Why didn’t that happen 100 000 years ago?
Why didn't it happen four and a half billion years ago?
Why did God wait billions of years even to create man?
Why didn't the Neanderthals in ice age Europe invent the needle and learn to sew clothing, or maybe invent a bow to hunt?
Why didn't the industrial revolution begin With Heron's steam engine in 1st century Egypt?
Progress and invention are multi-factoral and complicated. Many things must come together just right.
In re: the scientific revolution.
1. Religion and people of faith worked hard, and very effectively, to suppress progress for hundreds of years.
2. There was no pressing need, ie: no selective pressure to think critically, abstractly, and learn.
Magic is the application of beliefs, rituals or actions employed in the belief that they can subdue or manipulate natural or supernatural beings and forces…
Magic (supernatural) - Wikipedia
I don’t think God used magic. If it was magic, then anything can be called magic.
Yes -- effect without mechanism. The action of speaking or whatever God did to manipulate the universe into materializing the Sun, Earth and living things is magic.
"Let there be light, and there was light" -- magic.
"And the LORD God formed man
of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." -- magic.
"...then anything can be called magic." -- I don't think so. I've never seen magic, you've never seen magic. Nobody's ever seen magic. Every action always has a natural mechanism. Everything happens in accordance with the laws and constants of physics and mathematics.
People used to think there was magic. When they didn't understand how something worked: day and night, Summer and Winter, earthquakes, disease... they just called it magic, ie: "Goddidit!"
But when we learned the real mechanisms underlying these phenomena, the magic vanished -- along with the need for a magician.