Artists depict Adam and Eve as white because every idiot culture is ethnocentric.Apparently if you get a DNA test, to trace your national heritage, african appears somewhere for everyone. This is linked with the idea that all lines originate from Africa when all the continents were all joined and one.
This kind of relates to the question of why is Adam and Eve depicted as white? They could have been African, they were not white at the very least. Same with Jesus, he was not born in a white country yet every image I see he is depicted as a white man with golden brown hair.
If Adam and Eve really did exist, where would they have resided?
The truth is that the first humans were Africans. We are all immigrants from Africa (except the Africans who still live there and never immigrated).
Some time around 200,000 years ago, the physically modern human had finally evolved, according to the fossil record. Were they morally sentient? I don't know. But I would not classify the first real "Adam" type human being to have existed until there was enough moral sentience to cause a conflict of conscience, IOW the fall. By conflict of conscience I mean a conflict between his animal instincts (sinful nature) and his empathy or sense of justice (we see rudimentary forms of these things in other primates).
It is this "fall," this development of conscience, which causes the great gulf between humanity and the rest of nature, because unlike elk or cats or chimps, we question our instincts. The "fall" put us into a state of disharmony which has plagued us. You might say we lost paradise.