite of what you patronizingly claim. In fact, essentially I am born in prison and took no part in the crime, or the trial.
No need to lie.
And, btw, a 'free gift' with 'a catch' isn't free.

So, while Jesus for the love of everyone paid for the sins of everyone, past, present, future, and by so doing gave everyone equal chance to accept that payment, any who refuse that payment on their own account must pay up themselves. God forces his will on no-one.
But as we both appear to agree, he didn't actually pay.

The point also is I shouldn't have to agree.

The illusion of 'choice' and 'pay' that you emphasize shows the true moral failure of this premise; you simply want to be able to vilify me, for any time you mention choice here it's framed as 'the wrong choice', and its obvious that you gleefully envision my having to pay for that wrong choice in some spiritual realm I am immune to [alas for you]. But I already knew this. Hence my continued underlining that it shouldn't be my choice, or indeed your choice, in the first place.

By the way,
He won't be able to process this idea, because it removes the ability to blame a man for his own misery.
I essentially predicted this type of response, QED
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